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手机版、网页版、单机版 三位一体多平台学习模式职称英语考试历年真题和答案【 天宇考王 】 为广大考生归纳总结职称外语最新考试资讯,让考生最先了解职称外语考试报名等有关事项的通知,天宇考王是一款上机练习题库软件,有单机版、网页版、手机版、三位一体多平台学习模式。第六篇:Teaching and LearningMany teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with1 the student. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect student to be familiar with the (1) _ in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The (2) _ student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of2 (3) _, not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned (4) _ brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is (5) _ for learning the material assigned. When research is (6) _, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with (7) _ guidance. It is the students responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain (8) _ a university library works; they expect students (9) _ graduate students to exhaust the (10) _ in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but (11) _ that their students should not be (12) _ dependent on them. In the United States professors have many other duties (13) _ teaching, such as administrative or research work. Therefore, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is (14) _. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either (15) _ a professor during office hours3 or make an appointment.词汇:assignment /sainmnt/ n任务,作业motivate /mutiveit/ v刺激,激发的积极性exhaust /igz:st/ v耗尽,使筋疲力尽;彻底讨论administrative /dministrtiv/adj管理的,行政的appointment /pintmnt/ n约定,约会注释:1. lie with:是的责任2. .for the sake of learning:为了学习3. approach a professor during office hours:在办公时间见老师练习:1. A) suggestion B) context C) abstract D) information2. A) poor B) ideal C) average D) disappointed3. A) fun B) work C) learning 手机版、网页版、单机版 三位一体多平台学习模式D) prize4. A) by B) in C) for D) with5. A) criticized B) innocent C) responsible D) dismissed6. A) collected. B) distributed C) assigned D) finished7. A) maximum B) minimum C) possible D) practical8. A) when B) what C) why D) how9. A) particularly B) essentially C) obviously D) rarely10. A) selections B) collections C) sources D) origins11. A) hate B) dislike C) like D) prefer12. A) too B) such C) much D) more13. A) but B) except C) with D) besides14. A) plentiful B) limited C) irregular D) flexible15. A) greet B) annoy C) approach D) attach答案与题解:1. D 综合第一句的大意,只有 D 选项“信息”填在这里恰当,A 选项的意思是“提议,暗示”,B“语境,上下文”,C“摘要”。2. B 此句大意为 “理想的学生是为了学习而学习 ”,只有 ideal 最符合要求,故选B。3. C 本文讲的是与学生学习相关的内容,A, B, D 均不合文意及句意,故排除。4. D 此处要区分几个介词的含义,be returned with 一般有“带着回来”之意,此句意为 “有时,被发回来的作业上只有简短的评价,并无分数 ”。be returned by 意为“被带回来”,而 for, in 于此搭配不当,答案选 D。5. C be responsible for 是固定搭配,表示“对负责任”。其他选项放在此处都不合上下文含意。6. C 此句意思是 “当一项研究课题被选定时,教授们期望学生积极去做”。A 和 D 不合题意,最大的干扰项 B 意思为“分配,分布”,一般指一个整体被分散给许多个体,与之相比,C 选项更为合适。7. B 老师肯定希望学生能够在尽可能少的指导下完成研究。只有 B 选项意为“最小的”,为正确答案。8. D 首先排除 B 选项,因为此处需要一个关系副词充当宾语从句的状语,而 what 是 手机版、网页版、单机版 三位一体多平台学习模式关系代词,之后要看整句的意思,教授们没有时间去给学生解释一个大学图书馆是怎样运作的。A 和 C 虽然符合语法要求,但放此处意思不通,故选 D。9. A A 选项意为 “尤其 ”,B“本质上”,C“明显地”,D“很少地,难得”。此处强调毕业生,A 选项较为合适。10. C 此句意为 “教授们期望学生,尤其是研究生阅尽图书馆中的文献资源”。A 意为“选集”,B 为“集合”,两者一般都指文学作品的“集合”,而此处是学术界的文献。C与 D 选项都有“来源,源头”的意思,但 D 选项侧重于“起源,开端”,C 更侧重于“原始资料”,为正确答案。11. D 根据下文意思, A 和 B 选项可直接排除,教授们肯定是喜欢学生不依赖他们,不是不喜欢。D 选项的含义比 C 选项更递进了一步,符合题意,故选 D。12. A dependent 是形容词,前面不能与 such, much 搭配,D 选项 more 放在此处构成比较级,但前文并无原级与之相比较,因此只剩下 A 为答案,此句意为“教授们愿意帮助那些需要帮助的学生,但更希望学生不要太过依赖他们”。13. D 此题重点在于区分三个有“除之外”含义的介词。A 选项一般翻译成“而不是,并不是”,B 选项意为“除去之外”,D 选项意为“除去之外还”,此句意思为“美国的教授除了教书之外还有许多其他的职责”,故 D 为答案。14. B 根据上文含义,一个教授能花在学生身上的时间一定是有限的,A, C, D 不合题意,直接排除,B 选项为正确答案。15. C 此题还是承接上文含义,正因为教授时间有限,因此学生若想与之沟通,定要等教授在学校的时候,或是提前约好。C 选项意为“接近,靠近”,为正确答案,其他选项意思与文意不符,A 为“问候”,B 为“使厌恶”,D 为“依附,伴随,添加”。译文 教与学 许多
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