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初中英语完形填空中考全攻略专项练习:(7)I started to love running at a young age. I loved to race my father and my sister around the backyard. I wished I could run in the Olympics and win lots of medals.One day my mother saw 1_ for a race in a newspaper. “Would you be interested in 2_ part in this race ? ” she asked me, pointing to the advertisement. “Yes, of course.” I answered.I 3_ the next few days practicing for my big race. My sister set up a table in the backyard so she could 4_ me water and time me.On the day of the race, just before the race , my 5_ said to me , “ Dont use up all your energy()at the beginning of the race. You need to have energy 6_ you can run much faster at the end. ”The race 7_ . Following Dads words, I didnt run as fast as I could. Then the other runners started passing me, which made me feel 8_ . I began to feel tired, and I started slowing down and breathing 9 _ .Just at that moment I heard, “ 10_, Kelly! You can do it ! Dont give up . keep running!” Out of the comer of the corner of my eye I saw Dad running beside me around the outside or the track .I took a11_ breath() and tried my best to go on running. I didnt win the race. I came fifth, but I felt like a 12_. I had done my best, and I hadnt given up.Later, as I thought about the race, I felt thankful that my dad had 13_ left my side. He always encourages me when I 14_ giving up. He runs alongside me through my life. Ill 15_ my dads words forever, “Never give up. You can be a winner, even if you lose.”1.A. a story B. a report C. a piece of newsD. an advertisement2.A. choosing B. entering C. taking D. watching3.A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took4.A. buy B. carry C. fill D. offer5.A. teacher B. mum C. dad D. sister6. A. because B. so C. since D. but7. A. began B. finished C. reached D. stopped8. A. proud B. happy C. nervous D. hopeful9. A. easier B. harder C. shorter D. longer10.A. Comedown B. Come on C. Come out D. Come back11. A. deep B. easy C. free D. lazy12 A. player B. winner C. soldier D. runner13. A. already B. yet C. once D. never14. A. look like B. stop C. feel like D. enjoy15. A. forget B. remember C. talk D. write(8)A good dictionary is 1 important tool(工具). It will tell you 2 only what a word means but 3 how it 4 . A dictionary needs to be printed again about every ten years. Languages develop(发展)and a good dictionary must 5 these new changes.A new English dictionary will only tell you 6 most people use the language today. It wont tell you what is right 7 wrong. It may tell you the right time to use a word. If only 8 people use a word, a dictionary will 9 tell you this or not list(编列) it.10 dictionary will tell you many interesting facts. If you type(用打字机打)a word and the word is too long, 11 in your dictionary. All dictionaries show you 12 to break(拆开) a word. And they also show you how a word 13 .Every dictionary, of course, tells you what a word means. But some words, like “get” or “take”, may have lots of meanings(意思). In some dictionaries, the main(主要的 )meanings are often listed first. In 14 , the newest meanings are listed last. So before you use your dictionary, you should always 15 the front part. This part explains 16 .Some dictionaries also show you where a word comes 17 . Do you know that the word “brand”(标记) comes from an old word? This old word means “to burn”. This is because 18 years ago people burned their names on tables or boats to show who 19 them. They also burned their own names on their farm animals 20 they would not be stolen.Your dictionary also has a lot of other interesting facts in it. After you have learned to use a dictionary, it can become your best useful book.1、Aa Ban Cthe Dvery2、Ano Bthat Cnot Dif3、Atoo Beither Cyet Dalso4、Auses Bis using Cis used Dused5、Ato show Bshow Cshows Dbe shown6、Ahow Bwhat Cwhy Dif7、Aand Bor Cbut Dnot8、Aa little Bmany Ca few Da lot of9、Aneither Bnor Cboth Deither10、AEvery BSome CAll DMany11、Alook up it Blook for it Clook it up Dlook it out12、Awhen Bwhere Cwhy Dwhich13、Aspeaks Bis spoke Cbe spoken Dis spoken14、Aanother Bthe other Cothers Dother15、Asee Blook Cwatch Dread16、Ahow use it Bto how use it Chow to use it Dto how to use it17、Ainto Bup Cby Dfrom18、Ahundreds of Bhundred of Ca hundred of Dhundred19、Abuilds Bmakes Cbuild Dmade20、Awhen Bin order to Cso that Dbefo
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