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美国中学历史学科课程目标主要蕴涵5 到 12年级美国史和世界史的国家标准National Standards for United States and World History (5-12)中 116。总的说来,其基本内容是:(1)重视培养学生的历史理解和历史思维能力。标准认为历史教学应考察历史事件发生的原因、发展过程、最后结局和影响,把握历史发展的基本脉络和规律,帮助学生解决对当前一些事件和问题的看法,更好地预见未来。应该把历史课当作“理解美国经济制度”或“理解各国新近危机”的源泉。(2)强调培养学生的民主观念和公民意识。美国的形成和发展,与外来移民息息相关的,它是一个多民族、多宗教信仰的国家,唯一拥有的、能约束他们并使他们走到一起的就是平等、自由和公正的民主观念。因此,美国历史课程目标首要强调的就是必须使学生认识和形成“关于自由、平等和公正以及公民、政治、经济权利和义务的民主主义思想构成的美利坚民族的道德值观。”217(3)强调了解美国的发展历程,培养爱主义情感。虽然历史学科国家课程标准以“能力立意”为核心,但它仍把美国史作为重点,详细列出了美国历史发展的十个时代,其目的是使学生认识本国的建国、发展的历程,了解在其中人们为追求平等、自由、民主所进行的持续不断的斗争,从而培养学生的爱国意识,以争取做个好公民,为国家的发展作贡献。为 512 年级学生开发的美国史和世界史的国家标准详细列出了下述能力目标:目标 1. 年代的思考 Chronological Thinking年代的思考是历史推理、论证的核心。没有强烈的年代感,即事件是何时以什么顺序来发生的,学生就不可能解释清历史事件的因果关系。年代为梳理、组织历史知识提供了心智框架。因此,学生应能做到:Chronological thinking is at the heart of historical reasoning. Without a strong sense of chronology-of when events occurred and in what temporal order-it is impossible for students to examine relationships among those events or to explain historical causality. Chronology provides the mental scaffolding for organizing historical thought.A. 分辨过去、现在和将来的时序。B. 在各种历史叙述中鉴别出一种历史叙述或故事的时间结构:它的开始,当中和结束(后者受某一特定的开始限制)。C. 在形成自己的历史叙述中建构时间顺序:按时间往前顺推,从开始到发展再到结果;按时间往后逆推,从问题、事件到解释它的由来和原因。D. 会以一种历法的换算点和日、周、月、年、十年、世纪、千年方式来测量并换算时间:例如以格列高里历法即现行公历中的 BC(公元前)和 AD(公元,“耶稣纪年”)来纪年,并能与罗马历法(753 BC,罗马城建立)和伊斯兰历法(622 AD,穆罕默德由麦加逃至麦地那)的换算点进行换算。E. 解释以时间顺序提供的资料并能通过设计适当的等距离时间间隔和记录事件发生的时序来创立新的顺序。F. 在已阐明的历史发展中重建历史连续性和历史分期模式并能运用它们解释历史的连续性和变化。G. 通过鉴别各种历史分期的组织原理,比较各种历史分期模式。 A.Distinguish between past, present, and future time. B.Identify the temporal structure of a historical narrative or story: its beginning, middle, and end (the latter defined as the outcome of a particular beginning). C.Establish temporal order in constructing their students own historical narratives: working forward from some beginning through its development, to some end or outcome; working backward from some issue, problem, or event to explain its origins and its development over time. D.Measure and calculate calendar time by days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuriesand millennia, from fixed points of the calendar system: BC (before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord) in the Gregorian calendar and the contemporary secular designation for these same dates, BCE (before the Common Era) and CE (in the Common Era); and compare with the fixed points of other calendar systems such as the Roman (753 BC, the founding of the city of Rome) and the Muslim (622 AD, the hegira). E.Interpret data presented in time lines and create time lines by designating appropriate equidistant intervals of time and recording events according to the temporal order in which they occurred. F.Reconstruct patterns of historical succession and duration in which historical developments have unfolded, and apply them to explain historical continuity and change. G.Compare alternative models for periodization by identifying the organizing principles on which each is based. 目标 2.历史的理解 Historical Comprehension为了能理解地阅读历史故事、自传、传记和历史叙述,学生必须发展他们的想象阅读能力去解释历史叙述所揭示的涉及到的人性他们的动机、意图、希望、疑虑、恐惧、优点和缺点。理解历史叙述也要求学生逐渐形成以自己的方式描述过去的能力,并提出历史观点。通过对过去的文学、日记、信件、争论、艺术和历史人造物品的学习,学会避免现代思维,即不是仅以现代的标准和价值观来判断过去,而是通过事件揭示的历史前后关系来判断。To read historical stories, biographies, autobiographies, and narratives with comprehension, students must develop the ability to read imaginatively, to take into account what the narrative reveals of the humanity of the individuals and groups involved-their motives and intentions, their values and ideas, their hopes, doubts, fears, strengths, and weaknesses. Comprehending historical narratives requires, also, that students develop historical perspectives, the ability to describe the past on its own terms, through the eyes and experiences of those who were there. By studying the literature, diaries, letters, debates, arts, and artifacts of past peoples, students should learn to avoid present-mindedness by not judging the past solely in terms of the norms and values of today but taking into account the historical context in which the events unfolded. 具体地说,学生应能做到:A. 通过鉴别涉及了哪些人,何时何地发生了何事,事件是如何发展的,结果如何等来理解某一历史章节的字面含义。B. 鉴别历史叙述提出的主要问题、观点、看法和目的。C. 有想象力地阅读历史叙述并作以下考虑:(a)事件呈现的历史前后关系;(b)历史叙述所揭示的人性他们可能的动机、希望、恐惧、优点和缺点。D. 论证各种历史观点的能力要求如下:(a)以自己的方式描述过去人的观点和经历,并通过利用过去的文学、日记、信件、争论、艺术和历史人造物品来揭示他们;(b)避免用现代思维来看问题,即不以现代的标准和价值观来判断过去。E. 利用历史地图提供的资料对事件发生的地理环境信息进行分类和提取:事件的相对位置和绝对位置,牵涉到的距离和方向,地点的自然特征和人文特征,特征的空间分布和发生于其中的事件的重要关系。F. 能利用表格、饼图、流程图、维恩图和其他图表形式提供的直观准确的资料,对历史叙述进行分类、解释、说明。G. 能利用可视化、文学化和音乐化资料,包括:(a)照片、绘画、漫画、建筑图片;(b)小时、诗歌、戏剧等;(c)民歌、流行音乐、古典音乐等,对历史叙述进行分类、解释说明。 A.Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical passage by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to these developments, and what consequences or outcomes followed. B.Identify the central question(s) the historical narrative addresses and
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