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最新海量高中、初中教学资料尽在金锄头文库考点跟踪突破 7八年级(上)6一、单项选择。1It is _in 2016,贵阳)Aa BC 2to a to is 2016,株洲)ABC to be a u _in 2016,海南)ABCis he s _ to at 导学号:38122035)(2016,武汉)ABCDI t a e is _ 2016,温州)ABCDi is _of 导学号:38122036)(2016,包头)ABCD t ve _it a 2016,上海)ABto CDhe is so _ of 2016,潍坊)ABDis 016 _2016,昆明)ABD_on 2016,呼和浩特)Im my t BDof _in in 2016,广东)ABD_ or is 中教学资料尽在金锄头文库(导学号:38122037)(2016,宜昌)ABDhe _ in,so we to a BDso;ll _ to so BCDme _No Bs DIm 景交际:在横线上填写合适的内容,补全对话。(2016,龙东)A:i id : :i he :A 7. :He to of 振兴东北工业基地)B:Im so to a we do we to 8. m to be an 9. :Im to to 0. :Im to in 形填空。(导学号:38122038)(2016,枣庄)_21_ to a _22_ to do to to to as he a _23_ in to a _24_ to it,to a be he in he a _26_ “” “an ”He to of a to a _27_ he 新海量高中、初中教学资料尽在金锄头文库he _28_ to he to a _29_ to in in no as _30_ in he he C)BD) B)BD)BCD)Bs D)BCD)BCD)BCD)BCD)BD读理解。(导学号:38122039)(2016,临沂)s 3,016,I in my be to my to 4,is to m
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