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商务英语单证课文翻译 常用国际商务英文单证有哪些呢?以下是跟大家 _商务英语单证课文翻译,欢迎大家阅读! 1.Insuran _ Policy (1) INSURANCE POLICY INVOICE NO._ POLICY NO._ This Policy of Insuran _ witnesses that the _Company of_(hereinafter called The Company), at the request of _(hereinafter called The Insured) and in consideration of the agreed premium paid to the Company by the Insured, undertakes to insure the under- mentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of this policy as per the clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon. Marks & Nos. Quantity/ Package Description of Goods Amount Insured Total Amount Insured:_ Premium _ as arranged_ Rate_ as arranged _ Per conveyan _ s. s._ Sig. on or abt: _ From _To _ Conditions:_ Claims, if any, are payable on surrender of this Policy together with other relevant documents. In the event of an aident whereby loss or da _ge _y result in a claim under this Policy, immediate noti _ applying for survey must be given to the Companys Agent as mentioned hereunder: Insuran _ Co._ Claim payable at _ Date:_ 译文: 保险单(1) 保 险 单 _号码:_ 保险单号码:_ _保险公司(以下简称本公司)根据_(以下简称被保险人)的要求,由被保险人向本公司缴付约定的保险费,按照本保险单承保险别和背面所载条款与下列特款承保下述货物运输保险,特立本保险单。 唛头与数量 包装数量 保险货物项目 保险金额 总保险金额:_ 保费:_ 照约定 _ _ 费率:_照约定 _ _ 装载运输工具:_ 开航日期:_自_至_ 承保险别:_ 所保货物,如遇出险,本公司凭本保险单及其他有关证件给付赔款。 所保货物,如发生本保险单项下负责赔偿的损失或事故,应立即知本公司下述代理人查勘: 保险公司_ 赔款偿付地:_ 日期:_ CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Certificate No._ Assured:_ We have this day noted a risk as hereunder mentioned subject to all clauses and conditions of the Companys printed form of Policy and to the terms outlined herein (which later shall override the policy terms in so far as they _y be inconsistent therewith). Description of Goods Amount Insured Mark &. Nos. Total Amount Insured: Premium as arranged Per conveyan _ s. s. Sailing on or about _From _ To _ Conditions &/or Special Coverage: Claims, if any, are payable to the Holder of the appertaining documents and on Surrender of this Certificate. In the event of aident whereby loss or da _ge _y result in a claim under this Certificate immediate noti _ applying for survey must be given to the Companys Agents as mentioned hereunder: Claim payable at _ Address of Issuing Offi _ _ dated _ at _ 译文:保险单(2) 保险凭证 凭证号码_ 被保险人:_ 保险货物项目及数量 保险金额 唛头和件数 总保险金额:_ 保费:_照约定 _装载运输工具;_ 开航日期:_自_至_ 承保险别:_ 所保货物,如遇出险,本公司凭本凭证及其他有关证件偿付赔款。 所保货物,如发生损失事故,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。 赔款偿付地点:_ 出证 _:_ 日期:_ Irrevocable Documentary Credit Letter of Credit Irrevocable Documentary Credit Advising Bank_ Beneficiary _ Credit Number of Issuing of Advising Bank Bank _ _ Applicant _ Amount _ Expiry _ Date: From your port_ to_,unit pri _ CIF or FOB_ Draft(s) to be drawn at sight on our bank & aompanied by the following documents, _rked X. Signed Commercial Invoi _ in duplicate Insuran _ Policy or Certificate for full invoi _ value plus_% covering: A11 Risk Insuran _ Free of Particular Average Full set of clean On Board Bills of Lading _de to our order and _rked freight prepaid notify aountee Full set of forwarding agents cargo re _ipt _de to our order and _rked freight prepaid notify aountee Certificate of Country of Origin Detailed Weight List Packing List Inspection Certificate Partial shipments are permitted/prohibited _ Transhipment is permitted/prohibited_ Shipmen
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