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优质文档_高三英语阅读训练十五篇之(十一)(最新版)-Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理-英语阅读(十一)AWhen Laurareached school-going age the discussions about moving became more urgent(紧迫的). Her father did not want thechildren to go to school with the village children and for once her motheragreed with him. Not because, as he said, they ought to have a better educationthan they could get at Lark Rise; but because she feared they would tear theirclothes and catch cold and get dirty heads going a mile and a half to and fromthe school in the village. So empty cottages in the market town were examinedand often it seemed that the next week or the next month they would be leavingLark Rise for ever; but again each time something would hapeen to prevent theremoval, and gradually a new idea came up. To gain time, their father wouldteach the two eldest children to read and write, so that, if asked by theSchool Attendance Office, their mother could say they were leaving the smallvillage shortly, and in the meantime, were being taught at home.So their fatherbrought home two copies of Mavors First Reader and taught them the alphabet;but just as Laura wasbeginning on words of one syllable(音节), he was sent away to work on a distant job, only coming home atweekends. Laura, _, thenhad to carry her book round after her mother as she went about her housework,asking, “Please, Mother, what does h-o-u-s-e spell?” or “W-a-l-k, Mother, whatis that?” Often when her mother was too busy or too tired to attend to her, shewould sit and fix her eyes on a page that might as well have been printed inHebrew(希伯来语) for allshe could make of it, frowning(锁眉) and studying the print as though she would make out the meaning byforce of concentration(专注).After weeks ofthis, there came a day when, quite suddenly, as it seemed to her, the printedcharacters took on a meaning. There were still many words, even in the firstpage of that simple book, she could not understand; but she could jump thoseand yet make sense of the whole. “Im reading!” she cried aloud. “Oh, Mother!Oh, Edmund! Im reading!”1. Lauras father didnt want hischildren to go to school at Lark Rise because _.A.itwas too far awayB.they couldnt learn enoughC.their hair would become dirtyD.they would ruin their clothes2.The childrens father decided to teach them to read and write so thatthey _. A.had an excuse not tohave to move B.had a reason for notattending school C.could write to theSchool Attendance Office D.would be educatedbefore they left the village3.The underlinedpart _ suggests that_.A.Laura was working hard andlearning quicklyB.her father had no time toteach herC.her mother was too busy toattend to herD.Laura knew little abouthow to read and write4.From thepassage we can infer that _ made Laura stare at a page in her book.A.her lack ofconcentrationB.her inability to understandC.her need to understandHebrewD.her determination to understand5.Laura finallydiscovered she could read when she _.A.understood the mainideaB.understood all the words in her bookC.recognized the printedcharactersD.jumped the first pagesof her bookBIn 1826, aFrenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business. But he was not a goodartist. So he invented a very simple camera. He put it in a window of his houseand took a picture of his yard. That was the first photograph.The nextimportant date in the history of photography was 1837. That year, Daguerre,another French, took a picture of his studio. He used a new kind of camera anda different process. In his pictures, you could see everything very clearly,even the smallest details. This kind of photograph was called a daguerreotype.Soon, otherpeople began to use Daguerres process. Travelers brought back daguerreotypesfrom all around the world. People photographed famous buildings, cities andmountains.In about 1840,the process was improved. Then photographers could take pictures of people andmoving things. The process was not simple. The photographers had to carry lotsof films and processing equipment. But this did not stop the photographers,especially in the United States. After 1840s daguerreotype artists were popularin most cities.Mathew Brady wasa well-known American photographer. He took many pictures of famous people. Thepictures were unusual because they were very life-like and full of personality.Brady was alsothe first person to take pictures of a was. His 1862 Civil War pictures showeddead soldiers and ruined cities. They made the war seem more real and moreterrible.In the 1880s,new inventions began to change photography. Photographers could buy filmsready-made in rolls. So they did not have to make the film themselves. Also,they did not have to process the film immediately. They could
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