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2019-2019学年山东滕州张汪中学七年级下册期末综合检测(二)英语试题一、选择题1 Would you like. No, thanks. I m full.A something elseB else somethingCanything elseD else anything2 -_was your school trip? -It was great!A HowB WhereCWhenD Why.3 -What did she do yesterday?-She_at home.A stayedB stayingCstaiedD stays4 Your hair is very beautiful. _A No, it isntB Thank youCNot at allD You re welcome5 Those are my twin sisters. _ of them are interested in soap operas.A EachB AllCBothD One6 - Are you happy to have the two-month summer holiday?-Sure. We can relax ourselves and do many things we like.A two monthsB two monthCtwo months D two month s7 _do you want to see them? _ they re interesting.A Why , soB Why, BecauseCBecause, SoD So, Why8 _late for school again.A NotB Not beCDon t beD Aren t9 The Internet is really _ to us. We can download a lot of things from it.A. usefulB. difficultC. different10 It usually takes him 10 minutes _ to school.A. walksB. to walkC. walk11 What does your sister do on Sunday evening?She usuallybooks but now sheTV.A. read, watchB. reads, is watchingC. is reading, watches12 Where is Vickers now?He _ in the reading room.A. readB. readingC. is reading13 She is in Canadavacation now.第 1页A inB onCatD to14 Her mother goes to work _ bus every morning.A. byB. atC. on15 My father is a policeman. He is _ help with my lessons.A enough busy toB busy enough toCtoo busy toD very busy to16 Could you teach me how to use the computer?_.A Never mindB Not at allCNo problemD That s all right17 There are about _ students in our school.A four thousandB four thousands ofCfour thousand ofD thousand of18 the weather? It s rainingA. How s,likeB. What s,likeC. what s, /19 film Alice Through the Looking Glass(爱丽丝镜中奇遇记)was shown on 27 May. Itis_wonderful film.A A; aB An; aCThe; aD The; an20 Look at my new watch! How beautiful!_, where did you buy it?A On the wayB In the wayCBy the wayD In this way二、完型填空In Australia, different people have different ways to enjoy themselves. They also have their own ideas about_ to pass time._ children, about 80%, work hard in school because they have to take lots of exams. _ school, theydon t want to stay at home reading books anymore.Instead, they put aside their school bags and go out to play.Some old people _ early in the morning. Then they go to park to _. It helps them know what ishappening around the world. In the evening, they would prefer to stay at home _ rather than do anything else.Young people enjoy having _ trips on weekends. They go to mountains to have a picnic or _tothe forest to camp. They usually start on Friday and spend one or two days outside. Then on _ evening, theystart their way back home.Nobody seems to be in a hurry, although a busy week is waiting for _ again.21 A. whatB. howC. when第 2页22 A. SomeB. MostC. All23 A. InB. AtC. After24 A. get upB. come upC. stay up25 A. read newspapersB. do sportsC. enjoy themselves26 A. climbing hillsB. watching TVC. going shopping27 A. boringB. busy C. relaxing28 A. goB. goesC. went29 A. FridayB. SundayC. Tuesday30 A. theyB. themC. their三、阅读单选Studying in groups is becoming more and more popular in class. It has many advantages. For example, we can notonly save time but also encourage each other when we study in groups. I still remember when I was in Grade 8,my physics was very poor, I had a really hard time with it. Once in class, the teachers asked us to discuss it witheach other, but I was very shy, I could not do it like what they told me. My physics teacher encouraged me to faceothers and talk with someone else bravely, then I studied with some classmates together. When I did notunderstand any questions, they could give me some advice, I could quickly find out the ways to deal with theproblems.After that, I felt very relaxed and asked my classmates a lot of questions about physics. I did not feel stressed outat all. At last, I finished my homework by myself for the first time. How excited I was!Because of studying in groups, I am not worried about physics any more. With my classmates help, I get moreconfidence. It also
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