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开心英语第(五册)Unit1-4 单元测试题 Name_ Mark_ 一、 按要求写单词。 (20 分)1. parrot (改一个字母 ) _ 2.fix (现在分词) _ 3.have(三单数 )_ 4.dictionary(复数)_ 5.farm(职业名词)_ 6. have (第三人称单数) _ 7. making (原形 ) _ 8. do (第三人称单数) _ 9. I (宾格) _ 10. tooth(复数) _ 11. fork (复数) _ 12.Jenny(所有格)_ 13.hes(同音词) _ 14.meet(同音词)_ 15.aunt(对应词) _ 16. aunt ( 同音词 ) _ 17. me (主格) _ 18. three _ (year) old 19. any (加一个字母) _ 20. diary (复数) _ 二选择填空(20 分)( )1. Does Ben have _ juice? No, he doesnt.A. some B. any C. a( ) 2.Im hungry. I need some _ . A. paper B. rice C. glue( ) 3. _ are you going? Im going to an island.A. What B. How C. Where( ) 4.This is my _ .Hes my fathers brother.A. uncle B. aunt C. cousin( ) 5.I want to write to my uncle. Do you have any _ .A. staples B. paper clip C. envelope( )6.What does she do? Shes a _ . A. doctor B. cousin C. aunt( )7.Where can we buy fruit? Here!Come on. _ .A. Lets cook! B. Lets go! C. Lets swim!( )8.Do we have any scissors? No ,we _ . A. do B. dont C. doesnt( )9.Im going to a shopping mall. Me, too. Come _ me.A. on B. in C. with( )10.Do you have any vegetables?No, we dont. We _ some vegetables.A. have B. need C. cook( ) 11.She doesnt have _ slat . But she want to buy_. A. any/ any B. some/ any C. any/some( ) 12.Do you have _ envelope? Yes, I do. A. an B. a C. any( )13.This is my cousin. Hes my aunts _.A. son B. uncle C. father( )14.Where does he work ? He _ at school.A. work B. workes C. works( ) 15.This is _ uncle. A. Ben B. Bens C. Bens ( ) 16. We can study something from the _.A. white paper B. pencil box C. dictionary( )17. Give me some _. A. pens B. dictionary C. fishing( ) 18. _do you have ? A. What B. Where C. How( ) 19. Come_ me. A. and B. with C. in( ) 20. I dont have _ glue , I want to buy _ . A. some / any B. any / some C. some /some三 连词成句(10 分)1. diary/ is/ your/ this (?)_ 2. do/ need/ what/ you (?)_3. any/ do/ have/ tape/ you (?)_4. does/ do/ does/ your/ what (?)_5. aunt/ do/ does/ your/what (?)_四 完成下列句子(12 分)1.A: What _ we need? B: We need _ fruit.2.A: _ does he _ ? B:Hes an o_ w_ .3.A:_ this your bedroom ? B:Yes, _ _ .4.A:Does Jenny have _ stamps ? B:No,_ _ . 五、连词成句。 (8 分)1、 it ,is ,whose ,diary (? )2、 uncle ,I ,to, Tony ,visit ,want (?)3、 need ,rice ,we ,some ,salt ,and ,meet (? )4、 dictionary ,Tonys ,is ,this (? )六、 把与问句相对应的答句的代号在题前的括号内。 (5 分)( )1 Where is he going ? A Its Bens .( )2 Do you have any glue ? B Yes ,we do .( )3 Does Tony have any tape ? C Hes a worker. ( )4 What does he do ? D No, he doesnt .( )5 Whose pencil is this ? E Hes going to the beach 七、用所给的词的填空。 (10 分)whose ,cant ,does, mother, cutting ,any,fixing, some ,too , buy 1. Where can we _ food ? 2 . My _ is a nurse .3. Look , shes _ .4. Do you have _ fruit ? Yes , I have _ .5. Im _ the hang glider .6. _ is this postcard ? Its hers . 7. Can you fly ? No , I _ .8 _ Tony need any sugar ? No . 9. Me , _ .八、可数名词后写 A,在不可数名词后写 B。 (5 分)1. island ( ) 2. ruler ( ) 3. juice ( ) 4. toy ( )5. rice ( ) 6. meat ( ) 7. stamp ( ) 8. scissors ( ) 9. postcard ( ) 10. vegetables ( )十三、填上适当的疑问词。 (10 分)1. _ dictionary is it? Its Li Mings .2. _ is the farmer doing? He is working.3. _ are the carrots? In the house.4. _ _ toys do you have? I have twenty.5. _ _ are the boys? They are twelve.6. _ is the woman? Shes my aunt.7. _ do they do ? They are doctors.8. _ is the girl? She is fine.
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