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人教版新起点小学英语六年级上册,Unit 3,Lesson 3,Warm-up,Vocabulary,metre,米,Vocabulary,trunk,Vocabulary,tusk,Vocabulary,peanut,Vocabulary,fan,Vocabulary,spend,Vocabulary,smart,Lets read.,They can be four metres tall.,它们可能有四米高。,. metres tall 表示几米高,例如: That man is 1.8 meters tall.,Lets read.,They spend most of their time eating.,它们把大部分时间都花在进食上。,spend 花费 most of 大多数的. spend time money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事.,例如: They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间.,Lets read.,They only sleep for about four hours every night.,它们每晚只睡大约四个小时。,for 表示动作持续多长时间。 sleep for .表示睡多长时间。,例如: I sleep for 8 hours everyday. 我每天睡八小时。,What kind of animals are elephants?,They are mammals.,Listen and say.,Lets read.,They only eat fruit ,leaves and grass.,What do elephants eat?,Listen and say.,What does an elephant look like?,The elephant is very strong and big.It has two long, white teeth. It has a special nose called trunk. It also has two big ears.,Lets read.,Elephants live in Africa and Asia.,Where do elephants live?,Lets read.,What can they do ?,They are very useful. They can carry heavy things so they can help people do a lot of hard work. And they are smart. They can act and dance. Sometimes they can play with people.,Summary,今天我们学习了:1.关于动物更多的知识,还学习了一个故事。 2.重点填写了关于一个动物更全面的表格,包括动物的分类,食物,外貌特征,居住地,能做的活动。你会就这些表格更详细地描述动物了吗?,Homework 1熟读30页的小短文,使用“学乐师生”APP录音,分享给全班同学。 2写一篇动物小作文,想一个你没见过的,但却很想见的动物,搜索它的全部资料,就它的分类、食物、外貌、居住地、能做的活动等几方面用英语做个详细描述,并配上简笔画,使用“学乐师生”APP拍照,分享给全班同学。,The End,
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