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当我们使用高清镜头,它是如何工作的。# Exported by Aegisub 3.2.2Lens flare is everywhere.镜头光晕无处不在It glows on our Supermen, near our Iron Men, and around our method-acted oilmen.它在超人身上闪耀 在钢铁侠周围 在我们条理行动派的石油商人周围Its in the fifth dimension, the final frontier, and definitely the fictional town of Lillian,Ohio.它在第五维 是最终的边界 当然也是俄亥俄州 莉莲的一个科幻小镇The lens flare is a technical phenomenon and distinct sensibility thats taken over.镜头光晕是一种技术性的现象 明显的识别力 被接管了的识别力。Lens flares can get pretty complicated.镜头光晕可能变得十分的复杂There are countless lenses from the past century of filmmaking, not to mention the physics involved.经过几个世纪的电影摄制有不计其数的镜头 更别提物理性的镜头了。But a movie fan can identify flare pretty quickly.但是一个电影迷一定可以很快的识别光晕The basics are that each lens has a bunch of parts, and when bright light shines at the right intensity or angle, it can bounce around in those parts.基本要素是每一个镜头都有很多部分 当亮光在对的亮度和角度下闪耀时 它会回弹在那些部分That bouncing produces a bright haze as well as lens flare.这个弹跳制造了一种和镜头光晕一样很明亮的薄雾The flares shape depends on how diaphragm blades these things close to createthe aperture, which is where light gets in.光晕的形状取决于薄膜刀片 这些东西造成了孔径 正好是光进来的地方 If they have fewer blades, you might get a hexagon-shaped flare. 如果刀片比较少的话 你可能会得到一个六边形的光晕More blades and itll be closer to a circle.刀片越多 越接近一个圆Anamorphic lenses have a different flare. 变形镜头光晕会不一样Theyre designed with an oval-shape to squish more information onto a piece of 35 millimeter film. 被设计成一种椭圆形的镜头 为的是把更多的信息挤压进一副35毫米的电影画面When theyre projected out with another lens, its in a wider format. 当这些画面被另一个镜头投影出来的时候,版式更宽了And all that makes lens flares that can be like stripes of light across the picture.所有这一切使镜头光晕看起来像一束光穿过画面But these flares werent always so trendy. 但是这种光晕不是很流行For decades, cinematographers fought to hide them.近十年来 电影摄影师一个一个决心隐藏他们When Gregg Toland shot Citizen Kane, he and director Orson Welles innovated constantly.当托兰德拍摄公民凯恩的时候 他和导演奥尔森威尔斯不断改革在摄影师格雷格托兰德( Gregg Toland)的帮助下以及自身对德国表现主义的谙熟,威尔斯在摄影棚中找到了一种华丽的哥特式风格Famously, they used deep focus to show a lot of stuff clearly and at the same time. 著名的是 他们运用了深交镜头在同一时间清楚地表现了许多东西They increased the depth of field by making the aperture tiny and using really really bright lights.他们通过让孔径变小和使用非常非常亮的光来增加景深So, Toland coated his lenses with Vard Opticoat to reduce glare and lens flare from all that light. 所以托兰德用 覆盖镜头来减少一些刺眼的光和镜头光晕And it set a norm and a path for innovation.并且它设置了一个标准和一条创新的道路Lenses were constantly coated with new and better technologies that helped keep light from bouncing around and creating flare. 镜头不断被更新的更好的技术取代 为的是帮助光能一直回弹和创造光晕It also set an expectation: to make an immersive, professional movie, you did not have flare until a revolution in moviemaking changed it.它创造了一个期望 营造一个身临其境 专业的电影 直到一场电影制造的革命改变了它才有光晕In the 1960s, new filmmakers wanted to show their movies werent made in a box. 在1960年 新的电影制作人想要展示他们的电影并不是进退维谷They turned to flare to capture a documentary-like look.他们转而利用光晕刻画了一部纪录片Legendary cinematographer Conrad L. Halls work in Cool Hand Luke was a rebellion that turned into a movement.传奇人物电影制作人康纳德霍尔德作品铁窗喋血是一部变成乐章的反叛He even talked about it in 1992s Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography.他还在1992年的光影的魅力 电影的艺术“I feel particularly involved in helping make mistakes acceptable.我感觉我特别参与了帮助把犯错误变的可接受If the light shone in the lens and flared the lens, that was considered a mistake.如果光在镜头里闪耀 把一定是一个错误Somebody would report that, the operator would report oh, it hit the lens, it flared the lens. Cut!”有人就会指出这个错误 操作员也会说 哦它挡到了镜头 它闪到了镜头 停! He showed the heat of chain gang life by keeping in the flare, and that quickly spread to rebel movies like The Graduate and Easy Rider. 他通过一直运用光晕展示了锁链囚犯的压力生活 这也快速传播给了反抗电影 比如毕业生和逍遥骑士They symbolized authenticity and, as a result, lens flares did too. 他们具有真实性的象征意义 结果 镜头光晕也做到了Just as flare helped sell the reality of characters, it could sell a sense of wonder. 就好像光晕帮助让人物的真实尽显无遗 它也有一种奇迹感Flare spread really quickly, like in 1968s Planet of the Apes: “You maniacs!”光晕传播的很迅速 就像1968 年决战猩球中说的 你们这些疯子And later, Steven Spielberg brought it into Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 后来 史蒂夫斯皮尔伯格将光晕带到第三类接触中Flare had entered the sci-fi and action canon.光晕进入了科幻和动作的世界If early flare said, “these feelings are real,”now it said, “these spacemen and explosions are real, too.”早期的光晕告诉我们 这些情感都是真的 现在它说 这些太空人和爆炸也是真的And though J.J. Abrams gets slammed for his gratuitous lens flare use, 尽管JJ阿布拉姆斯被无端运用镜头光晕扇了一巴its use as a tool of realism and wonder has impressed everyone from schlock jocks like Michael Bay to true artistes from Sofia Coppola to Terrence Malick. 运动它成为展示现实和奇迹的工具着实让每一个人都印象深刻 从业余的迈克尔贝到真正的艺术家 比如索菲亚科波拉 泰伦斯马力克Malick cant get enough.马力克取之不竭Its in video games, political logos, and maybe your phones weather screen.在视频游戏中 政治标语中 还可能在你手机的天气页面Movies in the 60s had to prove they werent made in this box, 60年代的电影不得不证明他们并不是毫无创新的and in the 90s they used lens flare to try to prove they werent made in this one, 90年代他们运动镜头光晕来试着证实这一点even though flares become available with just a few clicks.尽管这样光晕只能被一些人所接受Lens flare used
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