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2014 中考复习专题 之 非谓语动词1. to+动词原形,和,动词 ing 形式,不能在句子中作谓语,因此称为非谓语动词。2. “to+动词原形”作主语 例: To learn a foreign language is not easy. = Its not easy to learn a foreign language.学一门外语不容易。 (it= to learn a foreign language)比较:Its kind of you to think so much of us. 你为我们考虑这么多真是太好了。Its hard for you to study English well. 对你来说,学好英语是很困难的。说明:for sb 句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词(easy, difficult, hard, important, possible, interesting) of sb. 句型通常使用表示主观感情,人品的形容词( good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right, wrong, careful)3. “to+动词原形”作定语例: Have you got anything to eat ? 你有吃的东西吗?(to eat 限定 anything)There is nothing for us to worry about. 没有什么好担心的。 (to worry about 限定 nothing)4. “to+动词原形”作宾语例: He wanted to borrow my radio. 他想借我的收音机。We find it easy to do the work. 我们发现做那件工作很容易。 (it= to do the work)注意比较:I dont know what to do. 我不知道该做什么?I dont know how to do it. 我不知道该怎样做这件事?5. “to+动词原形”作状语,常用于下列句型例:I am sorry to hear it. (表示原因) 听到这件事我很难过。He is too young to go to school. (表示结果)他太小而不能上学。She is old enough to go to school. (表示结果)她足够大去上学。He got up very early to catch the early bus. (表示目的)他起床很早去赶早班车。6. “to+动词原形”作宾补例:He wanted me to call again. (to call again 作 me 这个宾语的补足语)注意:有些动词后作宾补的 to 应该省掉,常见的有: feel 感觉 hear 听见 make 使某人做/ have 使某人做 let 使某人做- see 看见 / watch 观看,看见 / help 后 to 省掉不省掉均可例: I will have the student clean the window. 我将让那个学生打扫窗户。It is interesting to watch other people play chess. 看被人下棋很有趣。7. “to+动词原形”可放在疑问词后 例:We must decide whether to go or stay.I really dont know what to write about.= I really dont know what I should write about.The question is where to put it.= The question is where we should put it.I asked him how to learn English.= I asked him how we should learn English.8. 否定式为:not + 不定式 例:Please tell him not to be late. 请告诉他不要迟到。9. 某些动词后只能用“to+动词原形”:tell/ ask/ want/decide/ hope/ wish/ learn/ agree/ fail/ plan/ promise/ refuse/ 例:I learned to skate last year. 去年我学会了滑冰。1. “动词 ing 形式”作主语例: Eating too much is bad for your health.= Its bad for your health eating too much. 吃太多对健康有坏处。 (it= eating too much)2. 作宾语 例: He likes reading storybooks. 他喜欢读故事书。3. 作定语 例:the man selling the newspapers 正在卖报纸的男人。4. 作宾补 例:I found the students playing basketball on the playground. 我发现学生们正在操场上大篮球。5. 有些动词后只用“ 动词 ing”形式,,常见的有:finish/ enjoy/ mind / practice/ keep/ miss(错过)/ consider(考虑)例: I enjoy playing football very much. 我非常喜欢踢足球。6. 有些动词后既可用 “to+动词原形”,又可用“动词 ing 形式”,意义有差别,常见的有He likes listening to music = He likes to listen to “Happy Birthday to you.” They prefer walking to cycling.=I prefer to stay at home today. 注意:love/begin/ start/continue/ like/ prefer/ hate 这七个单词用法和区别都一样I saw him play basketball on the playground. 我看见他在操场上打了篮球的。 (动作已完成)I saw him playing basketball then. 那时我看见他正在操场上打篮球。 (动作正进行)I heard him sing a song. 我听过他唱了一首歌。 (动作已完成)I heard him singing a song at that time. 那时我听见他正在唱歌。 (动作正进行)When the teacher came in ,they stopped talking.当老师进来的时候,他们停止了讨论。 (停止正在做的事情:讨论)After they listened to the teacher, they stopped to talk. 在他们听了老师讲课之后,他们停止听,开始讨论。 (停止一件事,去做另一事)Dont forget to close the door. 不要忘了关门。 (门还没关) (忘记该做而没做的事)I forgot mending the broken bike.我忘了曾修理过那辆坏自行车。 (曾修理过) (忘记已经做过的事)Please remember to post the letter for me.请记得为我邮寄这封信。 (寄信这件事还没有做) (记得该做而没做的事)I remembered posting the letter for you.我记得已为你邮寄了信。 (寄信这件事已做了) (记得已经做过的事)7. 非谓语动词考点聚焦 固定句型:例:Jim prefers reading to watching TV. 比起看电视,吉姆更喜欢读书。=Jim prefers to read rather than watch TV. 固定句型:例:I would rather stay at home than go out. 我宁愿呆在家,而不愿意出去。=I would stay at home rather than go out. 固定句型:某人+have +fun (trouble) +doing.例:The students have fun playing football. 学生们打篮球玩的高兴。 在序数词后只用不定式:例:Jim was the first one to come here. 吉姆是第一个到这里的人。 would like= would love 后只用“to+ 动词原形”的形式:例:I would like to have a swim with you. 我愿意跟你一起去游泳。 下列词组中 to 是介词,后只用动词 ing 形式be used to doing 习惯于做- 例:Jim is used to getting up early.look forward to doing 期望做 - 例:I am looking forward to seeing you again.pay attention to doing 全神贯注做 - 例:We should pay attention to studying English.make a contribution to doing 做贡献做- 例:Well make a contribution to protecting it.say no to doing 对-说不 例:We should say no to smoking. 下列词组中用动词 ing 形式be worth doing 值得做- 例:This book is worth reading.be busy doing 忙于做- 例:Jim is busy cleaning his room.feel like doing 喜欢做- 例:I feel like eating noodles.cant help doing 忍不住做- 例:After he reads the story, Jim cant help laughing.2013 年中考英语真题 之 百题大战 【非谓语动词】1. 【13 泰州】I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice? sharing your worries with your parents? A. Why dont you B. How about C. Why not D. Would you like2. 【13 宜宾】Would you mind _ in the dining hall? Of course not. A. not to smoke B. not smoking C. smoke D. not smoke 3. 【13 雅安】Students should learn how problems.A. solve B. solving C. can solve D. to solve4. 【13 雅安】Can you finish these books before 10 oclock? 一 Yes, I can.A. to read B. read C. reads D. readi
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