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开放英语(1)形成性考核册与开放英语(1)期末复习指导汇总祝大家取得好成绩!潘老师/2010/121关于 10 秋学期开放英语(1)期末考试,同学们可结合 开放英语(1) 形成性考核册和开放英语(1)期末复习指导进行复习潘老师第一部分 交际用语 (5 题共 10 分)阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选 A(Right),不恰当的选 B(Wrong),并将答案写在答题纸上。一、表达提议1. -Would you like some crisps? -No, Im sorry. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:No, thanks.)2. -Would you like to go with us? -I would like. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:I would like to.或 Id love to.)3. -Why dont we have a barbecue?-Thats a good idea. (A) A. Right B. Wrong4. -How about going to an estate agent?-Yes, thats a good idea. (A) A. Right B. Wrong二、表达请求5. -Could you sign the register, please?-Of course. (A) A. Right B. Wrong6. -Could you ring them up please? Im sometimes quite nervous on the phone. -Are you? I am fine (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.)7. -Could you tell me your car number, please? -No, sorry. (A) A. Right B. Wrong8. -Can I help you? -Yes, Id like to rent a flat. (A) A. Right B. Wrong三、问路与指路9. -Excuse me, where is the bus stop, please? -Its outside the greengrocers. (A) A. Right B. Wrong10. -Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? -Its not sure. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:Its next to the newsagent)11. -Excuse me, where is the bank, please? -Its next to the newsagent. (A) A. Right B. Wrong12. -How do I get to the bus station? -You take the number 38 bus. (A) A. Right B. Wrong 四、描述情感、描述经历、询问病情13. -How are you feeling? -I feel much better. Thank you. (A) A. Right B. Wrong14. -How was your day yesterday? -Ive got a bad cough. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:Well, Im busy等)15. -What was the party like? -It was great. (A) A. Right B. Wrong五、谈论工作16. -What do they do?-They work in a bank. (A) A. Right B. Wrong17. -What do you do?-I work in computers. (A) A. Right B. Wrong18. -What are your parents doing right now. -My mother is retired. My father is a manager. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:They are watching TV.)六、简略答语19. -Do you have any family?-Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford. (A) A. Right B. Wrong七、询问价格、数量20. -How much does the flat cost a month?-Its on the tenth floor. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:It costs 500 pounds a month.)21. -How much is the rent of the flat? -It is near the center of the city. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:It is 450 pounds a month.)22. -How much oil do you need?-It costs about 50 pounds. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:10 litres, please.)八、描述人的外貌23. -What does he look like?-He looks sad. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:He is tall 等)24. -What does her boyfriend look like?-He is quite tall with fair curly hair. (A) A. Right B. Wrong九、描述天气25. -Whats the weather like in Shanghai?-Thats all right. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:It is raining 等)开放英语(1)形成性考核册与开放英语(1)期末复习指导汇总祝大家取得好成绩!潘老师/2010/12226. -Whats the weather like in your city?-Yes, the sun is shining. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:It is sunny 等,但不需回答 “Yes”)十、表达问候27. -Hello. Im Xiaoyan. Nice to meet you. -Fine, thank you (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:Nice to meet you, too.)28. -Hello, Linda, how are you? -Hello, Rose, how do you do? (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:Very well, thank you. And you?)十一、询问他人意见29. -What do you think of your new job?-I think it is very difficult. (A) A. Right B. Wrong30. -What do you think of the Internet?-I think its very useful. (A) A. Right B. Wrong十二、电话用语31. -Whos speaking, please?-My name is Polly Williams. (A) A. Right B. Wrong32. -Could I speak to Harry, please?-Hes not in, Im afraid.(A) A. Right B. Wrong十三、预约时间33. -Are you free tomorrow? -No, Im afraid Im not. (A) A. Right B. Wrong十四、谈论时间34. -What time does the Swimming Pool close?-On Tuesday. (B) A. Right B. Wrong (正确回答:At 8 oclock等)十五、询问年龄35. -How old is the manager?-He is 35 years old. (A) A. Right B. Wrong第二部分 词汇与结构(20 题共 40 分)阅读下面的句子,从 A、B 、C 三个选项一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的字母符号。一、考核代词1、人称代词1. name is Wanghua. (C) A. He B. Hes C. His2. Who is that man over there? Do you know _ name?(C) A. he B. hes C. his3. We have two children. names are Peter and Paul. (C) A. His B. Her C. Their4. Maria often has a walk with parents in the morning. (C) A. she B. their C. her5. We often have supper at home. (B) A. us B. our C. ours6. You have more apples than _ do. But _ are better than yours. (B) A. us, we B. we, ours C. ours, us 7. She is making a cup of coffee. (A) A. herself B. himself C. myself2、指示代词8. _ people are my friends. _ people are my husbands friends. (A) A. These, Those B. This, That C. Here, There二、考核冠词9. I work in office in Shanghai. (B) A. a B. an C. the10. -What is your job? -Im accountant. (B) A. a B. an C. /11. I work in IT
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