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12013 考研英语写作高分范文相互信任摘要:2013 考研英语(一)写作高分范文:相互信任,查看更多 2013 年考研英语作文优秀范文、热点话题及常用句型请登录新东方网!人与人之间的相互帮助问题 图画描述: 在第一幅画中,一大群人围着一个躺在地上的人,七嘴八舌的猜测着。 在第二幅画中,警察问在场的人们为什么不把他送医院,人们以各种借口搪塞着。 Two pictures above describe a story which we would never wish to encounter. In the first one, a large crowd gathered around a man lying on the ground, gabbling the cause of the accident. In the second picture, a policeman was asking those who were present, Why didnt you send him to hospital? They faltered out various pretexts. It is quite obvious that the drawer wishes to draw our attention to this most unfavorable social phenomenon. Many people are used to finding all kinds of excuses to shirk their responsibilities of helping those who are in 2need of help. In their eyes, their own daily businesses are always more important than those of the strangers. This phenomenon will bring a series of harmful consequences. First, when people refuse to take care of the strangers, the danger of accidents will be much higher, because you have only a small group of people to rely on whenever emergency arises. Second, the possibility of attaining a happy life will be much smaller. If everyone only takes his own interests into consideration, the society will be full of selfish people. The social cost of achieving success will remain high before cooperation becomes a habit. Helping others is equal to helping ourselves. Only by extending our helping hands to others when necessary can we enjoy a happy and secure life.
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