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1英语 II(1)期末总复习深圳电大 苏曼华一、期末考试的范围、题型和命题原则1 范围:本学期所学习的开放英语(3)和综合练习册(3) ,还会涉及一些在英语 I(1)(2)中所学过的基本语法、句法等知识。2 题型:I听力理解(20 分)(一) 理解对话 10 题选择题(10 分)(二) 理解段落 5 题判断正误(10 分)II英语知识运用(35 分)(三)选择填空 15 题选择题(15 分)(四)完形填空 10 题选择题(20 分)III阅读理解(30 分)(五)短文理解 1,短文理解 2,10 题选择题(20 分)(六)短文理解 3,5 题正误,未提及判断(10 分)IV写作( 15 分)(七)书面表达 一篇短文或短信(15 分)3 命题原则:本课程终结考试根据教材所函盖的 语法项目、交际功能和词汇 以及与教材难度相当的语言材料命题,涉及教材的内容不少于 50%。根据考试样题分析,以下试题是教材内容(占 50%以上) 。(二)理解段落(10 分)是主教材 Unit 3 Activity 5 (Extract 2)(四)完形填空(20 分)是主教材 Unit 6 Activity 3(五)短文理解 1(10 分)是主教材 Unit 2 Activity 2(六)短文理解 3(10 分)是主教材 Unit 12 Activity 5(七)书面表达(10 分)是主教材 Unit 7 内容(投诉信)根据 04 年 7 月试题分析,以下试题是教材内容(占 50%以上) 。(二)理解段落(10 分)是主教材 Unit 5 Activity 19 (Extract 5)(四)完形填空(20 分)是主教材 Unit 10 Activity 1(五)短文理解 1(10 分)是主教材 Unit 8 Activity 11(六)短文理解 3(10 分)是主教材 Unit 17 Activity 2(七)书面表达(10 分)是主教材 Unit 15(有关城市发展变化的内容)根据 05 年 1 月试题分析,以下试题是教材内容(占 50%以上) 。(二)理解段落(10 分)是综合练习册 Unit 18 Activity 1-2 (Extract 1)(四)完形填空(20 分)是主教材 Unit 12 Activity 3(五)短文理解 1(10 分)是主教材 Unit 18 Activity 6(六)短文理解 3(10 分)是主教材 Unit 17 Activity 11(七)书面表达(10 分)是主教材 Units 13, 5(有关教育及抱负的内容)根据 05 年 7 月试题分析,以下试题是教材内容(占 50%以上) 。(二)理解段落(10 分)是主教材 Unit 8 Activity 5-6 (Extract 2)(四)完形填空(20 分)是主教材 Unit 7 Activity 14(五)短文理解 1(10 分)是主教材 Unit 13 Activity 1(六)短文理解 3(10 分)是主教材 Unit 15 Activity 132(七)书面表达(10 分)是主教材 Unit 10(有关健康与锻炼身体的内容)二、本学期学习的语法知识、语言功能和词汇知识(三个阶段复习的内容)(一)语法知识1. 动词的时态(Units 1, 3, 5, 8, 14) (重难点)在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或情况要用不同的动词形式表示,这种形式叫做“时态” 。电大开放英语(3)要求掌握的时态为九种,它们是:时态 结构 举例(write)一般现在时 V (动词原形) write/writes 一般过去时 V-ed (动词过去式) wrote 一般将来时 shall/will + V (动词原形) shall/will write 现在进行时 am/is/are + V-ing (现在分词) am/is/are writing 过去进行时 was/were + V-ing (现在分词) was/were writing 现在完成进行时 have/has + been + V-ing (现在分词) have/has been writing 现在完成时 have/has + V-ed (过去分词) have/has written 过去完成时 had + V-ed (过去分词) had written 将来完成时 shall/will + have + V-ed (过去分词) shall/will have written 学习动词时态应注意以下几点:(1) 一般现在时,当主语是单数第三人称时,作谓语用的动词原形要加词尾-s 或-es 。例如:Mary comes from England. When does the film begin?(2) 英语中不规则动词虽然不多,但它们的使用率却相当高,务必记住。例如:do did done, go went gone, make made made, see saw seen(3) 一般现在时与现在进行时的比较:一般现在时表示一般、重复的动作或事情;现在进行时表示说话时或说 话前后的动作或事情,现在进行时还表示按计划在最近或最近的将来要发生的动作。例如:What do you do? (表示重复的动作 )What are you doing here? (表示说话时正在进行的动作)What are you doing this weekend? (表示在最近的将来要发生的动作)(4) 一般过去时与现在完成时的比较:(a)一般过去时指发生在过去的动作或状态,可以指某次具体的动作,也可以指重复性的动作;现在完成时则强调过去的动作或事情对现在和将来的影响, 着眼点在现在 。例如:I lost my pen. ( 仅表示过去的动作)Ive lost my pen. I have to write with a pencil. (对现在产生影响)(b)一般过去时通常与表示 过去的特定时间状语 连用( 此时不能用现在完成时 ) 。例如:Tom lost his key yesterday. 询问某事发生的具体时间或地点时( when, what time, where) ,必须用一般过去时 。例如:What time did they arrive? When and where were you born? (c)现在完成时经常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用(since, for, so far) ;与表示不确定的时间副词及短语连用(already, before, yet, recently, lately, ever, never等) ;与包括现在在内的时间状语连用 (now, just, today, this month, always, in the past few days 等) 。例如:She has taught English for ten years.I havent told you this before. Hes finished his homework today. 所以在使用这两种时态时,要特别注意与他们搭配使用的时间状语。(5)现在完成时与过去完成时的比较:现在完成时用于表示过去的经历或过去的动作或事情对现在和将来的影响或产生的3结果, 着眼点在现在 。过去完成时常用来描述在过去某一时间或过去某一动作以前完成的动作或事件, 着眼点在过去,动作是过去的过去 。例如: Ive seen the film. (对现在而言)I had seen the film before I came to Shenzhen. (对过去动作 came 而言)(6)现在完成时与现在完成进行时的比较现在完成时强调 动作的结果 ,并表示 动作已经结束 ;现在完成进行时强调动作从过去某个时间 一直持续 到现在,而且 还要持续 下去。例如:John has painted the door. (已漆完,动作已结束)John has been painting the door. (还在漆,动作还要持续下去)Weve cleaned the house. You may come in now. (强调动作的结果)Were very tired. Weve been cleaning the house. (强调动作持续进行)练习:(样题) 16. I _ a good film on TV at the moment. A. watch B. am watching C. watched D. was watching(样题) 25. Judy _ the Great Wall twice, and now she still _ to go there. A. has been to wants B. went to wantedC. has gone to wants D. goes to wants(04 年 7 月题) 16. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _ when he _ at the party. A. left; had arrived B. had left; had arrived C. left; arrived D. had left; arrived(04 年 7 月题) 18. I broke my leg when I _ skiing in America. A. /(不填) B. am C. is D. was(04 年 7 月题) 20. By the end of this year, I _ enough money for a holiday. A. will have B. will have saved C. will be saving D. will be saved(04 年 7 月题) 23. She told me she _ well before the flight.A. hadnt slept B. didnt sleep C. hasnt slept D. doesnt sleep(04 年 7 月题) 25. The technicians will have installed the computers _ the end of December. A. at B. in C. by D. to(05 年 1 月题) 16. By the end of last week, we _ eighteen lessons. A. learned B. had learned C. would learn D. have learned(05 年 1 月题) 17. By the time you come back from Japan, your son _ from a middle school. A. would graduate B. will be graduating C. will have graduated D. will be graduated(05 年 7 月题) 24. Before 1988, I _ George Bush. A. have never heard of B. didnt hear of C. had never heard of D. wouldnt hear of(05 年 7 月题) 25. Fou
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