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1高考英语时态语态的考点研究动词的考查是高考英语中的重点,仅 15 道的单项选择题中就必考八道题左右,而动词的时态语态既是英语学习的基础,又是英语测试的难点,因为我们中国人说话时几乎不考虑时态,这也就自然成了考试中的重难点了。从这个意义上讲,中、英语言文化的差异愈大,某项知识点成为考点的可能性也就愈大。根据我们对近年高考试题尤其是 2004 年和 2005 年的高考全国题和地方题的研究,我们认为高考英语中动词的时态语态考查聚焦在以下两个方面:从体来看,主要考查完成体和一般体,其次为进行体;语态抽查较为简单。从时间角度来看,共考查七个点:一般现在时及被动语态,一般过去时及被动语态,现在进行时及被动语态,过去进行时,现在完成时及被动语态,过去完成时及被动语态,将来时及被动语态。总的说来,若只从时态的角度出发,过去时比现在时考的多,现在完成时比过去完成时考的多。个中透露出一个重要的信息,即考生对基本时态和重难点时态的掌握可以反观出语言学习中的文化差异。所以,学生在语言习得过程中加强文化差异的感受性比学习语言本身有时来得更为紧要。二. 点“道”为止英语中时态共有四种体(form):完成体、一般体、进行体和完成进行体。时间(time)也有四种:现在、过去、将来和过去将来。但日常使用较频的只有十来种,而用来作为考点的时态则更少。主要是一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,将来时,现在完成时和过去完成时等。而 2000 年以来,特别是近两年的全国卷和地方卷中,现在完成时、过去完成时、过去时、现在时(多以考查被动语态的形式出现)和进行时则是焦点中的焦点。1一般现在时的特点:表惯性动作、表目前状态、表真理或(已故) 重要人物的观点、表将来、表传媒或艺术作品的现时性等。Everybody eats, drinks, and sleeps every day. (表惯性动作) The poor old lady always tells us the same story every time she meets us. (表惯性动作 ) The old folk live in the distant area. (表目前状态) Time and tide wait for no man. (表真理) Ill show you the picture the moment you come. (表将来) Cao Xueqin is the author of the great novel, “The Red Mansion”. (表艺术作品的现时性 ) When do the trains leave? (表将来)典型题例 1: I_ping-pong ball quite well, but I havent had time to play since the new year. (NMET2001, 30)A. will play B. have played C. played D. play (答案:D)典型 2:They have a good knowledge of English but little _ _ they know about German. (2005 津,4)A. have B. did C. had D. do (答案:D)2一般过去时的特点:表过去时段的惯性动作、代替过去将来时(在部分状语从句中)、表过去某个时段的状态或动作等。When Mary was in England, she often went to the Museum. (表过去时段的惯性动作)He told me that they would not go out for swimming if it rained tomorrow. (代替过去将来时)2Father used to tell us a story after supper when my brother and I were young. (强调对比)典型题例 1: I _you not to move my dictionarynow I cant find it. (2004 国 II,30)A. asked B. ask C. was asking D. had asked (答案:A)典型 2:My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _half of it.。 (2004 国 I,30)A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed (答案:D)3现在进行时的特点 : 表正在发生的动作、表将来、表情绪色彩、表现阶段发生的惯性动作等。Its now raining outside. (表正在发生的动作)Liu Huan is giving a pop concert in Beijing next month. (表将来)You are always forgetting my name! (表情绪色彩)He is walking up and down the room. (表现阶段发生的惯性动作)典型题例 1: Are you still busy? (2005 浙,12)Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long.Ajust finish Bam just finishing Chave just finished Dam just going to finish (答案:B)典型题例 2: Because the shop_, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. (2004 浙,34)A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down (答案:C)4过去进行时的特点 : 表过去某时刻的正在发生的动作、表过去某阶段正在发生的动作、代替过去将来时、表示对比或原因。She was doing her homework when her mother came home after work in the evening. (表过去某时刻的正在发生的动作)He was writing a novel last month. (表过去某阶段正在发生的动作 )Tom said that he was going for the picnic on the riverside. (代替过去将来时)典型题例 1: What were you doing when Tony phoned you?I had just finished my work and _to take a shower.(2004 津,28)A .had started B. started C. have started D. was starting(答案:D)典型题例 2: Whats wrong with your coat? (2005 渝,25 ) Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me _ on it.A. sat B. had sat C. had been sitting D. was sitting(答案:D)5一般将来时的特点: 表纯粹将来(一定会做)、表计划将来(打算去做)、表意愿将来(愿意去做)等。Senior Bush will retire from his work next year. (表纯粹将来)The graduates are to go back to college next week. (表计划将来)I will love you till the end of time. (表意愿将来)典型题例 1: -Youve left the light on.-Oh, so I have. _and turn it off. (NMET2000, 13)3AIll go BIve gone CI go DIm going (答案:A)典型题例 2: Did you tell Julia about the result? (2005 国 3,8)Oh, no, I forgot. I _ her now.Awill be calling Bwill call Ccall Dam to call (答案:B)6现在完成时的特点 : 表业已发生的动作或存在的状态、在某些状语从句中表将来或将来完成时、用于某些特殊的句型或结构。a)注意标志性时间状语问题(现在完成时的时间状语可分为两种:其一为精确性时间状语:for, in the past/last year, since 等;其二为模糊性时间状语: before, now, today, recently, lately, already 等等。)b)另外还要注意动词的时间分类问题(瞬间动词和延续动词与时间状语的搭配问题)Mr. Smith has taught English for nearly thirty years. (表某一动作的延续至说话时止)Dont get off the train until it has stopped. (表将来)This is the best beer that I have drunk. (特殊结构)It is the second time that I have come to England. (特殊句型)典型题例 1: The coffee is wonderful! It doesnt taste like anything I _ before .(2005 国 1,34)Awas having Bhave Chave ever had Dhad ever had (答案:C)典型题例 2: More patients_in hospital this year than last year. (2004 苏,26)A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treated(答案: D)典型题例 3: Years ago we didnt know this, but recent science _that people who dont sleep well soon get ill. (2005 粤,28)A. showed B. has shown C. will show D. is showing (答案:B)7过去完成时 : 对过去完成时的理解可有两种:过去完成时是现在完成时的过去时,过去完成时是过去时的过去时。过去完成时的标志性时间状语问题:由 by 引导的时间状语,部分适合现在完成时的时间状语,某些特殊结构( no sooner than, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen 等)。He had received a heavy slap before he realized what had happened.(过去时的过去时)The headmaster told us that he had already known the accident. (现在完成时的过去时)典型题例 1: He kept looking at her, wondering whether he _
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