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9B Unit 3 Robots,Study skills,British English,American English,People speak English in both Britain and the USA. However, there are some differences between their English,pronunciation (发音,vocabulary (词汇,spelling (拼写,Grammar (语法,car tomato dance cant,knt,dns,k:(r),d:ns,k:nt,tm:tu,tmeto,kr,centre,humour,traveller,Programme(节目,favorite,center,humor,traveler,program,favourite,spelling,American football,football,autumn,fall,vocabulary,biscuit,cookie,film,movie,football,soccer,holiday,vacation,garden,yard,rubber,eraser,secondary school,high school,lorry,truck,post,mail,maths,math,Grammar,I have already finished my homework,I already finished my homework,Have you got a pen,Do you have a pen,British English and American English,British English and American English,British English and American English,British English and American English,A competition,Practise,Daniel is writing about Mr Jiang and his robot. Change his sentences into American English, using the information above to help you,1 He has already bought a robot. _ 2 The new robot es in his favourite colours -red, blue and white. _ 3 The robot can help a lot in the garden. _,He already bought a robot,The new robot es in his favorite colors -red, blue and white,The robot can help a lot in the yard,4 When he goes travelling, the robot can help look after her mother. _ 5 It is a pity that the robot never goes to see a film with him. _,If he goes traveling, the robot can help look after her mother,It is a pity that the robot never goes to see a movie with him,1.Try to remember the differences between British English and American English. 2. Find more examples about the differences between the two. 3. Preview Task on page 48-49,Homework
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