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CAPACITIVE TOUCH PANEL SPECIFICATION电容式触摸屏规格书CUSTOMER NAME 客户名称: PRODUCT MODEL 产品型号: 097REVISION 变更记录Revision NO.版本号Date日期Revision变更内容Reason变更原因1.02011.04.11初版2.02011.04.26表面钢化玻璃上增加LOGO丝印客户要求3.02011.05.13钢化玻璃LOGO丝加粗及FPC上丝印黑色油墨客户要求REMARK/备注WRITTEN BY / DATE 制定人/时间APPROVED BY / DATE 审批人/时间CUSTOMER APPROVED 客户确认:1 / 7CONTENT:目录1. GENERAL SPECIFICATION 产品规格1-1. Product name 产品名称1-2. Product No. 产品编号1-3. Drawing No. 图纸版本1-4. Code No. 样品编号2. BASIC FEATURES 基本特征2-1 Dimension 尺寸2-2 Construction 结构2-3 Surface Hardness 表面硬度2-4 Scope 应用方式2-5 Application 应用范围3. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 机械性能3-1 Operation distance 操作距离3-2 Package drop 包装后跌落测试3-3 FPC bending test FPC弯折测试4. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 电气特性4-1 Insulation 绝缘性4-2 Supply voltage for logic 电压4-3 Supply current for logic 电流5. OPTICS CHARACTERISTICS 光学特性5-1 Light transmissivity 光透过率6. RELIABILITY 可靠性6-1 Operating temperature and humidity 操作温度和湿度6-2 Storage Temperature and humidity 存储温度和湿度6-3 Humidity resistance 湿度抗性6-4 Heat resistance 抗热性6-5 Cold resistance 抗低温性6-6 Thermal shock 热冲击6-7 Vibration resistance 抗振动7. BLOCK DIAGRAM 原理框图7-1 IC Pin Configuration IC 脚定义7-2 BLOCK DIAGRAM 原理框图8. DRAWING 图纸1. General Specification 产品规格Item 项目Specification 规格Remarks 备注1-1 Product name产品名称4.0”电容触摸屏1-2 Product No.产品编号HJ1-4.0-FT5306-3.01-3 Drawing No.图纸编号HJ1-4.0-FT5306-3.01-4 Code No.样品编号HJ1-4.0-FT5306-3.02 .Basic features 基本特性Item 项目Specification 规格Remarks 备注2-1. Dimension尺寸2-1-1Outline Dimension外形尺寸L:113.6 W:58.6 H:1.2Unit 单位:mm2-1-2 Viewing Area可视区L:87.0 W:52.04Unit 单位:mm2-1-3 Active Area动作区L:94.78 W53.04Unit 单位:mm2-2. Construction结构Materials used所用材料2-2-1 First Layer第一层strength glass强化玻璃Thickness: 0.7mm厚度:0.7mm2-2-2 Second Layer第二层FILM SENSOR+OCAThickness: 0.5mm厚度:0.5mm2-3 Surface Hardness表面硬度7H- pressure 500 gf , 45 deg2-4 Scope应用方式This specification applies for finger input transparent touch panels.(Those mentioned in the individual specificationshall be given priority.)此规格适用在手指输入型透明触摸屏 (此处以提到的有特殊要求应优先考虑)2-5 Application应用范围The product is touch panels used as the input devices for general electricappliances and OA equipment.此产品是透明触摸屏,常作为常用的电子器件和OA 设备的输入装置3. Mechanical characteristics 机械特性Item 项目Specification 规格Remarks 备注3-1 Diagonal of contact area手指接触面对角线More than 5mm大于5mm3-2 Package drop包装跌落测试No damage to the product.( drop from 50 cm height )包装从50 cm 高处跌落无损伤3-3 FPC bending testFPC 弯折测试3 times bending (by R1 mm), Electrical performance should be OK。 FPC弯折3次以上,电气性能OK。4. Electric characteristics 电气参数Item 项目Specification 规格Remarks 备注4-1 Insulation 绝缘性20M _ or over(Dc 25V)4-2 Supply voltage for logic 电压Symbolmintypemaxunitvdd2.8v3V3.3VV4-3 Supply currentfor logic 电流Symbolmintypemaxunitidd6mA5. Optics characteristics 光学特性Item 项目 Specification 规格Remarks 备注5-1 Light transmissivity 光透过率85% 白光测试6. Reliability 可靠性Item 项目Specification 规格Remarks备注6-1 Operating temperature and humidity操作温度和湿度-1060, 2085% RHExcept fordew gathering无结露6-2 storage temperature and humidity存储温度和湿度-2070, 2085% RHExcept fordew gathering无结露6-3 Humidity resistance高温高湿The requirement in 6 shall be satisfied after exposing at 60, 90% RH for 240 hours and at normal temperature and humidity for 24 hours.在60, 90% RH 条件下存放240 小时,取出在常温常湿下再存放24 小时后,满足第Except fordew gathering无结露4 点所要求的各项电气参数。6-4 Heat resistance高温存储The requirements in 6 shall be satisfied after exposing at 70, for 240 hours and at normal temperature and humidityfor 24 hours.在70条件下存放240 小时,取出在常温常湿下再存放24小时后,满足第4 点所要求的各项电气参数。Except fordew gathering无结露6-5 Cold resistance低温存储The requirements in 6 shall be satisfied after exposing at -20, for 240 hours and at normal temperature and humidity for 24 hours在-20条件下存放240 小时,取出在常温常湿下再存放24小时后,满足第4 点所要求的各项电气参数。Except fordew gathering无结露6-6 Thermal shock冷热冲击The requirements in 6 shall be satisfied after exposing under the conditions of -30(0.5hour)80(0.5hour) by 10cycles ,and at normal temperature and humidity for 24 hours。按照-20(0.5 小时)70(0.5 小时)的条件循环50 次,取出在常温常湿下再存放24 小时后,满足第4 点所要求的各项电气参数。Except fordew gathering无结露6-7 Vibration resistance抗振动The requirements in “Operation force” of the item 3-1 Mechanical .Characteristics and 6 Electric characteristics shall be satisfied after sweep vibration. of 20 m/s2, 10 Hz to 55 Hz (1 min) is given for 30 min. each in the directions of X, Y, Z.7.Block diagram 原理框图7-1 IC Pin Configuration IC 脚定义PIN No.PIN NameDescription1GNDGround Connection2VCCSupply
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