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-范文最新推荐-1 / 13以弗洛伊德精神分析理论解美丽新世界_英语论文Acknowledgments Paper writing is one of the most challenging tasks I have ever taken through my college life. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution, which either help to yield the original ideas of this thesis, or render indispensible support during the writing.12392My profound gratitude first goes to my supervisor Hu Yan, without whose guidance and assistance I can’t complete this paper. Her professional advice and instructions help me to overcome the difficulties at every stage of the process of writing this paper.I am grateful to all my teachers. Their comprehensive knowledge and earnest instructions cultivated my mind and broadened my horizon. I also have to sincerely thank my friends who have offered me useful suggestions and encouraged me to carry on when I was in the predicament of writing; especially. I’d also thank the authors of the related treatises and literature cited by me in this paper; because without their help and enlightenment, it is impossible for me to complete this paper. Finally, I have to thank my parents. They raised me up, and they always have my back.Abstract(Times New Roman, 四号加粗,左对齐)Huxley’s Brave New World enjoys a high reputation among English language fiction world. In this paper, the author is going to utilize Freud’s psychoanalytic theories as a unique perspective to analyze the nature of the society in the novel and reveal Huxley’s writing purpose.The author reviews the background of Huxley and his writing, and gives a brief introduction to Freud’s psychoanalytic theories in the first place. Then, unconscious theory, group psychology and pan-sex theory -范文最新推荐-3 / 13are demonstrated in the social structure of World State to ensure the stability, identity and community of the society. Lastly, personality structure theory and Oedipus theory are applied to analyze three leading characters in the novel, revealing the internal factors which determined their different behaviors and endings. 2.3 An overview of psychoanalytic theories involved53 Analysis of the Society in Brave New World under Freudian Theories83.1 Social Operating Mechanism in Brave New World83.2 The Influence of Group on Inpiduals143.3 “Uncivilized” Sexual Morality and Civilization17 4 Analysis of the Inpiduals in Brave New World204.1 John the Savage and Oedipus complex204.2 Lenina and Pathological Super-ego234.3 Bernard and Helmholtz, Different Types of Deviation265 Conclusion31Bibliography331 IntroductionAldous Huxley’s Brave New World enjoys a high reputation among English language fiction world. When it published in 1932, it provoked a lot of discussions because much of the discourse on man’s future before 1914 was base on the thesis that humanity would solve all economic and social issues by technology; however, Huxley anticipates a world, in which technology indeed solves all -范文最新推荐-5 / 13of the “problems”, as well as the freedom of will. Thus, Huxley was criticized for his revolting against the “Age of Utopias”, and Brave New World became a typical science and dystopian fiction.Nearly in the same period when the novel was written and published, an Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud, gave birth to the far-reaching psychoanalytic theories. As soon as Freud’s doctrine developed it aroused massive disputes, because it overturned the tradition philosophy at one stroke. Especially, Freud proposed that Libido, which takes sexual instinct as its core, is the dynamic and basis of all human behaviors and the development of a civilization is the result of repressing the satisfaction of peoples instinct, which is the root of modern neurosis (2014:123). Nevertheless, we scarcely note that in Brave New World technology also solves another major issue—the freedom of sex, which would be an interesting research object under the scope of psychoanalysis. Moreover, besides sexual promiscuity, the extreme gregarious society and the inner conflicts of inpiduals also fall into the scope of psychoanalysis. 2.1 Huxley and his worksAldous Huxley (1894-1963) is a British novelist. He is very erudite, best known for his dystopian fiction Brave New World. He is a high-yield writer who wrote nearly 50 works, including fictions, poetries, essays, philosophy, and travel writings. His writing style of satirizing the British genteel class is widely recognized and admired. He was well-educated and was astonishingly prophetic in his evaluation of the aggressive contradictions inherent in human
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