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定冠词限定名词时主要表示特指,针对 TOEFL(托福) 应注意以下几点:(1) the 和可数名词单数连用,表示一类人或物,如: the fern(蕨类) , the wallflower(2) 序数词之前必须用 the,如: the first woman, the nineteenth century但前面有物主代词时除外,如 my first baby(3) 形容词最高级之前必须用 the(有物主代词时除外) ,如:the largest city, the most advanced technology(4) of 连接的名词前多用 the, 如: the development of the watch,(5) 世界上独一无二的东西前应加 the, 如: the globe(地球) ,the equator(赤道) , the moon, the sun在下列情况下,一般不用 the:(1) 表示人名、地名、国家名等专有名词前, 一般不加,如:Dennis Chavez(人名) ,Alaska(地名) ,English(英语) , February(二月) , America(美国) 但是在表示海洋、海峡、江、河、山脉、群岛等专有名词时要加上 the , the Great Lakes(美国五大湖) , the Changjiang River(长江)(2) 无特指的不可数名词前,如: algebra(代数学) , advertising, accounting(会计学) (3) 表示类别的复数名词前,如: Historians believe that, Amphibians(两栖动物) hatch from(4) 一些固定词组中,如: in history, in nature, at work, at home , go to school, go to bed, in bed乘车的词组: by train(乘火车) , by car (乘汽车) , by bicycle(骑脚踏车) , much, a large amount of, a great deal of, a wealth of(大量的、丰富的) little /a little /less /least, a piece /sheet /slice /bar of, 属不可数名词专用另外一些词(词组)如such, some /any (of) , most (of) , a lot of, lots of, the re st of, plenty of 等既可接可数名词又可接不可数名词。有些形容词本身就具有“比。年长” 、 “ 比。 。优越”等含义,因此也就没有比较级和最高级。比如: inferior, superior, senior, anterior。这些形容词往往和 to 连用,而不和 than 连用。有些形容词本身就具备“最、极”的含义,所以就没有最高级和比较级。如:absolute(绝对的) , unique(独一无二的) , infinite(无限的) , round(圆的) , right(对的) , correct(正确的) , wrong(错误的) , perfect(完美的) ,这类形容词往往被称为绝对形容词对于 most 来讲,除了构成某些词最高级外,most 的用法有几点需要注意,经常成为改错题的考点:1. 当 most 表示大多数时,之前不加 the, 并且有两种形式来表示大多数,分别为:most + 名词,如:most people, most Indian tribes; most + of + 限定词 + 名词或代词,如:most of his paintings,most of us, most of the modern artists2. most 有时意思等同于 very, 此时 most 之前用不定冠词,如:a most lovely girl, a most impressive proposal程度副词 still 修饰比较级 more 时,应置于其前几点参考规则:1. 多数副词放在修饰的动词之后,若动词有宾语则放在宾语之后,如:She sings very well.考试大在线考试中心I met your uncle(动词的宾语) just now.I met just now your uncle (错)2. 副词修饰形容词、介词短语、副词时常放在被修饰成分之前,如:These two are only slightly different.right after this, very smoothly当然,副词 enough 是一个例外,要放在修饰成分的后面,如:I am not good enough to do this job. (对)I am not enough good to do this job. (错)3. 表示频率的副词常放在实意动词之前,be 动词之后,如:He often/ always/ rarely/seldom/never play(实意动词) tennis.He is always here at 8clock. (be 动词之后)4. 部分副词的位置没有一定的规定,原则上接近被修饰词即可,如: only, even, still, perhaps, etc.容易混淆的词hard (努力,副词) -hardly (几乎不,副词)close (接近,形容词) -closely(接近,副词)near (接近,形容词) -nearly (几乎,副词) , nearby (adj.邻近的)most (大多数的,形容词) -mostly(主要地,大部分 副词)late (迟、晚,形容词) -lately (最近,副词) ,later(adv.稍后的)high (高的,形容词) -highly (adv. 非常,大大的)另外: friendly(友好的) , lovely(可爱的、有趣的) ,尽管词尾有 ly, 但是都是形容词作主语:不定式短语可作主语如:To see is to believe (百闻不如一见)To work hard should be your major concern.注意:由于英文不习惯句子主语过长,不定式主语常被形式主语 it 所代替(详见第十七章)例如上面第二句可以变为: It should be your major concern to work hard. 又如: It is very nice of you to help me不定式常接在名词之后作定语,如:something to read, nothing to do, anything to declare,a lot to complain of, the right person to talk to, etc. 由上述例子不难看出不定式和被修饰词间有动宾关系,因此不及物动词之后必须加上相搭配的介词(例如上面的 complain + of, talk +to)不定式定语还可表示将来的含义,如:in the years to follow, the meeting to be held in June 独立主格的主语和句子主语不一致如:(With) His mouth filled with water, he couldnt utter a word. (独立主格)对于分词来讲其逻辑主语必须和句子的主语保持一致:Filling his mouth with water, he couldnt utter a word.在 TOEFL 考试中,经常混淆反身代词的写法,结尾的-self 和-selves 经常故意写错反身代词的用法可以用来做宾语: He hurt himself when he fell.可以用来做表语: He is not quite himself today. (他今天有些不舒服)反身代词经常放在名词或者代名词的后面来进行强调, 表示“亲自”的意思 I myself do it. I do it myself. They made the research themselves.
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