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www.ks5u.com1The market does not believe in tears,and the workplace does not sympathize with the weak!市场不相信眼泪,职场也不同情弱者!2In the modern economy,knowledge is becoming the real capital and the primary wealth.在现代化经济中,知识正成为真正的资本与首要的财富。3Agricultural production is the first priority in our economic construction.农业生产居我们经济建设工作的第一位。4Fair gainings make fair spendings.堂堂正正地赚钱,才能堂堂正正地花钱。5No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar has been fairly earned.倘不是公平挣得,一块钱也不能拿。Money is indeed important,but money cannot buy everything.A miser may think that “money talks”,but if you only give your attention to making money,you may lose many things,such as health,friendship and love.I dont think we should regard money as everything.Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life.What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers.This way,all of us can lead a happier life.Do you have a business brain? Are you always looking for the next big idea? Maybe,like me,you might feel setting up a new company is something you might do when youre older,when you have more experience.But thats not always the case.While some of us may feel young adulthood is a time of tentatively(不确定地) finding our place in the world,sleeping late and partying hard,others are already on the path to great business success.Take the founder of Microsoft,Bill Gates,who started his company as a young university student at Harvard in the US.There are many other examples of young entrepreneurs(创业者) who have become hugely successful,proving that theres no minimum age to becoming top dog.But to be the next business executive requires effort.You need to acquire a keen mind and good business brain and above all,you need enthusiasm.Starting a new business comes with an element of risk but if you are able to spot the next big idea,its probably worth giving it a try.探究发现1Find out most peoples opinion about starting a business.They might do it when they are older and when they have more experience.2Find out the main idea of the second paragraph.There is no minimum age to start our business.3Find out the most important factor to be a business executive.Enthusiasm.
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