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福师大学英语(1)在线作业二-0002试卷总分100 得分100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Ive enjoyed_ to talk with you.A.to be ableB.being ableC.to been ableD.of being able答案B2.Unlike most Europeans, many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.A.used to eatingB.are used to eatingC.are used to eatD.used to eat答案B3.As a result of my laziness, I failed_my work in time.A.and finishedB.to finishC.and finishingD.to finished答案B4.The red rose is her _.A.favorB.favoriteC.likeD.best答案B5.Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, _ A.wont weB.will weC.dont weD.shall we答案D6.The bank is reported in the local newspaper_ in broad daylight yesterday.A.robbedB.to have been robbedC.being robbedD.having been robbed答案B7.One_if one breaks the law.A.will be punishedB.will punishC.is being punishedD.has been punished答案A8.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life_so excited.A.did I feelB.I feltC.I had feltD.had I felt答案D9.Our neighbors will _ our house when we are away.A.pay attentionB.look atC.look afterD.care答案C10.You have lovely children. _.A.No, no, no. They are notB.Oh, no, noC.Youre talking too muchD.Thanks答案D11.We cant _ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.A.hopeB.waitC.expectD.imagine答案C12.We all believe that computer_ smaller and smaller in the coming years.A.can be becomeB.will be gotC.will be changedD.can turn答案D13.People appreciate_ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A.to workB.to have workedC.workingD.have working答案C14.That factory _ nearly 50 years ago.A.has been builtB.had builtC.was builtD.has built答案C15.After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_.A.withdrawB.resignC.retireD.retreat答案B16.What kind of events are you good _A.atB.toC.inD.after答案A17.With the problem _ , we are getting along even more smoothly.A.settlesB.to settleC.settledD.to be settling答案C18.If you_quiet, Ill tell you what happened.A.beB.are to beC.areD.will be答案C19.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! _.A.Dont worry about itB.Congratulations! Thats a difficult courseC.Mr. Brown is very goodD.Good luck to you答案B20.The problem of housing_ lead to the problem of social instability.A.itselfB.mustC.didD.never答案C21.If you ever have the _ to go abroad to study, you should take it.A.chanceB.possibilityC.offerD.luck答案A22.It was the officer _ informed the village of the danger.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.whether答案B23.This is not my bikeIts _.A.MaryB.MarysC.of MaryD.the bike of Mary答案B24.If you study hard, you_the examination.A.has passedB.are passingC.have passedD.will pass答案D25.He and his family had to _ on 50$ a week.A.payB.spendC.liveD.exist答案B26.May I see the menu, please Ive been waiting an hour already. _.A.That is the menu, sirB.Yes, please go onC.Here you are, sirD.Of course, sir答案C27.We cannot judge a person simply on the _ of his education.A.conditionB.basisC.principleD.theory答案B28.The colour _ from yellow through green to black.A.consistsB.constitutesC.composesD.ranges答案D29.It is _ that I am looking for.A.himselfB.heC.himD.he himself答案C30.We can go when the ground_.A.is dryingB.has driedC.driedD.dry答案B31.Im afraid I cant finish the work _to help me.A.unless you will comeB.unless you comeC.until you will comeD.until you shall come答案B32.Oh, Im sorry. But I promise Ill be careful next time. _.A.Its nothing at allB.Oh, never mind. It doesnt matterC.Thank youD.There are no questions答案B33.The teacher asked us _ so much noise.A.dont makeB.not makeC.not makingD.not to make答案D34.My friend _ to visit the Great Wall, too.A.does not planB.plan notC.not plansD.plans答案D35._the teacher_at this college last year Yes, he did.A.Did, taughtB.Does, teachC.Did, teachD.Is, teaching答案C36.If you refuse to go to the party,_.A.so would sheB.so does sheC.so will sheD.neither will she答案C37.By the end of 2020 China _much stronger and richer.A.will becomeB.would becomeC.is becomingD.will have become答案D38.Silk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now.A.has usedB.has been usedC.was usedD.is used答案B39.The little girl prefers singing_.A.to danceB.to dancingC.than to danceD.than dancing答案B40.He used to have a _ of stamp
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