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Unit 3 Learn to care for plants【学情分析】本班学生基础较为薄弱,在听说等方面存在一定的困难。此外,学生不愿张嘴朗读课文,习惯性地默看课文,这给英语学习增加了一定的困难。因此,本课旨在通过一系列的听和读的训练,能够激起学生朗读的兴趣,训练学生听力和阅读能力。由于新高考英语改革将口语纳入高考总分,本节课将通过不同的教学任务为学生提供各种口语表达的机会,激发他们用英语表达的热情。【教材分析】本课为牛津教材高一下册第三单元的拓展阅读部分,主题为 “Learn to care for plants”,主要说明了茉莉花、玉兰花以及仙人掌的特点和护理方法。本文生词量不大,结构脉络较为明确,即首先引出三种植物,接着依次说明了茉莉花、玉兰花以及仙人掌三种植物的特点及其护理方法。该文章为说明文,为学生日后进行说明文的写作提供了很好的模板。此外,本课将在学生充分理解文本的脉络结构的基础上,训练学生就植物种植话题进行口语化的表达,锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力和口语表达能力。【Teaching Objectives】1. Knowledge objectives: Students are expected to learn some new words and phrases, such as jasmine, magnolia, cactus, appreciation, blossom, litter, moist, be ideal for etc. Students are expected to know the color, features and usage of jasmine, magnolia, cactus. 2. Competent objectives: Students will be able to improve their skills of listening and reading. Students will be able to express what they are interested in growing. 3. Emotional objective:Students will learn how to grow plants that can decorate their homes and improve their sense of beauty. 【Teaching Key Points】To learn the features of each plant and some tips about how to grow plants well. 【Teaching Difficult Points】To express what kind of plants they are interested in growing. 【Teaching Procedures】StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching aims Lead-inPresent a multiple-choice and show some pictures of the four choices in the question:What is the city flower of Shanghai?Enjoy the pictures, learn the word bauhinia and chose the right answer. To attract students interest and lead in the topic. Pre-readingAsk a question:How many plants are there in the passage? Skim the text and answer the question. To know the name of the plants and get a rough idea of the passage. While-reading 1. Ask students to read the first two paragraphs and answer the questions;2. Ask students to fill in the table;3. Explain some of the new words and phrases. 1. Scan the first two paragraphs with the questions and answer them ;2. Fill in the table;3. Learn some words and phrases.To practice students scanning ability and to know jasmines color, kinds and usages. 1. Play the recording of paragraph 3;2. Ask students to fill in the blanks and table ;3. Introduce some new words: blossom, litter and moist. 1. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks;2. Check the answers;3. Learn some new words: blossom, litter and moist. To practice students listening ability and to have a command of Yulan magnolia. Ask students to read paragraph 3 together and check their understanding of Cactus through table.Read the paragraph 3 together and fill in the table. To check students understanding of the plant-cactus. Post-reading1. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words;2. Ask students to have a group discussion about what kind of the plants they are interested in growing.1. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words ;2. Discuss with group members about what kind of plants we are interested in growing and give a presentation.To check students understanding of the new words and the passage and arouse their interest in expressing in English.Assign-ment1. Read the new words, phrases and text;2. Write an essay about whether gardening is a good hobby.
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