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高一年级期中考试英语试卷(职高)一:单词拼写。根据汉语提示把单词补充完整。 (10)1 troce:介绍 2.rement:要求 3.aant: 助理 4.nsy:吵闹的 5.mo: 现代的6bae:沐浴 7.spe: 特别的 8.fily:最后 9.croed:拥挤的 10.pre非常;漂亮二:短语。根据汉语提示把下列短语补充完整。 (10)1.long time 好久不见 2.hearsb:收到的来信 3.allworld 世界各地 4. internet 在因特网上 5.apply 申请 6. school 职业学校 7.all 一年到头 8.takeof sb /sth 为拍照 9.havetime 过得愉快 10.a of 许多三:单选。 (15)1.You a student and I a teacher.A:is;are B:are;am C:is;am D:are;am2.There a lot of trees in my hometown.A:is B:are C:am D:were3.There a lot of in the box.A:is;food B:are;foods C:are;food D:is;food4.There many great places to visit in France.A:have B:is C:are D:has5.There is in the room.A:two Americans B:one Canada C:many Italians D:one Chinese6.Jane is secretary and Tomis engineer.A:a;an B:an;a C:/;a D:/;an7.Jim acts driver in interesting film.A:a;an B:an;a C:/;a D:/;an8.Mary a student and she usually up at 6:30 in the morning.A:is;get B:are;gets C:are;get D:is;gets9.Grace a job in her summer holiday.She as a tour guide in a park.A:have;works B:has;works C:has;work D:have;works10Toms parents are teachers. _ of them teach English. A. Either B. Both C. All D. Everyone11 have you been in China?A:How soon B:How long C:How often D:How fast12.There are _ tomatoes and _ pork on the table. A. much; many B. many; much C. many; many D. much; much13.How long has he been away。 _.A. Two hours before B. Since two hours C.For two hour14.You may go and ask him. He knows _ about Japanese. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little15.There are _ in the school library. A. millions of books B. millions books C. millions of book16.If I _ a teacher, Ill _work outside. A. become ; able to B. will become ; be able to C. become; be able to17.I guess shes _ fofty years old. A. at least B . at last C. first D. at the most18.Nanjing is a city with many places of interest._ tourists come here every year. A. Thousand of B.Thousand C.Thousands D.Thousands of19.The little girl is very and she always talks to others_. A.polite;polite B.polite;politely C.politely;polite D.politely;politely20.Why dont you your room now?A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning Dcleans21.Skating is _ and Im _in it. A.interesting;interested B. interested;interested C.interesting;interesting D.interested;interested22.I will ring you up if he back tomorrow. A. come B. came C. comes D. will come23.My brother is _ university student.A. a B. an C. the D./24.Some scientists think that it may take _years to make robots(机器人) look like people, and do the same things as us. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C.two hundreds D.two hundreds of25.He often helps his parents do the housework _ Saturday afternoon. A. on B. at C. to D. in四:完型填空。 (30)1 people are nice polite and 2 . People often 3 hello to 4 other 5 the street. 6 a friends party, if they find you are 7 to the area,they will come and talk 8 you like old friends.If you and a 9 get to 10 at the 11 time,he 12 you pay first.If you 13 to walk home 14 the snow, they will give you a 15 in their car. In 16 it is cold 17 winter, 18 you feel very warm 19 so many nice Canadians 20 .().A . Canada B. Canadian C. Canadians D. A Canadian ( ) 2. A.friend B. friends C.friendly D.friendlyness( ) 3. A. say B. speak C. talk D. give( ) 4. A.every B. each C. another D. some( ) 5. A. at B. around C.with D.in( ) 6. A.At B. In C. With D. On( ) 7. A.new B. old C. quiet D. polite( ) 8. A.in B. round C.to D. on()9.A . Canada B. Canadian C. Canadians D. A Canadian( )10. A.cashiers B. cashier C. the cashiers D. the cashiers( ) 11. A.same B. wrong C. like D. other( ) 12 .A.will let B.let C. lets D. are let( )13. A. is go B.are go C. is going D. are going( ) 14. A. at B. on C. in D. with( ) 15.A. gift B. car C. horse D. ride()16.A . Canada B. Canadian C. Canadians D. A Canadian( ) 17. A in B. at C. on D. to( ) 18. A. as B. but C. because D. so( ) 19. A. in B. on C. with D. at( )20. A. before B. behind C. after D. around五阅读理解。 (40)(A )Most people who work in the office have a boss (老板). So do I (我也是). But my boss is a little unusual. Whats unusual about him? Its a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to th
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