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第 1 页 共 6 页一、 短语精讲资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http:/www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2)101attitude to/towards sth. 对的态度【例句】Her charm resides in her naive attitude to life.她的魅力在于她对人生天真烂漫的态度。【总结】attitude 后常接 towards/to,指“对于的态度,看法”,如 her attitude towards/to the question(她对这个问题的看法) 。值得注意的是,因上面例子中的宾语是 question,有时候可以用 on 代替 to,如 her attitude on the question。102.attract ones attention 吸引某人注意力【例句】The chairperson clapped to attract our attention.主席拍手以唤起我们的注意。【拓展】 absorb/ draw/ attract ones attention 吸引的注意力 attract to 吸引,引诱103.back and forth 来来往往地、 (前后)来回地【例句】He fluttered back and forth in the corridor. 他在走廊上烦躁不安地走来走去。【总结】back and forth 只能做副词 来回来去. 【拓展】 backward(s ) and forward(s)=to and fro=back and forth=up and down104.bark at (狗)向叫【例句】What are the dogs barking at?狗为何吠叫?厉声说话 ;咆哮【例句】He barked at his secretary. 他呵责秘书。 【拓展】bark out 厉声说出.高声叫卖105.be (good) value for money 值钱;花的钱值得; 合算【例句】This car is good value for your money.这辆汽车你买得很合算。 【拓展】value at 估价为 e.g.That watch was valued at $100.那只表估计值一百美元。106.be able to do 能够、有能力【例句】Unless you change your mind (=If you dont change you mind), I wont be able to help you. 除非你改变你的想法,否则我不能帮助你。【总结】be able to 则主要指具体做到了某件事的能力,其形式主要是靠 be 发生变化.【词语辨析】can,could,be able tocan could 表示能力;可能 (过去时用 could), 只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。 They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。只用 be able to a. 位于助动词后。 b. 情态动词后。 c. 表示过去某时刻动作时。d. 用于句首表示条件。 e. 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用 was/were able to, 不能用 could。 He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out. = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out. 注意:could 不表示时态 提出委婉的请求, (注意在回答中不可用 could) 。 - Could I have the television on? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 在否定,疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。 He couldnt be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。107.be about to do .when 就要做某事时,突然【例句】I was about to wash my face when he came back.当他回来的时候我正要去洗脸【总结】be about to do.when 时态问题及如何解题 when 在这里的用法很特别,它是并列连词=and then这一点很重要! 记住一下规律:. .was/were about to do.when sth. did. =.was/were on the point of doing.when sth. did.第 2 页 共 6 页108.be about to do 准备做【例句】He raised his hat and was about to speak, but she gave him the go-by as though she had never seen him before. 他摘下帽子,刚要讲话,她却根本不理他,好像以前从未见过他似的。【总结】be about to do 表示即将、马上、眼瞅着要做某事;不接时间状语.【词语辨析】be to do sth.和 will do sth.和 be about to do sth., be going to dobe to do 表示一种命中注定会发生的事情will do 表示一种个人意愿(将会做某事,这个主要和 be going to do 区分)be about to do 表示即将、马上、眼瞅着要做某事be going to do 1)如果主语是人,那它的意思是:打算好了做某事 2)如果是物作主语,那它的意思是:将要.It is going to rain soon. 要/快下雨了。资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http:/www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2)109.be absent from 不在、缺席【例句】You should not be absent from class. 你不应当旷课。【拓展】absent 是形容词,attend 是动词,直接接名词如:attend a lecture 听讲课attend church 去教堂attend (at) a wedding 出席婚礼 110.be absorbed in 沉迷于、迷恋于【例句】The humour of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry. 其中的幽默不是一下子能领会的。【例句】be absorbed by 被.吸收,be absorbed with 专心致志于 ; 全神贯注于,be absorbed in study 专心研究,埋头学习,be absorbed in a book 埋头看书,be absorbed in a work 埋头工作111.Judith lay on the small sofa, _in her book.A. being absorned B. absorbed C. to absorb D. absorb111.答案: B 题意:朱迪思网在沙发上专心致志地看书【名师解析】上面的句子 absorbed 前面省略了主语 Judith,可以把它分为2个分句:Judith lay on the small sofa and Judith was absorbed in her book. 这样就看明白。 111.be active in 在活跃【例句】We must be active in arousing the masses to action.我们要积极发动群众。【总结】be active in sth/doing sth 【名师解析】let sb do sth. be active in 是固定短语。112.be admitted into 被 .录取【例句】I shall never forget the day when I was admitted into the party.我永远忘不了我被接受入党的那一天。【拓展】be admitted to 加入,被接纳,admitted into v. 许可进入( 进入),be admitted in audience 被接见【词语辨析】be admitted into/to 的区别into 更加强调“进入” 这一层意思,指被允许进入某一特定的场所。注意对象必须是具体的。(而不是抽象的)The ticket admits you into that building.to 就更广泛一些,包括被认可拥有某种权利the prisoner is admitted to bail也可以是被允许加入某个团体 You are admitted to our brotherhood. 113.be afraid of doing 担心某事会发生【例句】Dont be afraid of asking questions. 不要怕提问题。第 3 页 共 6 页【拓展】be afraid of sth./sb. 害怕某人(物) ,be afraid that 恐怕,be afraid to do 不敢去做,Im afraid not.(=I dont think so.)口语中常用。114.be after sth./sb. 找,追赶 【例句】Are you absolutely positive that it was after midnight? 你是否有绝对把握认为那事是在午夜以后发生的?【总结】be after 一般式表进行。 e.g.Mary is after a better job.玛丽在寻找一个更好的工作。 【拓展】介词 after 有“ 追赶,问候,效仿 ”之意:ask after 问候, be after 寻求, do(sth.)after 学着做,go after 设法得到, inquire after 问候, look after 寻找, run after 追求, seek after 追逐, take after 长得像。例如: Every afternoon he called to ask after his girl friend. 他每天下午都打电话问候他的女朋友。 The boy takes after his father. 这男孩长得像他父亲。 The dogs went after the wounded deer. 一群狗在追赶那只受伤的鹿。 116.be along with 和一起【例句】Congratulations,happiness will be along with you forever 恭喜,快乐将永远与你相伴【拓展】get along with进展, 走开, 别胡扯 .在.方面有进展,进行 友好相处,和睦相处,取得进展;get on well with 与.相处的好 .117.be an expert on/in/at sth. 在是专家【例句】He was supposed to be an expert in this field.人们认为他是这方面的一位专家。【拓展】expert 作形容词就是 be expert on/in
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