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语态是英语动词的一种形式,是用于表示主语和谓语之间的关系的。英语语态分为主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice)两种。主动语态是表示主语是动作的执行者,如:1) Yesterday I parked my car outside the school.被动语态是表示主语是动作的承受者,如:2) A sound of piano is heard in the hall.英语里被动语态的使用似乎比汉语要广泛。英语的被动语态长用在下列的场合:1) 当我们不知道动作的执行者的时候,如:1. Printing was introduced into Europe from China.2. Look! Theres nothing here. Everything has been taken away.3. My car has been moved!2) 当我们不必提出动作的执行者的时候,如:4. I was born in 1960.5. Such things are not done twice. 这种事情不可再做。(现在一般时表经常性动作)3) 当我们强调或侧重动作的承受者的时候,如:6. She is liked by everybody.7. A good time was had by all. 大家都玩得很开心。4) 当我们出于礼貌避免说出动作的执行者时,如:8. Where can you be reached? 哪里可以和你接头?9. Youll be contacted. 我们会和你联系。5) 当有时候出于行文的需要,如:10. The film was directed by Xie Jin. (上文谈到的是该电影)11. Helen was sent to the school by her parents when she was nine. (上文谈到的是海伦)6) 有些动词习惯上常用被动语态,如:12. Its done. (可缩略为 Done!) 成啦! (现在一般时被动式表动作已完成)13. He is said to be a good teacher. 他被认为是个好老师。14. I was born in 1960.15. The flag was slung between two trees. Sling sli slung sl 悬挂7) 有时候说话人在不愿意就行为、意见或自己不大肯定的事而表态的情况下,有意选用被动语态,如:16. This matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.8) 有时候说话人想避免用不明确的词如 someone, a person 等词做主语的情况下,就常常使用被动语态,如:17. After my talk, I was asked to explain a point I had made.反之,如果说话人想表述事关个人时,则就避免使用被动语态了。9) 有时候说话人是想对自己所宣布的令人不快的事情不负责任,因此有意选用被动语态:18. Boss: Overtime rates are being reduced/ will have to be reduced.加班工资将调低/ 将必须调低。如果是宣布令人高兴的事情,则当然会使用主动态动词:19. I am / We are going to increase overtime rates. 将调高加班工资。10) 有时候说话人可能知道动作是谁做的,但不希望提到他的名字或者不提名字而进行暗示或警告,则选用被动语态。比如汤木怀疑比尔私下拆了他的信,他可能会说:20. This letter has been opened. 而不说 Youve opened this letter.*被动语态便于论述客观事实,故常用于科技文章、新闻报道、书刊介绍以及景物描写。比如:正式的布告 / 通告、广告、标题Candidates are required to present themselves fifteen minutes before the examination begins.考生应于考试前 15 分钟到达考场。English spoken 本店讲英语Shoes repaired 修鞋KENNEDY ASSASSINATED! 肯尼迪被刺!ALL GOODS GREATLYREDUCED! 各种货物大减价!被动语态常由助动词 be 加及物动词的过去分词构成。主动语态变为被动语态,可分为下列三种情况论述:1. “主+谓 +宾”基本句型的变化1. Bell invented the telephone in 1876.2. The telephone was invented by Bell in 1876.3. He wrote an article.4. An article was written by him.另外被动结构中的 by 短语,如无必要的话可以省略,如:1. They make these cars in Boston.2. These cars are made in Boston.如果宾语是 that 从句,变为被动结构的时候可用 it 作被动句的形式主语,如:1. They know that he is an expert.2. It is known that he is an expert.或者可以把原宾语从句中的主语变为被动句的主语,宾语从句中的谓语部分变为不定式短语,如:3. He is known to be an expert.在比较老式的英语中,或者在当代英语的少数说法中,被动句的 by 短语也可以用 of 短语代替,如:4. He was beloved of everybody.被动结构中的 by 短语并不一定总是代表动作的执行者,它有时也可表示方式或者原因,如:5. A policeman is known by the clothes he wears.6. I was very much flattered by his asking me to dance a second time. 我对他再次邀请我跳舞感到非常高兴。2. 在双宾语句子的结构中( 就是指动作需要一个中介物到另外一个对象身上,中介物直接承受动作,为直接宾语多为物品,通过中介物间接承受动作者为间接宾语多为人;直接宾语就是动作的承受者,间接宾语是动作的所向或所为的人或物,多为人 ),由于这种句型有一个直接宾语,一个间接宾语,变为被动结构时,只要把其中一个宾语变为被动句的主语,另外一个保留不变。比如将直接宾语变为被动句子中的主语时,间接宾语前则应该加 to (可省略)或者 for (不可省略 )。如:7. He told her a long story.-1) A long story was told to her.2) She was told a long story.8. Mother bought me a new coat.-1) A new coat was bought for me.2) I was bought a new coat.但是当被动句要强调间接宾语的时候,其前面的介词就不可以省略了,比如:This warning was given to them, not to me. 有时候,两个宾语都是直接宾语。那么当变为被动句子的时候,一般将原主动结构中指人的宾语变为被动句的主语,如:9. The teacher asked the students a very unusual question.- The students were asked a very unusual question.3. 主+谓+ 复合宾语 的句型变为被动结构 这种结构是含有一个宾语再加宾语补足语构成的复合结构。只要将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,宾语补足语不变。如:10. They chose Tom captain. - Tom was chosen captain.11. They recognized him as a genius. - He was recognized as a genius.12. We asked the teacher to explain the sentence again.-The teacher was asked to explain the question again.13. I found him lying on the floor. - He was found lying on the floor.在提到被动态动词的施动者时候,一般用 by + 施动者结构,但是也可以使用 with + 施动者的结构,如:Smoke filled the room.-The room was filled with smoke.Paint covered the lock.-The lock was covered with paint. 油漆涂遍了锁上。这里针对的只是所涉及的物质而不是施动者本人。试比较一下 BY + 行为主体 与 WITH + 行为主体:He was killed by a falling stone. (意外)He was killed with a stone. (故意行为,手段问题 ) 他被人用石头杀死了。被动语态除了常用 BE + 过去分词构成外,也可以用 GET + 过去分词 结构。多用在口语中,后面一般不接 BY 短语,如:Hundreds of people get killed every year by traffic on the roads. The boy got hurt on his way to school.这种结构多用在:1. 给自身做某事:I got dressed as quickly as possible. 我尽快穿上衣服。2. 设法做到自己称心的事情,后接反身代词:I saw old Morton has got himself promoted at last. 3. 由于客观原因发生某事,多为不好的事情:We got delayed because of the holiday traffic.少数这样的机构可表示命令人,如:Get dressed! 穿上衣服!/ Get washed! 去洗洗吧!或者有侮辱人口气,如:Oh, get lost will you! 给我走开!- 作者:admin- 发布时间:2004-5-27 23:38:40- 被动语态与做形容词的过去分词(连系动词 + 做表语的过去分词)的区别 1)很多词如 broken, interested, shut, worried 等可以做形容词,也可用在被动语态中作过去分词用。注意区别:I was worried about you all night. (形容词,表示状态)I was worried by the noise outside all night. (被动,表行为)如果
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