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1职称英语综合类 C 级核心词汇addict: v. 使沉溺于(addict oneself to( = be addicted to) 沉溺于,热中于)in addition/加上, 又, 另外;in addition to/加上, 除.外;additional adj.附加的, 另外的; 补充的address n.收信(件)人的住址 v. 对.讲演或发表演说; (address a meeting 向大会致辞)adequate adj. 足够的,恰当的,胜任的 (be adequate for.胜任)(adequate enough sufficient 足够的)adjust v. 调整;调节; 使适应(adjust oneself to sth./ 使自己适应 .)admire v. 赞美;赞赏;(admire sb. for sth./因而钦佩某人)admit v. 让.进入, 使获得( 某种地位或特权), 承认( 事实、错误等 ) (admit sb. into the university/获准入大学; admit sb. to hospital/把某人收治入院) ;adopt v. 采用, 采纳 (adopt take 采用)adult n. 成年人 (adult grown-up 成年人)advance v./n. 提高(物价等), 增加(数量、价钱等), 提前, 加速, 拨快(时针) (in advance/ 预先)(advance-increase 增加(数量、价钱等 ) )advantage n. 优势, 长处, 利益 , 便利 (take advantage of/ 利用,欺骗) (advantage - merit优点)adventure n. 冒险 , 惊险活动 advertisement n. 广告(= ad.)advice n. 劝告, 忠告(a piece of advice/ 一条意见; give advice /提出忠告; take/follow ones advice /接受忠告)advise v. 建议 , 提意见, 通知( advise sb. to do sth./ 劝某人做某事,advise sb. that./通知某人某事 = inform sb. that)(B 级)advisable adj. 明智的, 可取的 (advisable sensible -wise 明智的)affair n. 事情 件, 常用复 事务, 事态(affairs of state/ 国务; foreign affairs /外交事务 )affect v. 影响, 对.起作用反应, 感动, 患(病) (affect influence have a bearing on 影响)afford v. 常与 can, could, be able to 连用 担负得起费用 (损失、后果等)( cant afford to buy sth./ 买不起 .)afraid adj. 常作表语 怕, 害怕 , 口恐怕( be afraid of/害怕, 担心; Im afraid/口大概, 恐怕, 担心) (afraid -fearful)Africa n. 非洲after prep. 在以后,adv. 以后, 后来 conj, 在以后again adv. 再一次, 又一次 again and again 再三地, 反复地against: prep. 反对,敌对,逆 , 碰,触, 以为背景(be against/反对)核心词汇推荐:age n. 年龄 v. 变老(at the age of/ 时年.岁; be of age(= come of age/)成年 ; ago adv. 以前,以往(long long ago 很久很久以前, two days ago/ 两天前);agree v. 一致, 相合, 同意 (agree on/对意见一致; agree with sb. /同意某人的话; agree to do sth. 同意做 ) ;agreement n. 一致, 同意, 协议( in agreement with ./ 和. 一致) ;agriculture n.农业2ahead adv.在前, 向前, 提前( ahead of/在之前;超过) ;aid v. 帮助, 援助 n. 帮助, 支援(aid sb. in sth./ 帮助某人做。 。 ) ;(aid help 帮助; aid device 辅助设备)aim v. (常与 at 连用)瞄准, 对准, 以为目标 n. 瞄准;目标(aim to do sth./ 致力于做。;aim at doing sth./ sth. / 致力于做) ;air n. 空气 , 天空( fresh air /新鲜空气; by air /乘飞机) ; airplane n. 飞机;airport n.航空站,机场 ;alarm n. 惊恐,担忧,报警器, 闹钟,警报 v. 使担心,使惊恐alcohol n. 酒精; alike adj. 常作表语 同样的, 相似的(look alike/看起来相似)alive adj. 活的,活着的( keep sth alive/ 让。 。仍然活着 ) ;( 比较: alive(活的)不能作定语, 只能作表语和补语; living(活的 ) 可以作定语, 如: a living scientist 一位仍然还在世的科学家)all adj. 所有的, 全部的 pron.全体, 全部, (与 of 连用)整体;全部( in all/总计; above all/首先,尤其是, all over/到处,遍及, after all/终究,毕竟, at all/完全, 根本, 究竟; after all/虽然这样, 毕竟) ;allow v. 允许,准许, 给予 (allow sb. to do sth./允许某人做。 。 )(allow permit 允许)almost adv. 几乎; (almost nearly 几乎,差不多)alone adj. 只作表语 单独的; 孤独的(be alone/独自一人, leave sb. alone/让某人独自呆一会)(比较: lonely(孤独的)可以用作表语 )along prep. 沿着(walk along the river/沿着河走; all along/始终;一直 ; along with/与一道);aloud adv. 高声地,响亮地 (aloud loudly 高声地)already adv. 表示现在或过去某时已发生的事实 已经also adv. 也, 同样 , 而且(not only.but also.或 not only.but./不仅.而且) ; (also too as well 也)alter v. 变更;改变,改换 (alter change 改变)alternative n. 两者择一, 替换物, adj. 两者择一的,交替的;although adv. 尽管,虽然; (although though 虽然)always adv. 总是;a.m. adv. 上午amaze v. 使惊奇;使吃惊(be amazed at sth. /对.感到惊奇) ;(amazed surprised astonished 感到惊讶的 ) amazing adj. 令人吃惊的 (amazing surprising astonishing 令人吃惊的)ambition n. 野心 , 雄心, 抱负;ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的,渴望的 C 级核心词汇推荐:assembly n. 集合, 装配, 集会(assembly line/ 装配线) ;assess v. 评估(财产, 价值, 人物、工作等) ; (assess evaluate value 评估) assist v. (在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 (assist sb. in doing sth/to do sth/在方面帮助某人)assistant n. 助手, 助理(assistant engineer/助理工程师; assistant professor/ 副教授); 3associate v. 结交, 由.联想到., 把.联系起来(associate one thing with another/把某一事与另一事联系起来; .be associated with sth./.和.有关/. 和.有联系 ): association n. 联合,协会, 社团: assume v. 假设(assume suppose ),承担(assume take on - acccept), 呈(态度, 姿态, 位置) (assume new duties/ 承担新的职务 ; assume office/就职; assume responsibility/负责, 承担责任); assure v. 保证 (assume - ensure) ,使安心,让放心 (assure sb. of/that/向某人保证)astonish v. 使吃惊(astonish surprise shock)(be astonished at sth. /对感到惊讶);astronaut n. 宇航员at prep.位置, 场所, 地点,时间 在时,在中,在方面,向, (表示速度,价格等)以(arrive at/到达; at my uncles/在我叔父家;at the foottop of the mountain / 在山脚下顶上; at the meeting/在会议上; at ten oclock/ 在十点钟; at (the age of) forty/在 40 岁的时候; at the beginning of the month/ 在月初; at Christmas/在圣诞节; aim at/对准.; throw at /朝扔;be pleased at/对感到高兴;be surprised frightened at /听到而吃惊; at ones request/应某人的请求; at the rate/speed of /以每小时.速度); athlete: n. 运动员Atlantic adj.大西洋的;大西洋沿岸的(the Atlantic Ocean /大西洋); atmosphere n. 大气, 空气, 气氛 ; attack n./v. 进攻, 疾病)侵袭,发作(a heart attack /心脏病发作); attach v. 贴上,系上,缚上(attach to 把贴/系在上面)attempt n. (常与 at, on, to 连用)努力, 尝试 v. (常与 to 连用)企图, 尝试 (attempt to do sth./make an attempt to do sth. /试图做); attend v. 注意 , 出席(at), 参加, 上( 学, 教堂) ( attend school /上学; attend a lecture /听讲课; attend (at) a wedding /出席婚礼; be attended by/ 由.陪同; 由.照料); attention n.注意 , 关心, 关注, 注意力( pay attentio
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