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1A Teaching Design for Senior English Book 1AUnit 6 Good Manners Reading 教案Step Greetings (1-2) a. Activities: Show the Ss some pictures and talk about them .Then tellthem an English story and let them answer two questions.b. Purpose: Prepare the Ss for the topic of the passage.Step Prereading (3-5) a. Activities: Show the Ss a group of the tableware on a Western dinner table, using real objects and let them give the name of each one.b. Purpose: To arouse the Ss interest and prepare them for Reading.Step Reading (20-25)a. Activities: 1) Listen to the tape, divide the passage into three parts andget the main idea of each part . 2) Analyze each part. b. Purpose: Help the Ss get the main idea of each part and find some detailed information to understand the whole passage.Step Post reading (3-5)a. Activities: Let one student come to the front to lay the table using realobjects and then get the Ss to talk about the differences between Western dinner table and Chinese dinner table, according to the pictures on the screen .b. Purpose: Make sure the Ss can understand table manners at a Western dinner party better.Step Consolidation (3-5)a. Activities: Get the Ss to do “Yes” or “No” exercises.b. Purpose: Check the Ss understanding of the whole passage.Step Acting (5)a. Activities: Invite some Ss to act how to behave at a dinner party. b. Purpose: To arouse the Ss interest and make them understand table manners at a dinner party better. Step Summary and Homework (1-2) 2a. Activities: Assign the Ss some different homework.b. Purpose: To meet the different students needs.Teaching ProceduresStep GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.(设计思路:亲切问候,让学生们轻松愉快地进入学习状态。)Step Lead inT: Today well learn a passage about table manners at a Western dinner party in Unit 6. Before learning it, Ill show you some pictures. Look at the screen. What can you see in the pictures? S1: I can see some knives, some forks some plates. T: Good. Anything else ?S2: I can see a napkin and a plate of delicious food.T: Very good. Thank you. Now, listen to me carefully. I will tell you an English story. After listening, please answer my questions. (A story)In 1930, a Chinese official visited America. An American friend invited him to have a Western dinner. After the official sat down at the table, he used the napkin to clean the knives and forks. The host was embarrassed. So the host asked the waiter to take away all the tableware on the table and bring other pairs.Question One: Do you know why the host was embarrassed?Question Two: What did you learn from the story?T: Whod like to answer the first question?S3: Because the napkin in Western dinner is used to put on the lap, not to clean the knives and forks. But the official didnt know this and used the napkin to clean them. So the host was embarrassed.T: A good job. Thank you. Who can answer the second question?S4: We can learn that there are different customs between Western culture and ours. If we dont know them, we will be embarrassed.T: Very good.(设计思路:利用多媒体课件展示色彩亮丽的图片,引起学生兴趣;再讲一则英语小故事,使学生对后面的学习活动产生探求欲望。 )3Step PrereadingT: OK. Now if youre invited to an American family, youre served with delicious food. Do you want to make a good impression when having dinner on a Western table? Ss: Yes.T: And do you know much about Western table manners?S5: No. But I know something about them.T: OK. It doesnt matter. Today well learn them. Look at the things on the table. Here is a group of the tableware on a Western dinner table. Please give the names one by one.(Ss give the names quickly.)T: Very good .To have good manners at a Western dinner party, you have to know how to lay the table; how to use knives and forks; how to behave at the table; how to eat; how to toast and drink and so on.(设计思路:利用实物展示西餐餐具,激起学生好奇,从而引出如何正确使用它们及应注意的礼仪,让学生真实感受到在“情境中学” 。)Step Reading 1). T: Now, open your books at Page 38. First listen to the tape carefully, then do some tasks. Task 1: Divide the passage into Three Parts. Task 2: Get the main idea of each part. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Lets begin.T: (After a while.) So much for listening . Please do your tasks with your partners or work in groups. Be quick!(学生们激烈讨论起来,教师走到学生当中去,与学生交流沟通。 )T: Time is up. Who can tell us which paragraph is Part 1? Which is Part 2? Which is Part 3?S6: Para 1 is Part 1. From Para 2-5 is Part 2. Para 6 is Part 3.T: Excellent. Who can give us the main idea of each part?S7: Part 1 is about something on a Western dinner table.S8: Part 2 is about the order of the dishes and some table manners.S9: Part 3 is about table manners that change over the time, following the 4fashion of the day.T: Very good. (Show the screen.)The main idea of each partPart One (Para 1): how to lay the tablePart Two (Para 2 - 5): the order of the dishes and some table manners Part Three (Para 6): table manners change over time, following the fashion of the day2).Analyze each part.(1) T: Lets le
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