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试卷代号:1003中央广播电视大学 2003 一 2004 学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试英语专业高级日常英语试题2004 年 7 月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站) 名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、周蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees:TMs examination consists of three sectionsThey are:Section I:Listening Test(40 points,40 minutes)Section :Reading Test(40 points,50 minutes)Section :Writing Test(20 points,30 minutes)The total marks for this examination are 100 pointsTime allowed for completing thisexamination is 2 hours(120 minutes)Section I:Listening Test 40 pointsInstructions:The Listening Test will take approximately 30 minutesThere arethree parts to the test and you will hear each part twice:There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each part to Yet you look at the task andanother pause after each part to allow you to think about your answersYou can first write your answers on this test paperYou will have 10 minutes at theend of the listening test to transfer your answers to the answer sheetALL ANSWERS MUST APPEAR ON THE ANSWER SHEETPart 1(1-8)A Telephone ConversationQuestions(18)Blank filling Listen to tile telephone conversation and fill in the blankswith the appropriate wordsNow you have half a minute to look at the questionsDate: 16 SeptemberTime: 4 pmTo: (1) Message:Please call back tonight(2) or tomorrow morning(3) From: (4) Subject of call: (5) to(6) next weekHow many (7) neededCallers number:(8) Now you have half a minute to check you answersPart Two:(9 14)An Extended ConversationQuestions 914 True or False Listen to the extended conversation and decide whether thefollowing statements are true or false and Write T for true and F for false on your answer sheetYou have half a minute to look at the questions9The first AIDS case found in China was a foreigner10There is an AIDS patients club at Union Hospital11Only HIV and AIDS patients can join the club12Better sex education can help to stop the spread of AIDS13AIDS is more widespread in urban areas14AIDS infection is often linked to drug usePart 3(1529)A MonologueYou are going to listen to a recorded speech by a person telling about accommodation Listento the recording carefully and try to understand as much as you canTask 1 Questions(1524)Spot dictation:Fill in the following blanks with one word as youlisten to the speech for the first timeYou now have half a minute to look at thetask1 was lucky enough to find a very(1 5) place to live in Soon after I arrivedTherents only$45 a week,plus my(1 6) of the billsIts a room in a(1) in a high-rise blockThere are three other tenants and though we each have our own rooms,we share the sitting room,kitchen and(18) The rooms are quite well(19) and theres every thing I need in the kitchenexcept a coffee machineBut, fortunately,I can(20) one from a friendTheres a television in the sitting roombut no(21) That should save me quite(22) money Ill have to get usedto writing letters(23) !I havent yet spent much time with the other tenants but Idont foresee any(24) .Task 2 Questions(2529)Guided summary:Listen to the speech for the second time andcomplete the following table by filling in the blanks with one to three words25Our block is in a very neighbourhood26Our nextdoor neighbour is a quiet and person27I can do most of my shopping 28It takes me to walk to the town center29n is not convenient to go to town by bus because it doesnt run Now you have half a minute to check you answersThis is end of the listening testYou now have ten minutes to cheek and transfer all your answers for the listening test to youranswer sheetSection :Reading Test 40 pointsInstructions:There are three parts to the test,each including one reading passageThe test will take approximately 50 minutesThere will be NO extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet;thereforeyou shouldwrite ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task Part 1:0uestions(3034)are based on passage 1 1 0 pointsPassage 1Born In The USAAs a creation of the Defense Department and USuniversities,the Internet at firstdrew mostly US bureaucrats and academicsAlthough its founders assigned domain namesfor about 250 countriessuch asuk for the United Kingdom andno for NorwayUSdomination continued even when the Net became more commercial “If the UScould haveinvented a device t0 export their culture and their policies and the whole fabric of theAmerican experiment,they couldnt have done better, ” said Don Heath,president of t11enonprofit Internet Society in Reston,Va A strong private sector made this domination possible,said David Colton of theInformation Technology Association of America in Arlington,VaPrivate phone lines in theUnited States allow cheap connections to the Net,and busi
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