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最新高级学术会议邀请函 最新高级学术会议邀请函范文 april xx,XX dearprof.he yu, the academic conference on bfifsh a nd american literature sponsored by bei _g university will be held in bei _g on 2nd july XX.we take great pleasure in inviting you to attend the conference.we will pay your hotel aommodation a nd mems,but youwill be responsable foryourairfare. if you have any paper o r topies on which you would like to give talks,please inform us as soon as possible for the program is being finalized soon. please confirm your participation at you earliest convenience. with kind regards. yours sincerely, zhao yan convener & secretary 译文 亲爱的何雨教授: 您好!我们定于XX年7月2日在北京大学举行英美文学学术会议,想邀请您届时参加。 会议安排食宿,往返机票自理。 如果您有要宣读的论文或要发言的论题,请尽早来函告知,以便会议安排。 希望您届时光临。请尽快来函确认。 祝一切顺利! 会议召集人:赵研秘书长 XX年x月xx日 模板,内容仅供参考
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