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1 / 4第一章抽样量化编码话路幅值抽样频率抽样速率脉冲流重复率编码过程模拟信号传输质量数字通信数字传输含噪声的环境传输路由信噪比信号电平地面系统噪声功率二进制传输反向操作8-位码序列接收端帧格式同步字the schemes for performing these three functions a series of amplitude valuesa speech channel of telephone qualitya sequence of 8 binary digitsa minimum theoretical sampling frequencya voice channel occupying the range 300 Hz to3.4 kHz8ditits per sample valuethe sparking of a car ignition systemthe stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64 khzrelationship of the true signal to the noise signal the signal received from a satelliteteh complete information about a particular message the shape of the transmitted signalthe attenuation introduced by transmission paththe unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulsesa sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so ona unique sequence of pulses called synchronization word terrestrial system the presence of absence of the pulsea high-speed electronic switchthe time division multiplexertime division multiplexing 第二章串行接口显示终端发送器与接收器数据传输数据流闲置状态传号电平空号电平起始位停止位T 秒的持续时间奇偶校验为错误标志传输错误下降沿符号间的空格asynchronous serial data transmission the most popular serial interface the transmitted data the clocks at the transmitter and receiverthe ear of teleprinterthe dots and dashes of a characterthree times the duration of intersymbol space the group of bits called charactersthe invariable units comprising 7or 8 bits of informationa clock generated locally by the receiverthe received parity bit following the characterthe falling edge of the start bit the character-oriented nature of the data link 2 / 4接收机的定时本地时钟磁带控制比特逻辑 1 电平二进制数据明显的缺点第三章地下电缆卫星通信微波设备调制器与解调器缓冲器定时信号同步脉冲时隙位移寄存器传输媒体线性衰落信息安全键盘数据终端some type of data conversion equipment visual displayterminal two-way data transmitter-receiver called a data modemfull-duplex data transmission systemthe rate determined by the operating speed of the data processor timing signals from the interface assemblymagnetic core memorieslinear attenuation and delay characteristicstransmission impairmentsthe redundant nature of speechcoding process in the data transmitterbinary nonreturn-to-zero signal第四章网络资源信息服务远程终端地址互联的系统命令电子邮件主机无线信道搜索工具用户界面拷贝互联网存取文本信息鼠标协议超文本协议giant network of computers located all over the workedbackbone systemnationwide networkelectronic conferencesremote terminallive conversationworldwide websearching toolthe largest repository of informationnetwork facilities resourcesthe vast majority of the computers on the netthe Unix operating system textual messagesa way to move data between the internet and your pthe convenient searching toolsthe networked hypertext protocol 3 / 4第五章光纤通信光源波长激光器色散传输介质多模光纤长途干线单模光纤带宽宽带用户纤维光学商用技术门限电流光检测器波分复用纤维光网络视频带宽long distance transmission repeater spacing commercial technologyoptical fibre communicationsthe total length of installed fibrelong-haul telecommunication systemthe low-loss silica fibrefibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limitroom temperature threshold currentsthe longer wavelength regionsubscriber access projectimprovements in component performance and reliabilitydata rates for installed fibre optic systemgigabit per second rangewavelength multiplexing wideband subscriber loop systemmultifibre connectorsprojected life time light source single-mode fibredistributed-feedback laserinformation capacityswitching hierarchybroadband services第九章蜂窝式移动电话服务性能频谱频带微处理器移动手机广播业务天线子系统移动用户服务能力利用率单边带扩频大规模集成电路frequency spectrum utilization the limited assigned frequency bandcomplicated features and functionslarge-scale integrated circuit technologydevelopmental cellular systemcentral coordinating elementcellular administrationoperational limitation of conventional mobile telephone systemlimited service capabilityradio communication industryavailable radio frequency spectrumthe allocated frequency bandmobile transceivertechnological feasibilitysevere spectrum limitations 4 / 4蜂窝点蜂窝交换机无线机架呼叫处理服务区FM broadcasting service propagation path lossmultipath fading radio cabinettelephone company zone offices第十章个人通信 通信标准固定电话业务网络容量移动交换中心国际漫游宽带业务接口转化频谱分配模拟方式蜂窝通信原理拥塞蜂窝裂变基站寄存器收费功能接入方式突发脉冲光传输方式开销信息切换算法短消息服务技术规范total access communication system global mobile communication systemtime division multiple accessfacsimile and short message servicefixed communication networksa more personalized systemthe cost and quality of the linkmarket growth fixed telephone servicecoaxial cableinterface conversioncellular communication principlefrequency reuse and cell splitting cochannel interference theoretical spectral capabilitymicro-cellular systembase station transceiversubscriber registerburst transmission modeoverhead informationadvanced handover algorithmsthe GSM technical specifications
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