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文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 www.jszybase.com1江苏省苏州市立达中学 2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期期末考试试题本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两卷,满分 100分。第卷(选择题共 55分)一、听力选择(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)A) 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案。每个对话读两遍。1What do the students ofte n do after school?APlay table tennis BPlay football CPlay basketball DPlay badminton2When does Nick often run?AAt the weekend BEvery morning CEvery evening DEvery afternoon3What does Peter like doing?AReading story books BTalking with others。CListening to music DPlaying computer games4Where does Tom do his homework?AAt home BIn the libraryCIn the Reading Club DIn the Computer Club5What will Simon do then?AHelp the girl do the exercise BAsk Daniel for helpCAsk Daniel to play with him DAsk Daniel to talk to himB)根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。6Who does Andy live with?AHis cousin BHis grandparentsCHis parents DHis sisters7How many floors does the building have?A5 B20 C12 D158How far is Andys home from the centre of the city?AFive miles BTwenty miles C Twelve milesDTwenty-four miles9How many rooms does Andys flat have?AFive Bsix CSeven DThree10Where do they often stay in summer?AIn the living room BOutside the buildingCIn the study DOn the balcony二、选择填空(共 15小 题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)11He finds wallet on the floor when he goes homeThere is “S”on the cornerof walletAa;an;the Ba;a;the Can;an;an Dthe;a:a12 afraid of the dogIts very friendly to peopleANot do BDont do CDont be DNot be文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 www.jszybase.com213Anhui is the west of Jiangsu and Nanjing is the west of JiangsuAto;in Bon;to Cin:to Dto;to14Mum, I go to the cinema?No,you You finish your homework firstAcould;couldnt;could Bmay:cant:mustCcan;cant;may Dmay;mustnt;mightl5I saw the train into the station slowly a minute agoAcomes Bis coming Cto come Dcoming16How much the new watch you? 5,000yuanAdoes;spend Bdoes;take Cdid;pay Ddid;cost17If the word“herself”is on page 958 in a dictionary,“hurry”on page 1002, “hole”maybe on page A945 B956 C976 D100718Annie often her keys with her in the pastAforgets to bring Bforgets bringingCforgot bringing Dforgot to bring19The meeting room isnt for all of us We need a bigger oneAenough large;stay in B1arge enough;to stay inC1arge enough;to stay in it Denough large;stay in it20Which of the following is NOT right?AHow clever boy he is! BWhat great fun it is to skate!CWhat important work it is! DHow heavily it is raining !21People often think the grass is always greener on side of the fence (篱笆)Aanother Bother Cthe other Dothers22If you work harder, you pass the examsAwill can Bare able to Cwill be able to Dcould23 travelers come to visit our city every yea rAHundred of BAbout 5 thousandsCTwo hundred of DThousands of24My home is from my schoo1A10 minutes ride B20 minutes by bikeC15 minutes D15-minutes on foot25The man has few friends, does he? He is rudeAYes, he does BNohe doesCYes,he doesnt DNohe doesnt三、完形填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)MrWang teaches English in a middle schoo1He likes his work 26 He wanted to be ateacher even when he 27 a young boy文档来源:弘毅教育园丁网数学第一站 www.jszybase.com3In his English lesson,MrWang 28 teaches poemsHe likes poems a lot,and he likes Shakespeares poems 29 of allIn his fifth class today, MrWang taught a poemHe wrote the poem on the 30 andread itAs soon as he finished 31 the poem,the students began to ask questionsHe answered all the questionsThen he told his students to talk about the poem 32 one wanted to stop when the bell rang33 home,MrWang thought about the fifth classHe was happy about what he did asa teacherEvery one of his students 34 the poemWhen they started to talk,they forgot about the timeHe did not have to ask them 35 He only had to answer theh questions and help them understand the poem26Avery many Btoo many Cvery much Dtoo much27Awas Bis Cwere Dare28Anever Bever Csometimes Dseldom29Abetter Bworse Cwell Dbest30Adesk Bwall Cchair Dblackboard31Areading
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