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.Unit Five珍贵的遗产罗恩戈尔德埃尔西外婆去世时我才17岁。她是我祖父母一辈中最后一个去世的,我是她唯一的外孙。直到律师宣读她遗嘱的那一刻,我才充分感受到这位老妇人深深的爱。这是一个我永生难忘的时刻这一天,我成了镇上最富有的孩子。我和父母、索菲姨妈、比尔姨夫围坐在她的律师办公室的小型会议桌旁。她想让她的女儿和女婿们一起分享她所留下的一点财富包括小额保险单的收益、几个手镯、一些珠宝和她的结婚戒指。除此之外,她还给他们留下了 子的 、 、 公 的 一 。这 是 爱德外公 时 她的。我们起 去时,律师我们,还有西。他currency1公包“一个小小的珠宝、一fifl和一 包的flfi。“,的外婆”她的婚戒留给了, 上。 了起。这些是给的,“,他,这fifl和这些 是所有遗产中最珍贵的。外婆的fl是这的:“ 爱的“,我”我最珍贵的财富之一我的 留给。这些 是爱德 外公在我 时 给我的fl。 读读这些fl , 们是 之宝,是指 去爱一个女人、 人、 保 直 的指。读这些fl时,会感受到一个的人一个的女人的 和 ,会了 给人们的 和 ,会 到是之分,会会fl爱的人, fl的人,会 是陈酿的友谊,真爱 会成 生活的核心。“,我一直很幸运。我爱一个优秀的人,他深爱我。尽管他的爱现在已经成了 ,但 是一个永会结束的真实的梦。爱像一张存放在相册中的 丽的照片。每 惊奇 凝 时,欣赏到 的 。爱 使时间停滞,使再一次青春焕发永青春焕发!爱德 外公是个 人,是一位职业 官,第一次世界 期间赴法 ,在潘兴将 的部队中服役。要了 外公的内心世界,读一读他 给我的 。会了 一个真 的人多 浪漫,多 完 。要真 了 外公的 德,读一读克潘兴将 在得 爱德 阵亡后给我 的 笔fl 。“,我过这些 是 之宝,我已经告诉他的 有多 珍贵, currency1中有所领悟。然后找一个值得爱的女孩,满怀 爱她。爱 使们的生活丰富多彩,给们更多的快乐。到这些fl的 值, ”这些flfi收藏。索 比拍卖 的估 师这些老邮 的 值超过了我的其他财产。潘兴将 的 笔fl比邮 更加值钱。愿爱陪伴一生,愿的人生更有意义!上帝保佑!我爱,埃尔西外婆。Love is more precious than money.He was left a legacy by his aunt. inherit a legacyThey had not realized the depth of their feelings for one another.a press/news conferenceThe conference will be held in New York. insurance companyShe received 2,000 insurance.Have you bought insurance on your house? It is the policy of the government to improve education.American foreign policyan insurance policyam going to attend my brothers wedding. a wedding ringstock exchange There are several kinds of gas in the air. a gas cookerI can smell a gas leak. electric power electric generating plantelectric fanelectric ironelectric stovemilitary servicemilitary operationmilitary agemilitary basemilitary disciplineThe mayor presented a silver cup to the winner. The mayor presented the winner with a silver cup. Dont forget to put a stamp on the envelope. engagement ringMy brother has just told me about his engagement to Anne. It brought me back to memories of my schooldays. The diamond ring is said to be a priceless treasure. Children should respect their parents. In spite of his different opinion, he respected his sons point of view. This fellow never shows respect for anyone. What is the distance between Shanghai and Beijing? There has been a great distance between the two close friends since their quarrel. You are a mature man now; you are no longer a boy. The human brain isnt fully mature until about age 25. The two boys formed a deep and lasting friendship.Our marriage is based on friendship, love, and trust. I was fortunate to catch todays last bus to the county at the last minute. We gazed in wonderment at the sunset on the small island. I always thought it would be romantic to get red roses on my birthday. A persons character is more important than past experience. He has a strong but gentle character. a packet of letters a packet of cigarettesLove of art will enrich your life. The goal of the course is to enrich our understanding of other cultures. 51. fortunate 2. respected 3. forever 4. character 5. military6. friendship 7. memories 8. soul 9. precious 10. lawyer61. as well as 2. made use of 3. keep their distance from4. took out 5. as for 6. stared at71. While the car is old, it still runs well.2. While we are a small company, we produce over 10000 machines a year.3. While I quite understand why he refused to help her, I can not agree that he was right not to do so.4. While no more than twenty-two, she was already a highly successful businesswoman.5. While in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.81. even worse2. even less3. even more interesting4. even more exciting91. At the soldiers funeral, the general presented his wife with a medal as wellas an American flag.2. These old stamps are even more valuable than all the rest of my estate. As for the diamond ring, it is priceless.3. While his love is now a memory, each time I stare at his photo, I can fully appreciate the depth of his love.4. Mother often tells me to make good use of my precious time and keep my distance from those I mistrust.5. I did not understand that mature friendship could enrich our lives until I read his letter.101. equipments equipment 2. advices advice3. informations information 4. are is 5. works work 6. grasses grass 7. progresses progress8. are is 9. treasure treasures10. wealths wealth一串蓝珠项链富尔顿奥斯勒在琼雷斯推他店门的那一天,皮特 查德是镇上最孤独的人。这小店是他的祖父传下的。小小的橱窗“ 放 一些过时的西。在这个 的下 ,一个孩子 在那“,她的 额 ,一 每一 珠宝,像在 找 很特的西。最后,她满意的 直 子, 了店“。店“的 比橱窗还要 ,店 皮特 在 后 。他还到30岁,但 发已经有点 。 生,孩子, ”橱窗“那串蓝珠子项链 给我一下 皮特子,一串项链。他”宝现给她时,蓝中currency1的宝在他的“中发。完 了,孩子,fi我包fl得 的是 人的 是 我的。她照我。 ,这是妈妈后的第一个”,我一直在 找一 最的 。有多 钱 皮特。她一直在手 手上 的结,这时将一”分在 上。我”“的钱了,她单 。皮特有所 小女孩,然后小心 ”项链收 。 有
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