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英语一诊前易错题原因分析及纠错小练习( 一)成都树德怀远中学高 2012 级 于正超(2011-12-15)1.“The door was open.”“It open . I had locked it myself and the key was in my pocket.”A.cant be B.mustnt be C.cant have been D.mustnt have been2.So far,he must have achieved his goal, .A.musnt B.didnt he C.hasnt he D.doesnt he3.In 1778, Banks was elected president of Royal Society, position he held for 42 years.A./,/,a B./,the,a C.the,/,a D.the,the,the4.Having checked the doors were closed,and all the lightes were off ,the boy opende the door to his bedroom.A.why B.that C.when D.where5.Your shoes are .A.where they were B.the place you put C.in the corner that you put D.there where they are6. Did you enjoy the movie last night?Yes,I didnt expect it as wonderful.A.more B.as C.most D.much 7.Pleasant as they made it ,we felt tired after the long journey.A.to travel B.travel C.traveled D.traveling8.They asked me to have drink with them.I said that it was at least ten years since I a good drink.A.had enjoyed B.was enjoyed C.enjoyed D.had been enjoyed9.Most people in that area objected with little effect a golf playground there.A.to build B.of building C.to have built D.to building10.The gas must have run out , the fire went out itself.A.because B.as C.for D.since11.The door .Better have it repaired.A.isnt shut B.hasnt been shut C.wont be shut D.wont shut12.I would have gone to visit him in the hosiptal had it been at all possible ,but I busy the wholeot last week.A.were B.had been C.have been D.was13.At the computer operation test,one is supposed to stay at his own machine ,keep his eyes on his screen, to anyone.A.and not to speak B.but could not speak C.instead of speaking D.or rather speak14.Scientists generally agree that Eaths climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.A.as long as B.as much as C.as long as D.as well as15.How many of us ,say, a meeting that has nothing to do with us will be interesd in the discussion?A.attending B.to attend C.have attended D.attend16.I dont like talking on telephone;I prefer writing letters.A.the the B.the / C.a the D.a /17Knowing the meaning of a word is one thing, yet using it properly is quite .Amuch Bmany Clittle Danother18Mom, I have had a high fever. ! Lets go to see the doctor.APoor thing BGood luck CGo ahead D. Take care19Tom told me that after a few years in China not only his Chinese, and that he had also obtained more interest.高考资源网 Adoes he improve B had he improved Che had improved Dhe will improve20 the lack of a recent title, Ding Junhui can take comfort in knowing he has inspired a new generation of Chinese players.ARegardless of BDue to CExcept DDespite21If not from work, I will spend some time in my study every evening.Abeing tired; locking Btiring; locked Ctired; locked Dto be tired; being locked22The world body is committed to do it can to assist the people of Haiti suffering from the big earthquake.Ahowever Bno matter what CWhatever Dno matter which23Why were you absent yesterday?I caught a cold, I had been walking around in the rain.Abut Bso Cand Dfor24China Tourism Day should fall on 15th, July, according to Sichuan people, Deng Xiaoping paid a visit to Mount Emei, and made an important speech on tourism.Awhich Bon which Cof whom Dwho25He has recently golf to provide himself with some relaxation.Ataken on Btaken off Ctaken up Dtaken over26It was only after he came back he decided to write to Kite to find out if he was wasting his time there.Athat Bhow Cand which Dwhat27 the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also cause family problems.AWhen BWhile CIf DAs28I think the realname system for the train tickets can effectively crack down on scalpers(黄牛党) . I hate scalpers.AI hope so BBelieve it or not CNot at all DNo way29Panda Mei Lan returned to China yesterday. She in US since she was born.Ahad been livingBis living高 Cwill have been living Dhas been living30The population of China to many times what it was in 1949, and most of its populationfarmers.Ahave grown; are Bhave grown; is Chas grown; is Dhas grown; are31What about going abroad?Great, but I never expected a chance for me before.Athere to be Bthere being Cthere is Dthere to have32Hi, Nancy, I didnt know you had come back. So have you graduated from college?Yes. I French for 5 years in Nanjing.高考资源网 Ahave studied Bstudied Chad studied Dam studying33
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