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开放英语(2)作业第一次第一部分交际用语(10分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B (Wrong)。(每题2分,共10分)1.- Shall we see a movie tonight? - See you later. (B) ARight BWrong2.- What would you like to drink, madam? - Can I have a glass of white wine? (A) ARight BWrong3.- When did you first come to China? - 10 years ago. (A) ARight BWrong4- Do you like your job? - Im a nurse. (B) ARight BWrong5.- What are you going to do this evening? -1 went there with some friends. (B) ARight BWrong第二部分 词汇与结构(40分)6 - 25小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题2分,共40分)6. Today is too busy. Lets discuss it _ next week. (C) A. sometimes B. some times C. some time 7. A: Im sorry to have kept you waiting. (A)B: Oh, not at all, I _ here only a few minutes. A. have been B. came C. will be 8. His yandfather is very healthy. He _ drinks _ smokes. (B) A. both, and B. neither, nor C. neither, or 9. As she _ the newspaper, Cranny _ asleep. (B) A. read- was falling B. was reading- fell C. read-fell10. The book was rather expensive, but I bought it _. (B) A. any way B. anyway C. even though 11. The buses, _ were iull of people, couldnt go very fast. (B) A. that B. which C. there12. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It _ anyone. (A) A. could have been B. should have been C. must have been13. Mary said she _ all over the world. (A) A. had been to B. has gone to C. went to 14. Marys father is very pleased _ her. (A) A. with B. at C. for15. Youd better have your hair _ before going to your friends wedding. (B) A. cutting B. cut C. to cut16. He stopped _ TV when dinner was ready. (A) A. watching B. to watch C. watch17. Nice weather, _? (C) A. doesnt it B. hasnt it C. isnt it 18. Mike offered to help and so _ John. (C) A. does B. is C. did19. Mary told Little Tom not _ all the money. ( C) A. spend B. spent C. to spend 20. A: Have you finished your homework? ( C) B: _.A. No, I didnt. B. No, I havent finished. C. No, I havent. 21. He used to _ very hard when he was young. ( B) A. working . B. work C. to work . 22. He has _ gone out. ( A) A. just B. now C. soon 23. We enjoy _ very much, because it is good to our health. (C) A. swim B. to swim C. swimming24. March the 8th is _ Day. (B) A. Womans B. Womens C. Womens . . 25. A concert will be held in the school hall _ 4 pm _ Tuesday (C ) A. on at B. in-in i . C. at-on第三部分句型变换(15分)26-30小题:根据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写下列句子。(共计15分每小题3 分)26Tim didnt stay in the meetingHe left the office(用instead of将两句连成一句)Tim left the office instead of staying in the meeting.27Where is the restaurant?(用He asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked where the restaurant was.28. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive(用but将两句连成一句) That cinema is very nice,but the tickets are quite expensive.29Hesgone.to Shanghai. Hes negotiating a new contract(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)Hes negotiating a new contract to go to Shanghai.30. He didnt run fast. He didnt catch the bus.(用enough-to将两句连成一句)He didnt run fast enough to catch the bus.第四部分阅读理解(20分)31-35小题:阅读下列短文 ,从 A.B.C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案, 共10分,每小题2分) Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunts house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it. After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleYen, she reaiiy needed a better violin. One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better vialin. When he found out that they couldnt afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gave her the violin - she called it the Eric Sound. 31. Marys father _.( C)A. bought the violin from a shop B. borrowed the violin from a friend C. got the violin from his aunt32. Mary began to need a better violin when she was ahout _.( B) A. 10 B. 11 C. 1233. The man at the concen told Marys parents that _ (A)A. she had real talentB. her voice was very goodC. she needed a better teacher34. Mary _ revhen she was16. (B)A. graduated B. set up her own group C. had a new violin35. Eric Sound was the name of _ ( B)A. Marys violinB. Marys
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