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最新海量高中、初中教学资料尽在金锄头文库考点跟踪突破 19九年级 10一、单项选择。15000,it is _2016,齐齐哈尔)ABC2is _us we so s to 2016,山西)ABCto go a m _ 导学号:38122102)(2016,兰州)ABCDto go to _on 2016,贵阳)ABCto Is in _of BDhe of 名人) a _to BCDIm t Me,_,he is n BSo De _ in on BCDdo _ Im 导学号:38122103)(2016,黄冈模拟)ABCDa So it _ on a 导学号:38122104)(2017,预测)Ato go at to at go at at go 汇运用。A)根据句意及首字母提示写单词。11is it t 新海量高中、ob t on e a of ou t in if a of in a he he a 景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A:ou an _A: t do at _B:t on :it on :_B:I it to _B:t on h?:_A:I to its its a We it in a on do do I 形填空。(导学号:38122105)(2016,乌鲁木齐)_21_ a to _22_ my in I a _23_ 天使)On of a _24_ t to a an a or _25_ it up it to a a _26_I up to me _27_ to to up of _28_ a _29_ in to a we I to 新海量高中、初中教学资料尽在金锄头文库a _30_ A) B CD)BCD)BD)BCD)BCD)BCD)BCD)Bso D)BCD)BCD读理解。(导学号:38122106)(2016,包头)to ve to s to t re at of or to a a its a do to a do orif to a t 好客 ) at he
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