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1练习 1I、在下列每个句子的空白处填上适当的冠词(如果必要的话) ,然后将句子译成汉语:1. There has been _an_ ever greater interest in this subject.2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate without too great _a_ rise in temperature.3. Its primary disadvantage is _an_ increase in noise.4. _The_ successful design of the equipment requires _a_ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications.5. In _the_ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _a_ single electron revolves around _a_ single proton in a circle of radius R.6. The unit of frequency is _the_ hertz.7. If _a_ voltage is applied across _a_ circuit, _an_ electric current will flow in _the_ circuit.8. _ Fig. 5-1 shows _ Oersteds experiment.9. We should use _an_ 18-volt battery here.10. _A_ machine is _a_ device for transmitting force to accomplish _a_ definite purpose.11. _The_ hydraulic press will be considered in _ Chapter 14.12. _The_ study of fluids in motion is one of _ the_ more difficult branches of mechanics because of _the_ diversity of phenomena that may occur.13. It is easy to determine _the_ value of _the_ parameter .14. By _ Eq. (2-1) we have _the_ following relation.15. It is necessay to use _an_ S-shaped tube here.16. The authors work at _the_ University of Texas at _ Arlinton.17. This is _an_ R-bit transformer.18. _An_ XOR gate must be used here.II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确地使用冠词:1、这是一个 h 参数(parameter) 。This is an h parameter.2、现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网(local area networks) 。Now lets turn to a discussion of local area networks.3、Bainbridge 质谱仪(mass spectrometer)是与光谱仪(optical spectrometer)一样重要的仪器。The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer.4、必需求出为使一个电子通过(travel )这一段导线 (length of the wire)需要多长的时间。It is necessary to find out how long a time it needs to ravel the length of the wire for an electron.5、物质(substance)的密度(density)是其每单位体积的 质量(mass) 。The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume.6、地球的半径(radius)为 6.37106 米。The radius of the earth is 6.37106 m.27、这两个参数(parameter)是相同的。The These two parameters are the same.8、压力的增加总会引起体积的减少。An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.9、图(25)画出了式(22)所表示的情况。Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).10、电感(inductance)的单位是亨利(henry) 。The unit of inductance is the henry.11、输入信号(input signal)太大会引起 非线性失真(nonlinear distprtion ) 。Too large an input signal can cause nonlinear distortion.12、利用斜率(slope)的定义,我们能导出(derive)表示直线(straight line)的方程。Using the definition of slope, we can derive the equation which represents a straight line.13、f (x h) f(x)这一表达式(expression)经常用在学习 微积分(calculus )中。The expression f (xh)f (x) is frequently used in the study of calculus.14、能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数(unknown)的线性(linear )方程。An equation which can be written in the following form is known as a linear equation in one unknown.15、在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟速率(clock rate)工作(operate ) 。In a computer, the tendency is to operate at as high a clock rate as possible.16、锡(tin)的熔点(melting point)没有铅(lead)的高。 (要求使用“have as as”句型)Tin does not have as high a melting point as lead (does).17、这个平均速度(average speed)是末速度(final speed)的一半。This average velocity is half the final velocity.18、电(electricity)可以容易地被转变成其它形式的能量。Electricity can be easily changed into other forms of energy19、1831 年,美国的约瑟夫亨利(Joseph Henry)发现了电磁感应(electromagnetic induction)现象。In 1831, Joseph Henry in the United States discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.20、计算机是有几部分组成的。A computer consists of several parts units.III、将下列小段内容译成英语:化学是基于需要测量像长度、体积、质量和温度这样一些量的概念之上的。这些测量是定量的(quantitative) ;也就是,它们具有与其相关的( associated with)数字。在这一节,我们将考虑用在定量测量中的一些简单仪器。我们还将考察(look at)用来表示这些被测的量的单位。IV、根据所给的汉语文本,改正各英语文本中的错误:1、 【汉语原文】UASMA 协议采用了独特的幀结构。【英语文本】UASMA protocol employs an unique frame structure.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure.32、 【汉语原文】一种双正交循环码 M 元扩频接收机的性能分析 这是一篇论文的标题【英语文本】Performance analysis of a M-ary spread spectrum receiver using biorthogonal cyclic codes3、 【汉语原文】最后,用这种方法设计了宽带阶梯阻抗变换器。【英语文本】At last, broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.4、 【汉语原文】秘密共享系统安全性的动态分析和评估 这是一篇论文的标题【英语文本】Dynamic analysis and evaluation of security for proactive secret sharing system5、 【汉语原文】利用状态转移图,获得了系统的安全性概率。【英语文本】With state-transition diagram, security probability of system is obtained.6、 【汉语原文】该方法适用于任意形状的一维势垒。【英语文本】The approach can be applied to one-dimensional potential barrier with arbitrary profile.7、 【汉语原文】我们提出了一种基于牛顿叠代法的数值方法。【英语文本】We propose a kind of numerical method based on the Newtons iterative method.练习 2I、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确使用并列连接词和从句引导词:1、普通的变压器(transformer)并不是理想的,所以(therefore)在其中会发生功率损耗(power loss) 。Commen transformers are not ideal; therfore, power loss acurre in them.2、这物质能吸引铁质物体(iron object) ,甚至能使它们磁化(magnetize) 。This matieral can abstract iron object and even can magnetize them.3、这电路(circuit)由一个电池、一个电感器(inductor) 、一个电容器(capacitor)组成。The circuit consists of a battary, a inductor and a
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