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银行常用英语词汇及短语及相关阅读 每个行业都有它的专业术语,银行方面该掌握哪些词汇呢,下面跟 _一起来了解一下银行常用及吧,欢迎大家阅读。 a deposit form 存款单 a banding _chine 自动存取机 aount number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 to deposit 存款 deposit re _ipt 存款 private deposits 私人存款 _rtificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, pas _ook 存折 credit card _ principal 本金 overdraft, overdraw _ to counter sign 双签 to endorse 背书 endorser 背书人 to cash 兑现 to honor a cheque 兑付 to dishonor a cheque 拒付 to suspend payment 止付 cheque,check 支票 cheque book 支票本 order cheque 记名支票 bearer cheque 不记名支票 crossed cheque 横线支票 blank cheque 空白支票 rubber cheque 空头支票 cheque stub, counterfoil 票根 cash cheque 现金支票 travelers cheque 支票 cheque for transfer 转帐支票 outstanding cheque 未付支票 can _led cheque 已付支票 forged cheque 伪支票 Bandars note 庄票,银票 A: Hello, wele to Credit Servi _s. How can we help you? 您好,欢迎光临信贷业务部。我们能如何为您效劳? B: Im interested in applying for a credit card with you. 我想在你们这里申请一张 _。 A: Are you an existing customer? 您现在是我们的客户吗? B: Yes, Ive had a Current Aount with a debit card with you for years. Now,Im looking at upgrading to a credit card. 是的,我已经在你们这里办了一个带借记卡的活期存款账户,有好几年了。现在,我希望升级成 _。 A: May I ask why you didnt think of applying for a credit card with us sooner? Most young people jump at the chan _. 请允许我问您一下,您 _不早一点儿想到在我们这里申请一张 _呢?多数年轻人是绝不会放过这个机会的。 B: When I opened the aount with you, I was a student, I graduated a couple of years ago and have a steady salary, so I figured now would be the best time to go ahead. 当我在你们这里开户时,我还是一个学生,我两年前后,有了一个稳定的收入,所以我想现在才是申请 _的最佳时机。 A: Thats very sensible of you. We have _ny fresh graduates applying for credit cards,getting them and then going on a spending spree and being unable to meet the repayments. 您很明智呀。我们见过很多刚毕业的大学生申请 _,他们拿到了卡,就开始疵狂消费,却又无法还款。 B: As you can see from the statements for my Current Aount, I have never been overdrawn. Im always very careful about that. 正如你从我的活期账户对账单上所看到的那样,我从来没有 _过。对此我总是非常謹慎的。 A: Wele to I _. What can we assist you with today? 欢迎光临I _银行。我们今天有什么可以帮助您的吗? B: Hello. Yes, Ive just read your leaflet about the new MoneyLink Card. I was wondering how I go about applying for one. 你好。是的,我刚刚看到你们有关新的灵通卡的宣 _。我想知道如何申请此卡。 A: This scheme has just started and you will be one of our first 100 customers,so if your application is aepted, you will re _ive some rather ni _ perks. 这项业务刚刚开始,并且您将在我们的前100名客户之列,因此,如果您的申请被接受的话,您将得到一些非常好的额外 _。 B: That does sound good. Im already an aount holder, have been for _ny years. And I already have your existing card. 这听起来不错。我已经有账户了,开了很多年了。而且我已经有你们现有的银行卡了。 A: That should _ke things perfectly _,then. Actually, if you had waited a little while longer, we would have notified you by post. 那么,这应该使事情变得很简单啦。其实,如果您再多等一段时间,我们也会致函您的。 B: Perhaps your letter is already in the _il! So, I can just upgrade auto _tically? 也许你们的信已经在邮递当中了!这么说,我可以自动升级啦? A: May I have your details,and Ill check for you. 请您给我您的详细信息,我会为您查一下。 B: Certainly. 当然可以. A: OK, so you are already a gold card holder, with a sound credit history. That means we can auto _tically upgrade you to our new platinum card. 好的,您已经有金卡了,信用记录良好。这意味着我们可以自动为您 升级到我们的新的铂金卡。 B: Wonderful! And, you mentioned perks? I do hope Ill be getting some of those. 太好了!还有,你刚提到过额外 _吧?我真的希望我将得到一些 _。 模板,内容仅供参考
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