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蓟州中学高三年级英语模拟练习第一部分:英语知识运用(共 2 节,满分 45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分)1. How about going to the new movie This side of the Truth tonight? _ Its said to the one of the ten best movies so far this year.AThats OK. BHow come? CWhy not? DJust right.2. The panda is very important to the relationship between the two countriesThey decided to do _it takes to save her lifeAwhichever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwhoever3. The building, from_ top visitors can enjoy a good view of York, attracts hundreds of tourists every day.Awhose Bwhich Cits Dwhere4Advertisements based on these facts _ in newspapers and magazines but they didnt help much.Ahad printed Bhad been printedChave been printed Dwas printed5_flying is more expensive than land, I will go there by air to save time.AAs if BNow that CEven if DIn case6Tom, _you come bothering him just as he is busy studying?I didnt mean to.Amust Bwill Cmay Dmight7My parents want me to take _ maths lessons at the weekend, but I want to play and have funArecent Bavailable Cformer Dextra8A well-written composition _good choice of words and clear organization.Acalls on Bcalls up Ccalls off Dcalls for9When _what they needed most, the kids said they wanted to be felt important and loved.Aasking Bto be asked Casked Dto ask10John seems happy, even though his wife left him and he lost his job.I think he _ to put on a brave face.Awill try Bhas tried Ctries Dis trying11Although _my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own one.Ain Bbeyond Cagainst Dfor12The policeman _the driver to stop, but he pretended not to see it and went on driving fast.Ashook Bshowed Cordered Dsigned13It makes his life quite different _he has received education abroad.Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dbecause14Alice, _ was it that they found the lost dictionary?The head teacher had made every effort to help him.AWhen BHow CWhere DWhat15As we know, _in a key university is what every student wishes for.AEducated BEducating CTo educate DBeing educated第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)About 10 years ago I taught a group of children to sailThey were bright, enthusiastic and as eager to 16 life as any other childrenAll, however, had a serious 17 Three were in wheelchairs One was nearly blind and two walked with difficulty, and another two 18 a lot from Cerebral palsy(脑瘫) Matthew was among themHis hands, arms, legs, and even his voice were all distorted(扭曲) from the diseaseTo speak, Matthew had the help of a 19 Slowly, and with determination, he would 20 with distorted hands, letter by letter, what he wanted to sayYet he was always bright and cheerful and loved to 21 everything his classmates were doing, both in the boat and in the classroomThey learnt fast and enjoyed every minute of the 22 But I think that 1 was the one who learned the greatest lessonOne day the sailing centre was 23 by a stormRather than 24 the session we decided to work in a classroomAll the children 25 Just like other children they all wanted to answer the questions I askedOften they would loudly 26 each other, trying to get an answer in before one of the othersBut when Matthew wanted to answer a question it was 27 All of a sudden they all 28 Matthew whispered and gestured at his letter boardThey 29 with great patience Matthew 30 with dogged persistence(坚持) until the answer was 31 When Matthew had answered his question the children were, almost magically, transformed back into a group of_32 and enthusiastic childrenAll of these children were heroes in their own wayBut the 33 they afforded to Matthew with his most severe disabilities was 34 If only the rest of the world were able to learn to afford care, respect and help to someone less 35 than themselves, violence and intolerance would possibly be gone16Aenjoy Bstart Cexperience Dlead17Ashortcoming Bdisability Cinjury Dhabit18Alearned Bchanged Csuffered Dspent19Aletter-board Btape-recorder Ccomputer Dmicrophone20Ashow off Bpoint out Cgive away Dtake in21Aunderstand Bcriticize Cremember Dtry22Adays Bclasses Ctreatment Dlife23Ablocked Bhit Coccupied Dflown24Acomplete Bcheck Cescape Dcancel25Aran away Bgot tired Cjoined in Dfell asleep26Afight Blimit Cinterrupt Dstop27Ahopeless Bfunny Cdifficult Ddifferent28Awhispered Bsmiled Cquieted Dleft29Alaughed Bwaited Ccontinued Drecorded30Astruggled Bthought Cpracticed Dwaved31Acried out Btyped out Cspelled out Dsigned out32Anoisy Bpolite Cdiligent Dclumsy33Athank Bpraise Cpleasure Dpatience34Aattractive Bangry Cconsidera
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