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1不定式一.概念:to donot to do 将来时间状态二.形式:语态 主动 被动时态一般时 to do to be done完成时 to have done to have been done进行时 to be doing -完成进行时 to have been doing -1.表不定式动作与谓语动作先后关系Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.三.用法:不能做谓语,可做除谓语外的任何成份1.主语. To see is to believe.It is important to learn a foreign language.2.宾语a.动宾. 有些动词后必须加 to do (want / refuse/ decide / manage /expect)I want to do it myself.I think it necessary to learn a foreign language.b.介宾. But. Besides. Except + to do(介词前有 do 的相关形式时+do)What do you like to do besides play balls.I can do nothing but sleep.There is nothing left to do but sleep.3.表语做 be 动词,半系动词 .remain, seem,等的表语He is to clean the room.(将来时 )My wish is to be a lawyer.(表主语内容)It remains to be in danger.4.定语.(后置,将来时)a. Im looking for a room to live in.(动宾)b.The factory to produce toys will be set up next year.(主谓)c.The last one to arrive pays the meal.(当被修饰词是序数词或被序数词修饰时 )5.状语a.目的.To serve the people well, we should study hard.He opens the window to let fresh air come in.(在句中前无 ,)in order to (句首,句中 )so as to (句中)b.结果.和 only.连用表结果He hurried to get there only to find him out.6.宾补a. persuade. advise. allow. forbid sb to do sthHe allows me to enter the hall.b.省略 to做感官 v. feel. see. watch. hear. listen to.使役 v. have. made . let 的宾补省略 to.表过程或结果 2They made workers work day and night.不定式还原四.惯用法1.独立成分. To be fair. To be frank. To be sure. To tell the truth(说话人态度)To be fair, it is not all your fault.2.连接代词,连接副词+ to do. 做 主. 宾. 表.I dont know what to do next.Can you tell me when to leave.3.主动形式表被动含义a. there be 句型中There is a lot of work to do.b.修饰 have. want 等 v.的宾语,逻主是句主I have something to buy.I want something to eat.了解:逻辑主语不是句子主语时,仍用被动形式表被动含义。“Do you have any clothes to be washed?” the maid asked him.c.修饰 buy. get. give.的直宾,逻主是间宾His mother bought him a bike to ride.d.修饰 adj(good.easy),且和句子 主语或宾语 是逻辑上的 动宾关系This problem is easy to work out.I found the lecture hard to understand.e.to blame 做 表语,定语时Who is to blame?She should not be the one to blame.4.固定词组had better dowould rather do than dowhy not docan not but dobe said/reported/believed/honored/considered to dobe supposed to do be likely to dobe willing to doThe ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself.Whats the right way to say this in English?
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