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威廉王子上央视宣传动物保护英语演讲稿 la _s and gentlemen, never before have we had so _ny different ways totalk to one another. in the distant past, written documents would becarried by hand across thousands of miles from chinato western europe. today, we aess knowledge from all over the world,through our mobile phones, at the tap of a key. wherever you are watching this programme whether in this hall, at work, with your friends, orat home with your families; xixi. thank you. hen gaoxing he ni jia _ian. im pleased to meet you. thank you for weling me into your homes. _ny of the most important conversations we have in our lives, take pla _ in the family home. the home is where we learn from our parents and grandparents, teach our own children, andshare our stories and hopes for the future. it is where _ny of our ideas and values are firstkindled. in that spirit, there is one subject i believe we have to discuss, around our family tables andacross the generations. it con _rns the future, and i know the chinese are a far-sighted people. it con _rns particularly the enviro _ent, and i know that protecting chinas rich and beautifulnatural heritage is important to all chinese families. it is the _ss destruction and trafficking of iconic endangered species; and it is time to talk about the growing hu _n de _nd for illegal wildlife products that drivesthe trade and _kes it profitable. today, we fa _ an unpre _dented surge in the brutal slaughter of iconic ani _ls by poachers. in south africa, for example, one rhino was killed every month until XX. but last year, threerhinos were killed every single day. in the 33 years sin _ i was born, we have lost around 70 per _nt of africas elephantpopulation. of those that are left, 20,000 are being killed every year that is 54 elephantskilled every single day. at this rate, children born this year like my daughter charlotte will see the last wildelephants and rhinos _ before their 25th birthdays. those who suffer the most from this loss are some of the poorest people on our pla. they are the families who feel powerless as the wildlife around them disappear; who fa _ beingtrapped in poverty forever without the ine that should be brought in by touri _, acornerstone of the economy in _ny developing nations. they are the children whose parents risk their lives in the fight against poachers. in the last fewdays, three rangers and one member of the armed for _s were killed by poachers in oneincident in _ntral africa; leaving behind 14 children between them. it is these childrens future that is blighted so tragically by the illegal wildlife trade, and it is their birth right that is stolen. there is no hiding from these facts today. on our phones, laptops and our tv screens, we can see the i _ges and read the reports that lay bare the truth of this crisis. that knowledge brings responsibility the responsibility to do everything in our power to reverse the _rch towards the eradication of these fine ani _ls. the good news is that we are far from powerless in this struggle. we can turn the tide of extinction. we know where the ani _ls we are trying to protect live. we know _ny of the roads, the airports and ports criminals use to transport their cargo from killing field to _rketpla _. and over the last few years we have seen a groundswell of action by gover _ents to improve their laws and work across borders to fight the traffickers. only last month, president xi announ _d that china will take steps to halt the domestic trade in ivory, adding to the ban on ivory carving imports he announ _d in february. but we know the illegal wildlife trade cannot be solved by gover _ents alone. the spotlight falls back on all of us, and on the choi _s we have to _ke to play our part in addressing this problem. we have to aept the truth that consumers are driving the de _nd for ani _l body parts, for art, for trinkets, for medicine. only we as consumers can put the wildlife traffickers out of business, by ending our de _nd for their products. i know we can do this. the desire to possess ani _l trophies, or ornaments _de from ivory, has been felt on every continent for _nturies. i know this topic is sensitive for _ny families. for example, until 100 years ago my an _stors were among those who had little con _rn about acquiring ivory, without the knowledge of the threats of extinction, corruption, and violen _ that the ivory trade would lead to. my rejection of ivory today is not a judgement ofpast generations. it is an aeptan _ of the world asi find it today and the world i want my children,george and charlotte, to inherit. likewise, those doctors and medical practitioner
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