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Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane CamilleJoseph P. BlankTitle1. face to face: The phrase in this context means “confronting one another.” This phrase connotes/kOnEut/意味着 a sense of urgency and danger. The confrontation面对面 is generally with something dangerous, difficult or hard to resolve. 面对面地e.g.: face to face with the enemye.g.: face to face with the tigere.g.: face to face with the problem2. hurricane: is a tropical storm in which winds attain speeds greater than 75 miles (about 121 kilometers) per hour. It is a powerful, spiraling螺旋形的 storm that begins over a warm sea, near the equator. When a hurricane hits land, it can do great damage through its fierce winds, torrential/tOrenSEl/ rains倾盆大雨, inland flooding, and huge waves crashing ashore. There storms are given a different label, depending on where they occur. If they begin over the North Atlantic Ocean大西洋, the Caribbean/kQribiEn/ Sea加勒比海, the Gulf of Mexico墨西哥, or the Northeast Pacific Ocean太平洋, they are called hurricanes. Similar storms that occur in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the International Date Line国际日期变更线 are called typhoons. Near Australia and in the Indian Ocean, they are referred to as tropical cyclones热带气旋。 飓风3. Hurricane Camille: In the United States hurricanes are named alphabetically and given the names of people like Hurricane Camille, Hurricane Betsy伊丽莎白的昵称, and so on; whereas in China Typhoons are given serial numbers like Typhoon No.1, Typhoon No.2 and so on. 卡米尔飓风4. face to face with Hurricane Camille: All headings and titles are generally succinct/sEksiNkt/简洁的 and particular care is given to the choice of words. The aim is to present the article, story, etc. as vividly and as forcefully as possible to attract the attention of would-be readers. 迎战卡米尔飓风Para. 11. Jr.: is the abbreviation of junior. This term is generally used in the United States and is put after the name of a son to indicate he has the same first name as his father. The term Sr. (senior) is sometimes put after the name of the father. This is done only with mens names. If the name continues into the third generation, Roman numerals (I. II. III. etc.) are used. This happens mainly among big, rich, upper class families. 小e.g.: John Rockefeller I, John Rockefeller II and John Rockefeller III 洛克菲勒一世,二世和三世2. Radio and television warnings the Gulf of Mexico.(1) Radio and television warnings had sounded: Radio and television had broadcast warnings about the hurricane(2) August 17: Hurricane Camille hit Mississippi and Lousiana for two days, August 17, 18, 1969. The death toll/tOl/死亡人数 was 258.(3) lash: a specific verb, meaning to strike with great force 猛烈冲击;拍打e.g.: waves lashed the cliffs(4) Gulf of Mexico: Most hurricanes in this area are formed over the Caribbean Sea and they move over the Gulf of Mexico to strike the Gulf States(美国)墨西哥湾沿岸各州 of the United StatesFlorida, Mississippi, Louisiana, etc. 墨西哥湾(5) Radio and television warnings the Gulf of Mexico. : It implies that The National Weather Service of the United States broadcast warnings of potential hurricanes.3. It was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss. , where the Koshaks lived.(1) pummel: to beat or hit with repeated blows打击, esp. with the fist拳头. The Koshaks will have to put up with忍受 many onslaughts冲击 of the fierce storm (尤指用拳头)连续地打(2) Gulfport: a seaport海港 in South Miss. , on the Gulf of Mexico. It is the second largest city in Mississippi next to the state capital Jackson杰克逊(美国密西西比州首府). According to the 2008 census人口普查, the population of Gulfport is 70,055. Much of Gulfport was severely damaged by Hurricane Camille in 1969 and was again hit by Hurricane Katrina/kEtri:nE/卡特里娜 on August 29, 2005. As a result, much of the city was flooded or destroyed. 高尔夫港(3) Miss.: abbreviation for Mississippi(4) the Koshaks: when a “s” is added to a surname and used with the definite article “the”, the term, then, stands for the whole familye.g.: the Koshaks: the Koshak family, all the Koshaks in the familye.g.: the Browns: the Brown familye.g.: the Lis: the Li family4. Along the coasts of Louisiana, inland to safer ground.(1) safer ground: the hurricane loses force as it blows inland and people away from the coast are safe from tidal waves潮汐 caused by the hurricane 安全地带(2) fled inland to safer ground: ran away to the interior of the country (away from the coast) where they would be safer5. But, like thousands of others was clearly endangered.(1) coastal communities: people living together in towns, cities, villages, along the coast 沿海村落(2) aged 3 to 11: The youngest child was three years and the eldest 11 years old. The other five were older than 3 and younger than 11.Para. 2-31. Trying to reason out from California.(1) reason out: 推断出,推论出(2) course: a way of behaving; mode of conduct 行为;品行;做法(3) who had moved into the ten-room house with the Koshaks: John Koshaks grandparents left Ca
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