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1英语 I-1考试样题第一部分 交际用语 (共计 10 分,每小题 2 分)1-5 题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选 A(Right ), 不恰当的选 B (Wrong),并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。1. Hello. Im Xiaoyan. Nice to meet you. Fine, thank you. (B. Wrong. )2. Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? Its not sure. (B. Wrong. )3. Do you have any family? Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford. (A. Right. ) 4. How much is the rent of the flat?It is near the center of the city.(B. Wrong. )5. What does her boyfriend look like? He is quite tall with fair curly hair.(A. Right. )1. Where are you from? I am from London. A. Right. 2. Would you like a coffee? No, Im fine, thanks. A. Right. 3. London is a bit less modern than Shanghai. I agree with you. I think London is just as modern as Shanghai.B. Wrong. 4. Shall we ask my friends to play live music?Yes, lets.A. Right. 25. Hello, could I speak to Mr David Manning, please? Speaking. I am David Manning.B. Wrong. 1. What are you doing? I am an information technology manager. B. Wrong. 2. Hello, Xiaoyan. How are you? Very well, thanks. A. Right. 3. Are you free on Friday? Yes, Friday is free.B. Wrong. 4. Whats the matter with your little boy, Mrs Carr? He is busy with his homework.B. Wrong. 5. What does he look like? He is very nice and kind.B. Wrong. 第二部分 词汇与结构(共计 40 分,每小题 2 分)6-25 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。6. Im a deputy manager. I work for an IT company.7. What is your job? Im an accountant.8. Who is that man over there? Do you know his name?9 .I usually go to the office by train. 10 .How little wine do you need for the party?11. You have more apples than _we_ do. But ours are better than yours.12. How do I _get to_ the gym?13. He can _speak_ good English.314. Does David like flying ?15. The Business Banking Department is on the second floor.16. The shop closes at six every day.17. You can paint the walls and _put up_ posters. You can do what you want. 18. The coat is much more expensive than that one.19. Jack never comes late because he is a good student.20. I dont get up late on Sundays. Neither do I.21. I have got a pain in my chest. You should see the doctor.22. Sallys parents are going to come and stay with her soon. 23. How long will the meal take? Itll take two hours, I think.24. It often _snows in winter in the north of China. 25. I dont want any_ milk in my coffee. 6. I dont like flying. I never feel _ relaxed_.7. Liu Fan is currently working on TV advertisements, but right now hes _on_ holiday.8. Does this flat have a viewer? No, it doesnt, but Ill get one . 9 The bank is _ the corner, _ the station. A. on, near 10 I go to work and I just _sit around_ the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise. 11. Do you come here much ? Yes, Im a member of the health club. I come twice a week to swim. 12. Look, Im getting too fat. I must do more exercise. Yes, you should work off. 13. Would you like something to drink? Two cups of coffee, please. 14. I dont like the weather here. Its often depressing .415. I _ serious programmes _ comedies. I like documentaries. I dont understand English comedy. B. prefer, to 16. I am worried about my exams next week. A. worry B. C. worries 17. Would you like something to eat? Prawn fried rice with peas, please.A. Should B. C. Could 18. We would like you to present your ideas for a new website for our company. 19. We look forward to meeting you on Friday.20. Rose is much more easy-going than Frank.21. How much time did you spend in France?22. You need to make an appointment with a doctor, before the doctor examines you.23. Whos going to do the washing-up?24. We are meeting each other for the first time tonight. 25. This post office opens _ Monday _ Friday.A. from, to 6. Thank you for replying _to _ my email.7. I like sitting in the cafs in the big shops, _ the newspapers and _ people.B. reading, watching 8. I can hear the cars _at night_. 9 You can ask questions about details relating to the position. 10 Do you need any juice? I can get some _ you _ the market.C. for, from11.The dosage is how much medicine you must take. 12. They are speaking to _each other _ on the telephone.13. One kilo of coal is _as_ heavy _as_ one kilo of feathers. 14. Im the only person here and I _ am waiting_ for an important telephone call, so 5I cant leave now.15. Hello, David. Im _pleased _ to meet you.16. I usually have lunch _at_ about a quarter past twelve. 17. I have a reservation for a double_ room.18. The entryphone isnt working at the moment, but Ill repair _it_ this week. 19. How long does the train _take_? About four hours.20. Can I use the cooker in the kitchen? Sorry, you _cannot . 21. I have not got a big
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