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基础生命支持与国际心肺复苏指南BLS(CABD) victim should be on ones back lying on the hard floor; 胸部按压部位:两乳连线中点,即胸骨中下1/3交界. Hand positioning of chest compression: middle point of two nipples, under the 1/3 in the breastbone. 按压30次,再进行下一步。,1. 快速有力, 使用掌根, 重叠, 交叉, 垂直. Fast and trenchancy, use palm root, lap over, across, vertical; 2. 下陷至少5cm,压下后应让胸廓完全回弹,持续平稳; Press adown at least 5cm, keep stable. 3. 放松时双手不要离开胸壁。保持双手位置固定,压下与松开的时间相等; The hands dont leave chest wall while relaxing. Keep hands position fixed. 4. 按压频率至少100次/分; 5. 每2分钟更换按压者,每次更换尽量在5s内完成; 6. CPR过程中不应搬动患者并尽量减少中断.,心肺复苏BLS(CAB-C 胸外心脏按压),心肺复苏BLS(CAB-A开放气道),开放气道:Open airway 去除气道内异物:舌根后坠和异物阻塞是造成气道阻塞最常见原因。开放气道应先去除气道内异物。Clean the foreign body in the airway 仰头-举颏法,心肺复苏BLS(CAB-B),人工呼吸 : artificial respiration: 开放气道捏鼻子口对口 “正常”吸气缓慢吹气(1秒以上)胸廓明显抬起,8-10次/分松口、松鼻气体呼出, 胸廓回落 Airwaypinch the nosemouth to mouthnormal inhale huff slowly (more than one second) put up the chest,8-10 times/min relax the mouth and nosebreathe out gas, chest goes down. 按压-通气比值:30:2 (成人、婴儿和儿童)Press : Breath is 30:2 完成 5 个”按压/通气周期”(约2min)后,再次检查和评价(呼吸,脉搏,意识),如仍无循环体征,立即重新进行CPR. After completed five” press /breath cyc”, check and evaluation again.,心肺复苏BLS(CAB),心肺复苏BLS(电击除颤 D),D (Defibrillation)电击除颤 除颤时机: 心室颤动常在几分钟内转为心跳停止, 早期除颤(1分钟内)成功率97%,每延误一分钟,存活率降低710%; Occasion of Defibrillation: The fibrillation of ventricular muscle often turn to stop, Success rates of the early Defibrillation is 97%, 1 min. s morra = 710% livability loss. 方法: 非同步,最大能量,1次方案, 单相360J或双相200J电击除颤; Method: asynchronous, most energy, one time, single-phase 360J, or biphaseJ Defibrillation. 电除颤后立即CPR(CAB), 连续做5组, 约2分钟, 做完后再次判断心律; Take CPR after Defibrillation, finish 5 group of CPR(2min.), then recheck. 有报道胸前叩击45%可恢复窦性心律.(在没有除颤仪时) There report show that chest knock can resume the heartbeat, the Success rates is 45%.,知识回顾Knowledge Review,祝您成功!,
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