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开放教育(本科)英语 II(2)期末复习综合练习题第一部分 听力理解一. 理解对话在本节中,你将听到 10 个对话,每个对话后有一个问题。请从 A、B、C、三个选项中选择答案,标在答题纸的相应位置。每段对话后有 10 秒的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. Where does the talk take place?A. At a filling station.B. At a chemistsC. In a post office.2. Why doesnt the woman want to eat any more?A. Because she has eaten a lot.B. Because she is afraid she will put on weight.C. Because she thinks the cake is not delicious.3. What does the woman want with her tea?A. Sugar.B. Milk.C. Both milk and sugar.4. When will the shop close?A. At half past four.B. In an hour.C. At five oclock.5. Why didnt Paul come to the party?A. Because he was busy.B. Because he was ill.C. Because he was on a trip.6. How far is the South Street from here?A. Its about five minutes walk from here.B. Its five kilometers from here.C. Its fifteen miles from here.7. Who is the woman hopping to get in touch with?A. Mr. Brown.B. Mrs. Brown.C. The man himself.8. Where should the man get off?A. At the next shop.B. At the next stop but one.C. Right here.9. Where are the man and woman?A. At home.B. In an office.C. In a taxi.10. What happened to the woman?A. She found a new job.B. She gave up her job.C. She felt terrible yesterday。11. A). She took all her money out of the bank.B). She lost her money.C). She made another account in the bank.D). She gambled her money.12. A). Because there is not a lot of traffic on the road.B). Because there is much traffic on the road.C). Because the road is good.D). Both A and C. 3. A). The man went to the concert.B). The woman went to the concert.C). Both the man and the woman went to the concert.D). The woman didnt go to the concert.14. A). To iron his clothes.B). To wash his clothes.C). To hang up his clothes.D). To fold his clothes.15. A). They are going to have their car repaired.B). They are going to wait for an hourC). They are going to wash the car.D). They are going to have an appointment.16. A). In a medical room.B). In a surgical ward.C). In a ward.D). In a nurses office.17. A). The person in Room 508.B). The people in Room 805.C). The man in Room 518.D). The woman in Room 815.18. A). Because he was having a fever.B). Because he was coughing badly.C). Because he was dry in such weather.D). Because he was wet all over.19. A). She has to look for her sister.B). She has to look after her sister.C). She has to look after her sisters son.D). She has to look for her sisters son.20.A). Head Master Mike.B). Head Master White.C). Head Master Green. D). Head Master Jack.21. A). About 2 meters.B). About 200 meters.C). About 20 meters.D). About 2000 meters.22. A). There really is no camera.B). A movie camera.C). A film camera.D). A television camera.23. A). The weather last spring.B). The weather last summer.C). The weather last winter.D). The weather last autumn.24. A). She is busy cooking.B). She is washing dishes.C). She is play golf.D). She is practising golf.25. A). Because she was sleeping.B). Because was having a bath.C). Because she was having her hair cut.D). Because she was washing her hair.26. A). Both the man and the woman liked the film very much.B). The man thought the scenery was very pretty.C). The woman thought the story was not very good.D). Both the scenery and the story were very good.27. A). For she had got a new job.B). For she had asked for leave.C). For she was ill.D). For she lost her job.28. A). The man.B). Susan.C). The woman.D). Nobody.29. A). The man didnt have the key to the door.B). The woman didnt have the key to the door.C). The man and the woman are waiting.D). The woman is the mans wife.30.A). There is no train to go to London.B). If you go to London by train it will take you $110.C). If you go to London by air, it will cost you $55.D). To go to London by plane is much more expensive than by train.二理解段落在本节中,你将听到一段独白或对话,判断下列句子是否符合所听独白或对话内容, 符合的选择 T(True) ,不符合的选择 F(False),或选择正确答案,并标在答题纸相应位置。对话前后各有 30 秒钟的停顿,以便阅读问题并核对答案。对话读两遍。1.1.The female speaker is going to have a mobile phone.2.The female speaker thinks there are two things to think about while buying a mobile phone.3.The male speaker will travel a lot.4.The female speaker suggests the network she uses to the male speaker.5.The male speaker thinks he will often use the mobile phone.2.1.A.The object itself.B. The light around an object.C. Reflected light.D. Your eyes.2.A. Because it reflects mostly red light.B. Because it absorbs mostly red light.C. Because it reflects only red light.D. Because it absorbs only red light.3.A. Mostly black light.B. All light.C. Many different colors.D. No light.4.A. It is turned into heat.B. It is stored by the object.C. It is reflected later.D. Both B and C.5. A. White B. YellowC. Dark D. Light3.1. A. Rock music. B. Jazz music.C. Traditional music. D. Classical music.2.A. Percussion(打击乐器) instruments.B. Stringed instrument.C. Electrical instruments. D. None of the above.3. A. In the United States. B. In Eur
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