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江苏省徐州市铜山区汉王镇中心中学九年级英语下册Unit 2Robots学案( 1) 牛津版课题: Grammar ( 2 periods)The aim of teaching: 1、Using object clauses introduced by wh- words2、 To use in order to to introduce the result of an action3、 To use as a result to introduce the result of something4、 To use need to to talk about something we have to doThe focus of teaching:Object clauseThe presentation of teaching:The first periodPart A Object clauses introduced by wh- wordsStep 1Revision , show some sentences about Object clauses(1) Review object clauses introduced by that .a. 我认为他能把这工作做好。I think (that) he can do the work well.b. 上周老师告诉我们地球绕着太阳转。Last week the teacher told us (that) the earth goes around the sun.(2) Review object clauses introduced by if or whether .a. 我不敢肯定明天我是否会有时间。I m not sure if/whether I will have time tomorrow. b. 警察想知道受害人是否有敌人 .The pol ice wanted to know if/whether the victim had any enemies.Step 2Object clauses introduced bywh- words(1)Tellstudents thatwhen objectclauses relate to wh- questions, weshoulduse wh- words tointroduceobjectclauses.Ask st udents to read thegrammarrules and the two example sentences at thetop of page 25.(2)Remind them that the clause should be introduced by wh- words and the wordorder in the clause should be the same as in a statement.(3) Ask students to do the exercise on page 25. Then check the answers as a class.(4) Write the following sentences on the board.a. Where is Sam?b. How did you go to school this morning?c. What will you do next Monday?1d. When did the film begin?e. Who wrote the book?Ask students to make sentences containing object clauses with the sentences above orally. Then ask them to write down:a. Do you know _?b. I can t imagine _.c. Id like to know _.d. I am not sure _.e. Can you tell me _?(5) More practicea. 我不知道谁拿了我的钢笔。I don t know who has taken my pen.b. 你明白他刚才说的话吗?Do/Can you understand what he said just now?c. 关于这个工作我们应该怎么做她说什么了没有?Did she say anything about how we should do the work?Step 3ConsolidationHomework预习语法、。2
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