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,Unit 4 Where is my car?,Part B Lets learn,海新小学 赵洁,beach 海滩,Lets go to the beach!,Yeah!,Where is the beach?,Lets read a map. 我们一起看看地图,帮他们找找吧。,map,map,/mp/,Read the map of China.,Read the world map.,Read a map. 看地图,How do they get there? 猜一猜他们怎么到哪呢?,car,/k:(r)/,car,Drive a car. 开车,Hey! Put on a cap! Its hot.,Lets go!,Ok! Thanks!,Can they go now? 他们现在可以出发了吗?,Put on a cap.戴帽子,cap,cap,/kp/,hat,ball,ball,/b:/,Bounce the ball.拍球,They have a good time!,他们在沙滩上散步,突然Zip发现远处有一座小岛,boat /bt/,Row a boat . 划船,Here they are!,Oh, no ! They are in danger! (危险),Help!,Is,it,the,?,紧急营救: Zoom 和Zip现在被关在山洞的密室中,只有破解密码,才能逃出密室,破解密码的暗语就在山洞的墙壁上,赶快行动吧!,Is,it,the,?,on,under,car,boat,ball,cap,map,Toy box,in,Is,it,the,?,on,under,car,boat,ball,cap,map,Toy box,in,Thank you for your efforts!Zoom and Zip are safe now! 感谢大家的努力! Zoom和Zip现已安全逃脱!,Boys and girls, teacher and students, we are family, help each other!,Homework:,Listen and repeat,P42, at least 3 times.听录音跟读42页,至少3遍,努力模仿。 Tell your family or your friends the story about us during the class today. 跟你的家人或朋友分享一下我们今天在课堂上经历了什么有趣的事情。,Boys and girls, teacher and students, we are family, help each other!,Protect the environment, do not litter!保护环境不乱扔垃圾!,Zooms home,知识回顾Knowledge Review,祝您成功!,
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