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毕业设计(论文)市场比较法与成本法的组合在祥源房地产估价中应用研究APPLICATION OF MARKET COMPARISON APPROACH AND COST APPROACH IN XIANGYUAN REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL学生班 级学 号学院名称管理学院专业名称工程管理(房地产经营管理)指导教师2013年5月23日摘要作为常见的估价方法,市场比较法和成本法在估价过程中各有其弊端。市场比较法是选取已经完成交易的与估价对象在估价时点相似的案例作为可比实例。在计算过程中,市场比较法更多的是依靠已经完成的交易实例,其评估价格更多是对过去房地产市场的评估,而缺乏对未来房地产市场发展趋势做出预测。此外,应用市场比较法评估房地产价格时,在进行因素修正时,并没有完全固定的规定约定因素修正的标准。因此,在进行房地产评估时,估价人员只是根据自己的估价经验和理论知识进行因素修正,这就导致了因素修正系数中包含了太大的主观性和随意性。成本法是根据估价对象的重置成本或重建成本作为依据来计算估价对象价值的方法。成本法在估价过程中存在诸如与实际价格变化不同步、不能反映市场供求状况、无法体现无形价值、没有考虑功能因素对房地产价格产生影响、不能反映房地产正的经济外部性等方面的缺点。因此,在估价过程中尽量避免两种方法的缺点,发扬两者的优点是保证估价结果准确性的关键。本文主要研究市场比较法和成本法在房地产估价中的应用,文章先对市场比较法和成本法进行理论概述,然后选取祥源房地产作为研究对象,应用市场比较法和成本法对该房地产项目的6#、7#和8#楼进行评估,最后根据市场比较法和成本法在评估过程中存在的问题及各自优点对估价结果汇总分析,各自取权重,以使各自扬长避短,达到优势互补的结果。关键词 房地产估价;市场比较法;成本法AbstractAs common appraisal methods, market comparison approach and cost approach have their own drawbacks in real estate appraisal process. Market comparison approach selects the cases that have completed transaction and are similar to the valued real estate at the time of valuation as comparable examples. During the appraisal process, market comparison method relies more on the cases that have finished transaction, so its final price is based more on the past real estate market while lacks of the forecast on the development of real estate market in the future. Besides, when we apply market comparison approach in estimating the value of the certain real estate, there is no fixed rules which could be selected as standards of factor correction in the process of factor correction. Therefore, appraisal personnel correct factor according to their appraisal experience and theoretical knowledge during the real assessment, contributing to the factor revision coefficient contains too much subjectivity and arbitrariness.Cost method is based on the replacement cost or reconstruction cost to calculate the price of the valued real estate. Cost method exists some problems in its appraisal process, such as the cost is not synchronized with the actual price, the method can not reflect the market supply and demand situation, while neglect the intangible value. Besides, the method does not consider the impact of function factor on real estate price as well as ignores the economic externality merits in the process of assessment . Therefore, it is significant to avoid the shortcomings of the two kinds of methods as far as possible, and it is crucial to develop advantages of the methods, which ensure the accuracy of the assessment results.This paper mainly researches the application of market comparison approach and cost approach in real estate appraisal. At first, the article offers theoretical summaries of market comparison approach and cost method, and then it selects XiangYuan real estate as its research object, applying market comparison approach and cost method to estimate the value of 6#、7# and 8# which are among the real estate project. At last, the article provides summarized analysis according to the problems which market comparison approach and cost method all exist and their respective advantages, balancing their weight, in order to carry on the merits and avoid the weaknesses as far as possible, and achieve the result of complementing each others advantages.Key words real estate appraisal market comparison approach cost approach新!为您提供类似表述,查看示例用法: 分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日、泰英、日英在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅word格式. 目 录1 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究方法及意义11.3文献综述21.3.1国房地产估价研究理论21.3.2国外房地产估价研究理论22市场比较法和成本法概述42.1市场比较法42.1.1市场比较法的概念42.1.2市场比较法的适用条件和适用围42.1.3市场比较法的操作程序42.1.4因素修正42.1.5求取比准价值52.2成本法52.2.1成本法的含义52.2.2成本法的理论依据52.2.3成本法的适用条件和适用围62.2.4成本法估价的操作步骤62.2.5成本法的基本公式62.3两种方法的对比63项目评估83.1估价对象简介83.1.1房地产权利状况83.1.2房地产建筑物状况83.1.3项目所在地的交通状况83.2评估方法的选择83.3估价过程93.3.1.用市场比较法求取6#、7#、8#楼的房地产价格93.3.2.市场比较法在估价过程中存在的问题及相应的原因分析123.3.3运用成本法求取6#、7#、8#楼的房地产价格133.3.4成本法在估价过程中存在的问题及相应的原因分析194 市场比较法与成本法的组合21结论22致23参考文献241 绪论1.1 研究背景当前,中国经济正处于高速发展的阶段,在这种经济形势大背景下,商业地产也得到了迅猛发展,并已成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分和GDP的主要增长点。尤其是房地产,不仅是一种重要的资源或财产、生产要素或消费品,而且是一种商品或资产,成为人们交易和投资的主要对象。因此,房地产价格或价值成为人们普遍关注的问题之一。然而,无论作为交易或投资对象,房地产的价值或价格都是受其成本和其他众多房地产的影响。因此,做好房地产估价、提高估价精确度工作是极为重要的。作为常见的估价方法,市场比较法和成本法在估价过程中各有其弊端,市场法估价需要在估价时点的近期有较多类似房地产的交易。房地产市场不够活跃或者类似房地产交易较少的地区,难以采用市场法估价。房地产市场总体上较活跃的地区,在某些情况下市场法也可能不适用,如可能由于某些原因导致在一段较长时期很少发生房地产交易。在目前房地产交易和登记等信息不够公开透明的情况下,获取房地产交易的真实价格及估价所必要的交易房地产状况等信息,是运用市场法估价的难点。对于很少发生交易而限制了市场法运用,可选择运用成本法,运用成本法估价需要注意的是,现实中的房地产价格特别是具体一宗房地产的价格,直接取决于其效用而非花费的成本,成本的增加一定要效用的增加有所作用才能构成价格。价格等于“成本加平均利润”是在较长时间平均来看的,并且需要具备两个条件:一是自由竞争(即可以自由进出市场),二是该种商品本身可以大量重复生产。因此,如果不是在较长时间,或者没有自由竞争,又或大量重复生产,价格就不会等于成本加平均利润。本文选取祥源房地产作为估价对象,并运用市场比较法和成本法分别对其进行评估,然后对评估结果做综合分析。取两种方法的长处避其短处,以达
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