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追求的英语写范文 追求,意指尽力寻找、探索。也特指向异性求爱。那么你知道追求的怎么写吗?下面跟着 _学习一下吧! pursue seek aspire 这才是追求心境如水的本质行为。 This is the action of seeking pea _. 他没有心情去追求任何东西。 He was not in the humor to seek anything. 他追求简已有六个月之久。 He had been courting Jane for six months. 他努力追求自己的奋斗目标。 He pursues his aims with diligen _. 人类对正义的追求,是一种终极价值追求。 Hu _n questing for justi _ is a pursuit of ulti _te value. 没有什么追求比对知识的追求更加。 There is no desire more natural than that of knowledge. 追 _乐多于追求道义的友谊不会持久。 Friendship in which pleasure predominates over righteousness cannot last. 追求财富演变成了追求一个富有的新娘或赞助人。 Seeking fortune bees a search for a wealthy bride or patron. 以追求物质生活为目标往往会阻碍我们对幸福的追求。 The pursuit of _terialistic goals usually hinders the pursuit of happiness. 在追求速度之前要追求清晰和条理。 Make it clear before you _ke it faster. 和谐是人类社会共同的追求,和谐是善治追求的目标。 Harmony is the mon pursuit of _nkind and the objective of good governan _. 妻子和我当然还会在职业上追求更大的发展和满足感,但我们的事业已经奠定了一定基础。 My wife and I will surely seek further professional development and fulfillment, but weve established our careers. 我们所追求的世界新秩序是自由国家之间的合作,是自由国家在一个友好、文明的世界里同心协力,共同努力。 The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society. 倘若大自然听到了我们的满足之语,河流将不再追求大海,冬天将不再变为春天。 Should nature heed what we say of contentment no river would seek the sea, and no winter would turn to Spring. 人力资源顾问简?海云称,一些亚洲国家的提倡埋头苦干就能得到回报,不必追求大家的认可。 Hu _n resour _s consultant Jane Hyun says that some Asian cultures encourage an ethic that rewards hard work without seeking public recognition. “ 人活着不仅依靠食物,还需要同志与冒险、追求与发现、服务与 _、爱人与被爱。 Not by bread alone, but by radeship and high adventure, seeking and finding, serving and sharing, loving and being loved. 安捷伦公司的首席学习官特雷莎?瑞秋表示,公司会为员工提供岗前培训,通过评估、互动式在线研讨会、在线培训和阅读等形式,使员工明确公司所追求的经营结果。 The pany does pre-training exercises which include asses _ents, interactive webinars, e-learning and readings to let staff know exactly what business results it seeks. 我们将错失就在我们身边的 _者,我们自己也会错误地追求一些虚幻的头衔,而不是真正有实际影响和意义的岗位。 We will miss the leaders in our midst and _y ourselves mistakenly aspire to some position rather than a true pla _ of influen _ and meaning. 珂赛特和割风先生一同来。“事情颠倒过来了,”吉诺曼小姐说,“未婚妻亲自上门来让情人追求。” Cosette came with M.Fauchelevent.& “ This is reversing things,” said Mademoiselle Gillenor _nd,“ to have the bride e to the house to do the courting like this. ” 模板,内容仅供参考
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