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2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,1,Dr.Feng,高中冠词,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,2,二.分类:不定冠词 定冠词 零冠词a用于辅音音素或半元音素前,一般弱读为,强调时才重读为ei; an 用于元音音素前,一般读完为n ,在强调读为n。如a house, an hour,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,3,三.用法: 定冠词:定冠词的基本概念是特指1)用于指代世界上独一无二的事物的名词之前; the sun(太阳)、the moon(月亮)、the earth(地球)2)表示第二次提到的人或物; the worker(那个工人)、the same(相同的,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,4,3)说话双方都能体会到的人或事Close the door , please4)用于序数词前,表示顺序。形容词最高级前面,表示在某一范围内最. the frst(第一)、the second(第二)He is the tallest boy of the three注意:序数词前加a/an翻译成“又一个,再一个”。形容词最高级前加a/an,无表示范围的介词短语,翻译成“很,非常,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,5,5)与限定定语连用The 9:15 a.m. trainThe music of the film6)与度量单位的名词连用,表示“每”Dollar, pound ,foot , yard,hour, day, weekIt sells at 10yuan the kilogram,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,6,7)表示所有关系,相当于物主代词。用在“动词+sb+介词+the+身体部位”的规定结构中John hit Tom in the face8) 与单数名词,形容词,分词连用表示一类(人或物)The computer the telephonethe rich(富人)、the wounded(伤员,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,7,9)构成一些固定短语In the end 最后 At the left 在左边On the air 在广播To the full 完全的10)用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇”或“全家”; The Smiths have a son and a daughter The Smiths are at table,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,8,11)用于the+比较级,the+比较级 结构中The more, the better12)用于表示西洋乐器的名词前面; Lucy likes to play the violinpianoguitar 露茜喜欢弹小提琴钢琴吉他,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,9,13)用于普通名词转化而来的专有名词the Yellow River(黄河)、the east(东部,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,10,不定冠词:不定冠词的基本概念是泛指(1)表示“一”的概念在意义上接近one,但在数量概念上比one弱。Rome was not built in a day.Speaking of Alex, he isnt my cousin. He is a friend of mine.(2) 泛指某一个人或某一个事物A car is waiting at he school gate. Im not sure if it is Johns.A Mr.Wang is asking to see you,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,11,3)某一类。表示同类中的任何一个,这种用法大都可以用any代替。A child not only needs food and clothing, but love as well.A boy is usually taller than a girl of his age.A dog has a keen(敏锐的) sense of hearingA knife is a tool for cutting with4)表示同一性。 “相同、同一”The two flowers look different, but they are of a kind.The two stockings are of a size, but of different clors,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,12,5)与数量有关的短语A bit (of) a few a great deal a kind of a little a lot of a number of a good/great many a pair of a piece of a quantity of A majority of 6)coffee, tea ,fruit , wind,rain 等不可数名词前面有形容词修饰时a heavy raina strong wind,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,13,零冠词1 名词前有this, that, my,his,whose, some ,any , each,every 等物主代词,名词所有格,不定冠词修饰时my bike, his parents ,this tree, some oranges2 表示唯一的职务、头衔、身份意义的名词前面做宾语,补足语,表语,同位语时,不用冠词。Wang Ming is elected monitor of our class,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,14,3 专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词等名词前面China has a large populationAir is matter 4)季节、月份、星期、节日spring,TeachersDay,Sunday,January,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,15,5)三餐、学科、球类、棋类的名词前;breakfast,dinner;supper Do you like to play footballbasketball? I like English 注意:三餐指某一次或者具有描绘性修饰语用a/an , 特指某顿饭,可用theWe had a nice breakfastThe breakfast I had this morning was very nice6)用在介词at后面表示时间及“by+交通工具通迅工具”结构中。 at noonnightdawnduskday,by busshipbike,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,16,7 在某些固定词组里Husband and wife young and oldHand in hand sun and moonFace to face arm in armHeart and soul8 复数可数名词表示类别泛指时Young people like to read booksTrees can help clean the air注意:有特定范围时用定冠词修饰The students of our school,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,17,9 连系动词turn 后接作表语的单数可数名词,前面不加冠词。若有形容词修饰时,则必须加冠词The young worker has turned writerShe has turned a successful singer,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,18,四有无定冠词的区别1 在某些句子或者短语中the表示这个范围内的全体。不用the 表示这个范围内的一部分They are students of Class ThreeThey are the students of Class Three,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,19,2 有些词组中,有无定冠词含义上有很大的差别(1) at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌子旁(2) at desk 在读书或做作业 at the desk 在书桌旁 (3) at school 在校上学(指学生) at the school 在学校(指教职工) (4) in front of in the front of 在公共汽车的前部,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,20,5) in class 在上课 in the class 在这个班 (6) in bed 卧床,在睡觉 in the bed 在床上 (7) in prison 坐牢 in the prison 在监狱 (8) in hospital 住院(指病人) in the hospital (因事)在医院,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,21,9) out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能,办不到 (10) go to school 去上学 go to the school (因事)去学校(办事) (11) go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 去床边 (12) go to hospital 去住院 go to the hospital (因事)去医院,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,22,Dr.Feng,2020-12-24,高中冠词(PPT课件,23,此课件下载后可自行编辑修改 关注我 每天分享干货,感谢您的聆听您的关注使我们更努力,谢谢
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