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13. 专八辅导人文知识冲刺(一)1. St. Lawrence and River Columbia are shared by both _ A America and Mexico B America and Canada C America and Cuba D America and Brazil 2. European settlement of Australia began in the late part of _ when a British penal colony was established on the east coast of the continent. A the 16th century B the 17th century C the 18th century D the 19th century 3. Which sport is supposed to be Americas national sport and used to be call “Americans favorable pastime”? A baseball B basketball C rugby D cricket 4. The largest city in New Zealand is _ A Auckland B Wellington C Christchurch D Dunedin 5. After Adam Bede,_wrote The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner in which moral problems are discussed and psychological analysis of characters are emphasized. A George Eliot B Jane Austin C George Dickens D Charlotte Bronte 6.All of the following odes are written by John Keats EXCEPT_ A Ode to Autumn B Ode to a Nightingale C Ode to a Skylark D Ode on Melancholy 7. Of_s four famous comedies, the best known is Lady Windermeres Fan. A Oscar Wilde B Richard Sheridan C Bernard Shaw D Somerset Maugham 8. If the air stream meets with no obstruction when a sound is pronounced, it is a(n) _ A voiced consonant B voiceless consonant C vowel D explosive 9. The internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is _ A I.P.A B I.A.P.S C I.S.S D S.S.I.P 10. With the _, Latin words were added into the vocabulary of the language spoken in Britain. A invasion of the Romans B Christianization of Britain C Scandinavian invasion D Norman Conquest 答案 BCAAA CACAB 9. 国际音标(international phonetic alphabet)是目前世界上比较通行的音标,简称 IPA,最初制定于 1886年。4. 专八辅导人文知识冲刺(二)1. It was during _ reign that the name Great Britain came into 2being. A Marys B Annes C Jame IIs D Oliver Cromwell 2.Where is Edinburgh? A In Wales B In Scotland C In Northern Ireland D In Ireland 3. One of the most famous national parks in the U.S. is the _ A Yellowstone National Park B Hyde Park C Kakadu National Park D American Fishing Center 4. New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line, so it is the first country to get _ A frozen B wet C the new day D united 5. Mr.Darcy is a character in _ A Tess of the DUrbervilles B Pride and Prejudice C Happy Prince D The Mill on the Floss 6. Lyrical Ballads is the joint work between Wordsworth and his friend_ A Coleridge B Bryon C Keats D Shelly 7._is the representative work of the Jazz Age A The Great Gatsby B On the Road C Look Back in Anger D The Sun Also Rises 8. The distinction of langue and parole is made by _ A Hall B Sapir C Chomsky D Saussure 9. _examines how meaning is encoded in a language. A Semantics B Syntax C Pragmatics D Morphology 10.The sentence “I apologize!” belongs to the category of _according to the speech act theory. A. expressive B performative C representative D constative 答案 BBACB AADAB constative为叙述句 performative为施为句 5. 专八辅导人文知识冲刺(三)美国人口构成 1. The population of the United States is a bit more than 272 million, about 13% of which are Black, 12 % are Hispanic(讲西班牙语的人),4% are Asian and the rest are White Americans. 2. It is the third most populous country in the world after China and India. 3. The most populous states are California, Texas, New York, Florida and Illinois. 4. More than 80% of Americans live in urban areas. 巩固:按照人口数量排列,美国在世界排在第几位;按照面积排,美国又是排第几位呢? 1. Christmas is usually connected to _ 3A the reunion of a large family B the eating of Easter eggs C the resurrection of Christ D the forgiving of others sins 2. The largest of the ethnic minorities in America is _ A the blacks B the Mexico-Americans C the Spanish-Americans D the Chinese 3. The British establish _colonies along the east coast of North American between 16.7 and 1733. A. 11 B 12 C13 D14 4. The largest university in Canada is _ A Laval University B The University of Toronto C McGill University D Simon Fraser University 5. Robinson Crusoe is written by _ A Henry Fielding B Daniel Defoe C Samuel Richardson D Jonathan Swift 6. _is written by Walt Whitman. A Representative Men B English Traits C Nature D Leaves of Grass 7. _is not a novelist. A Henry James B Emily Dickinson C William Dean Howells D Mark Twain 8. _is not one of the core branches of linguistics. A Phonology B Psycho-linguistics C Syntax D Semantics 9. _ is the common factor of the three sounds:p, t, k A voiceless B spread C voiced D nasal 10. English consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc, in terms of _ A manner of articulation B openness of mouth C place of articulation D voicing 按面积计算,美国继俄罗斯,加拿大,中国之后位居第四。 按人口计算,美国继中国,印度后,居第三。 答案 ACCBB DBBAA 6. 专八辅导人文知识冲刺(四)练习题: 1.The national epic of the Anglo-Saxons is _. A Robin Hood B Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C The Canterbury Tales D Beowulf 2. _was the most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend written in alliterative verse.
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